Amos Lee

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    @Lafayette wrote:

    Five questions for Amos Lee. I found his response on what it was like to peform with Bob Dylan & Elvis Costello somewhat fascinating. I tried to copy & paste that question and answer but for the first time I have experienced, was shut out. N/A – not allowed.

    I see what you mean Lafayette about copy and paste.
    So I did a work around and hit edit select all and pasted and edited in MS Word.
    Here is the text.

    Filed Under
    Amos Lee
    8 p.m. Tue.
    The Ark
    316 S. Main, Ann Arbor
    $35, $42 (sold out)
    Sometimes nice guys finish first. That’s the case with Amos Lee, the easygoing school teacher turned singer-songwriter who scored his first No. 1 album In February when “Mission Bell” debuted on the top spot of the Billboard 200.
    Lee’s fourth release was recorded with members of the indie-rock band Calexico.
    The Philadelphia-born Lee plays a sold-out concert at the Ark in Ann Arbor on Tuesday.
    QUESTION: Where were you when you got the news that your album made it to No. 1?

    ANSWER: I was actually pretty sick in a hotel room in Salt Lake City, but I was excited and happy that all the years of hard work had paid off. It’s a collective thing when that happens, because it takes a whole bunch of folks to spread the word. I give big thanks to those who’ve supported me through all four records.
    It’s kind of the reason I went with Blue Note Records in the beginning. … (Label president) Bruce Lundvall is one of the ambassadors of music. He’s a descendant of the John Hammond school, which is to let artists be artists.

    Q: How did you first meet Calexico and then end up working with them?

    A: I met (singer-guitarist) Joey (Burns) and (drummer) John (Convertino) in 2005. I met them at a show in Vienna, Austria. They were doing really well overseas, and we were opening for them in a big (outdoor) square. The environment was beautiful, the square was so lovely and it was a pretty happening experience.
    I became a fan (of Calexico) there and stayed a fan. I admire how dedicated they are to the craft and the process of making music. When it came time for me to record a new album with them, it seemed like an interesting step.

    Q: And what was their studio like to work in?

    A: The studio was set up like a free place in which to create, and I responded to the moment. This is an environment where music is made constantly, and you’re just there to create and that’s your sole focus. I didn’t worry about the sound we got because I knew it would be good.

    Q: What are your thoughts on being the opening act for the best-selling British vocalist Adele on her tour of the UK later this year?

    A: I’m hoping that it’s good for her. I know it’s hard for musicians to enjoy themselves when it’s happening at that level. Everybody struggles and you can be overwhelmed in the moment, but I know she’ll kill it every night. … It’s an incredible nod for her to consider me to be on those shows.

    Q: You performed with Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello in the fall of 2007, the night at the Chicago Theater when you and Elvis joined Bob and his band on an emotional version of “I Shall Be Released.” How did that performance come about?

    A: It was just that (one) night when we played with him. Basically I was chilling out before the show, and one of the fellows from his camp came up and said, “Bob would like you to come down and see him.” Bob started to play a little of the song and asked, “Do you know this one?” I said, “Oh yeah, I know it!” … So we just got up there and did it. I was nervous, and you don’t know it’s happened until 20 minutes after it’s over.

    Great article.
    p.s Did you have success getting into ITunes to purchase Lu’s SXSW songs ?


    Thanks, lwj, for doing that cut and paste transcribing.

    No, I haven’t purchased SXSW itunes yet. Will work on that this weekend. 😉

    A blog Amos wrote in regards to his work with “Musicians On Call” in Philadelphia. I love his retelling of the one man that made a difference to him.

    Five years ago, I was approached by friends at radio station WXPN in Philadelphia to become involved with an organization called Musicians on Call. MOC connects those who are in hospitals and hospice care with musicians who are interested in performing at the bedside of patients who are otherwise too ill to leave their rooms. I was a little wary at first, not because I didn’t feel drawn to the mission, but rather because it seemed like such a sensitive time for people and their families. I felt my presence might be a bit extraneous.

    What I missed in my calculation was that it wasn’t me that was going to the hospitals—it was me and the music that I make. As I have come to find, people tend to value my presence a lot more when I have a guitar.

    Since I was first introduced to MOC five years ago, I have made quite a few visits. I have played and sang at general hospitals, children’s hospitals and veterans’ hospitals. Every visit has etched deep visions in my soul. Here is one of my most memorable visits

    It was MOC’s first visit to this particular veterans’ hospital and my friend Mutlu and I were asked to be the ambassadors for the program. Most of the elderly patients here served in the Korean and Vietnam wars.

    I like to pick appropriate material, but I’m not as versatile as I’d like to be with knowledge of “pre-war” songs. We did “Lovely Day” by Bill Withers, “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley and “Bring It on Home to Me” by Sam Cooke. We went room to room and, for the most part, I think we warmed some hearts. A lot of the time, families would be with their loved ones and we would walk by and respectfully ask if they’d like some music. Based on our fairly random and somewhat uninspired selection of clothes, they were usually hesitant, but as soon as we started singing, heads would turn.

    As the day was ending, we made a stop to one final room. This room was occupied by an elderly African American man with a beautiful gray beard. The nurses explained to me that he was unable to move much do to maladies and complications from his time served but that he was a musician and had recorded earlier in his life. We entered his room gingerly and the nurse asked if he would like us to play. He nodded softly and we went into “Bring It on Home to Me.”

    When the song started, he was staring at the ceiling. And from what I was imagining, he was hoping these silly fellows would finish up and leave him be. But as we got into the tune, I noticed him arch his eyebrow, tilt his head ever so slightly and start to bob his head a little to the rhythm. After the song, he smiled at his nurses and said that, “We’re allllriiight. ”

    I asked if he had anything he wanted to hear and he inquired if I knew any church songs. I knew a few and chose to sing “Up Above My Head” by Sister Rosetta Tharpe. I got through the first verse, which is the only verse I knew, and noticed that he had started to sing softly with us. By the end of the next go round, he was almost full voiced— harmonizing in a rich, velvety baritone that gave me chills and made me want to cry at the same time. After the third time singing through that verse, he stopped and I wondered if he was done with the experience—instead he informed me that I had forgotten a verse or two. He peeked over at his nurse and gave her a wink. She started to laugh.

    I asked if he’d teach me the verses—which he did—and we all three sang those last two verses together, with the nurse clapping right along. When we were done singing, I thanked him for teaching me the song properly and walked out of the room humbled not only by his strength, but also by his patience, wisdom and willingness to open up to us.

    There are times when I am on the road feeling low, rundown or lost that I recall that moment, which was as true a moment as I have ever spent with music. It reminds me that music is not a means to an end but rather an ever-flowing body that nurtures us, challenges us and connects us all.


    Amos Lee has just released his fourth album, Mission Bell, on Blue Note Records. For more information about Musicians on Call, please visit


    I have a ticket to see Amos tomorrow in Indy, front row off to the side, my first show since “Mission Bell” was released. Secret Sisters open so this should be a fantastic show. One caveat, I read in a review he played the first night of this leg of the tour (on Thursday in Milwaukee) with strep throat and a fever. I’m being selfish but I hope he is better before tomorrow.


    Amos pulled off a fantastic set in Indianapolis, strep throat and all. His band entourage was as many deep as I have seen complete with 2 backup singers. He played The Egyptian Room to folded chairs the length of a massive room. Acoustics were perfect, the crowd even more so. Only occasional chatter, ever so soft. For most of the evening you could hear a pin drop.

    I missed the Secret Sisters, the opening act, however, was able to chat with them after the show at the merch table. I purchased a CD, asked them to sign it, told them I unfortunately missed their set but would see them in Nashville. Very sweet ladies, apparently quite the buzz these days. They told me a secret guest would be making an appearance with them in Nashville. I told them I would be sure not to miss it. It’s much easier (for me) getting to a show from a hotel room than from a home where Mom & wife are more in play.

    Amos pulled out two covers, John Prine and Neil Young, dealing with strep throat, nonetheless.

    Sabu Visits The Twin Cities Alone

    Are You Ready For The Country

    John Prine singing Sabu


    Hey Lafayette, enjoy tonight’s show at the Ryman and puleeze let us know in the friendly forum if Amos leaks out any news of his billing with Lucinda in July.

    Now I see you are on a road trip and hence didn’t consider attending last night’s Jessica Lea Mayfield / Daniel Martin Moore show at Southgate House.

    Hope you made it to Amos in store performance today at Grimey’s Record Shop.



    Hope you had a great time in Nashville, Lafayette.
    Seems I get to see Amos tonght at 6:00 p.m. on CMT TV Canada.
    From Amos FB page.

    Canada – be sure to tune into the premiere of the Dakota Sessions With Amos Lee this Saturday at 6pm ET on CMT. Get more info on the show here:
    CMT Canada: Shows : The Dakota Sessions
    The Dakota Sessions : ‘The Dakota Sessions’ showcases some of the best singers, songwriters and musicians. Each episode is filmed at the intimate Dakota Tavern in Toronto.

    Very interesting, when did Amos go to Toronto for this event ?
    I’ll report on the show after.



    So here is my report on Amos performing solo acoustic at the Dakota Tavern in Toronto.
    Lafayette, I think you will be able to see this at a later date on CMT Canada.
    Aired at 6:00 p.m. , just finished watching it.
    Broadcast in stereo with a most effective use of a split screen, Amos did 6 songs in this little underground music venue. A reel to reel recorder was going also.
    No audience was present, only the camera crew so I think this could be the making of a superb DVD in the future.
    Set List subject to stoger’s verification. 😆
    1. Cup of Sorrow
    2. El Camino
    3. Windows Are Rolled Down
    4. Behind Me Now
    5. Skipping Stone (by request from the camera crew)
    6. Black River
    Here is the link to The Dakota Sessions.

    But wait Lafayette, there is more. (The above session must have taken place around the end of February).
    While posting under Kathleen Edwards today, I found some info from Sarah Harmer (another of our moderators favorites) a link to CBC Radio 1 shows.
    When I visited that site, Amos came up.
    He visited the CBC Radio Studio Q in Toronto on February 28, 2011 and did a great interview/ music podcast.
    Here is that link.
    Just scroll down past episodes to February 28 to listen.
    Amos starts at 27 minutes and runs to 47 minutes.
    Outstanding interview with mention of Willie and Lu, he sang Out of The Cold in the studio and related the story of his visit to the Walter Reed Centre in DC.

    All in all, it was a nice start to my Saturday evening.
    I stand corrected, but I think it has been several years since Amos last visit to Canada.


    First, thank you for those eh Canadian links. I’ve been preoccupied with pre-show tasks for road trips plus travel, show, etc. so I missed this. I’m looking forward to watching/listening to them after I get caught up with the day to day. I think he crossed the border to do this promo stuff plus he did a few things in NYC around the same time.

    I never made it to the Grimey’s In Store. I saw it posted on his FB page late Thursday evening and never had time to prepare to get there. A girl I met last year at one of Amos’s shows at The Mercy Lounge made it at the last minute. She said 200 chairs were set up and she was in the back.

    The show at the Ryman was absolutely phenomenal. My first visit to that storied venue was last year at the AMA’s. I then saw JM, front row center (!) last November. This visit had me in the balcony, front row, and advice from a friend of mine is the place to be to hear a show at The Ryman is seated in that balcony. I couldn’t agree more! I’ve seen Amos 11 or 12 times, and this one was, by far, the most superior sounding show EVER. The Secret Sisters opened and brought their father out to sing with them. During Amos’s set, he brought them out to sing a few, with one of the songs being “Clear Blue Eyes” along with Mickey Raphael on harp. Absolutely amazing ! I’m so glad he included that song in the setlist. He was grooving on it much the same way he did in LA with Lu. I have it recorded on my camera but had to turn it on with no video as I was politely told prior, by security, there was no video recording (I had to turn my camera off mid song of the most beautiful version of “Violin”). There was no mention of a Lu tour from the stage. He did mention two items of note. A video was in the works for “Windows Are Rolled Down” as well as proclaiming he would love to record his next record in Nashville. He played one potential song for said record, “Johnson Boulevard,” only to have it interrupted by a disruptive fan that had to be removed. He made light of the situation, saying he was really in the moment, and wanted to try to go back to the bridge to find it again.


    “Clear Blue Eyes” with The Secret Sisters and Mickey Raphael at The Ryman. Audio is great, video shot from afar.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    “Clear Blue Eyes” with The Secret Sisters and Mickey Raphael at The Ryman. Audio is great, video shot from afar.

    Great video and concert report Lafayette, now that we know Lu and Amos exciting schedule for July, I am positive we will hear the original Mission Bell version.
    Back to the CBC Radio interview in case you haven’t had time to tune in, The announcer asked Amos about his recent influences.

    Amos replied that he has been stuck on three musicians for the past year.
    They are:
    Big Al Anderson ( old time country artist )
    Al, the Reverend, Green ( the Blues )
    Arthur Russell ( singer, cellist )-now deceased

    I listened to some of their music and Amos sure has great taste.


    OK Lafayette.
    Now you can watch Part 1 of the best ( other than Lu with Amos of course ) of Amos videos in my opinion.
    The promo tapes from the Dakota Sessions in Toronto.



    Thanks, most excellent on the Dakota Sessions, lwj!

    He is making guest appearances in May on the night time circuit. Really looking forward to seeing him play with Jimmy Fallon’s The Roots band. Following was from an antiMusic recap as part of top story of the week–announcement of Amos & Lu’s 9 show run.

    Lee will appear on TBS’s Conan on May 9th and on NBC’s Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, performing “Jesus” (off Mission Bell) with The Roots, on May 26th. Lee will also appear on CBS’s The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson with an airdate to be announced.

    On Tuesday Amos Lee Announces Dates With Lucinda Williams was a top story. Here is the recap: Amos Lee will hit the road with singer-songwriter Lucinda Williams for a series of shows in July.
    Lee’s dates with Williams kick off on July 13th after Lee winds up his headlining spring tour followed by a series of festivaldates, including The New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival in April, Bonnaroo in June, two shows with the Dave Matthews Band Caravan in June and July, the Newport Folk Festival in July, and a performance with My Morning Jacket at Colorado’s famed Red Rocks Amphitheatre in August.

    Lee will appear on TBS’s Conan on May 9th and on NBC’s Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, performing “Jesus” (off Mission Bell) with The Roots, on May 26th. Lee will also appear on CBS’s The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson with an airdate to be announced. – more on this story


    I caught a little bit of Amos yesterday on CBC’s Radio 2 Drive program.
    Boy, he’s really out there promoting Mission Bell and such a full schedule for this year.
    I have never ever seen a musician’s merchandise table with this product for sale.
    I’ll buy some in Cleveland and smuggle it back to Canada . :lol:[attachment=0:3endya38]Amos Lee Shower of Love.jpg[/attachment:3endya38]



    HA! I’ll expand more on this when time permits, but the back story on the shower of love is hilarious (to me).

    Mutlu, AKA “Angel,” is a singer songwriter from Philadelphia, and I think its safe to say he and Amos are very good friends. It seems Amos likes having him on the road with him. He’s opened shows for Amos over the years and at present is one of the two backup singers on the “Mission Bell” tour.

    They started this schtick a year or so ago. Mutlu comes out as the “Angel” to sing, sort of ad lib, with Amos. I’ve heard the shower of love and the hot dog of love and the hotel freaky version of love. It’s very entertaining.

    This is an excellent, excellent rendition. The Angel appears at the 4:00 minute mark but the whole song is just great. They have a great repoire.


    lafayette, sounds like you had a great time in NO at Jazzfest.
    I see Amos is doing late night TV talk shows in a big way very soon from the email I received today.
    Anyway, here’s a great video from Jazzfest.
    At first when I saw the gal in the front row wearing that cheap straw cowboy hat I thought it was you a la Farm Aid.
    I’m sure you were in the front row, just not visible. 😆


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