America calling Oz…Come in, please…

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows America calling Oz…Come in, please…

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    @Lefty wrote:

    Moving right along…
    Reports from Melbourne, Part Deux?

    Amen, Lefty: isn’t it second week of April ’bout Down Under, by now? Two shows or three uncommented on? C’mon, mates–please.


    Hey All,

    Lucky enough to see Lucinda for the first time at her 2nd concert at Hamer Hall.

    Loved her performance and stage presence. Up there with Bruce and Neil.

    I have a question to veteran fans, does she usually perform from a lyric sheet? I thought that this detracted from the performance.

    The only criticism were:

    1. I felt the sound engineer didnt get the sound right. Lucinda had to make at least two recommendations about the sound.

    2. The backing singers stuffed up the ACDC cover, it was good to see Lucinda pull the band up mid song and get the style right.

    Overall all a totally satisfying experience.


    I have a question to veteran fans, does she usually perform from a lyric sheet?


    its normal for her and i dont mind it at all


    @rugles wrote:

    I have a question to veteran fans, does she usually perform from a lyric sheet?


    its normal for her and i dont mind it at all

    She has likened her use of lyric sheets before in an interview to Linus’ (from the comic strip Peanuts) security blanket. She usually doesn’t need them per se, but their being there makes her more at ease. And I, too, do not mind them at all.



    Saw in Canberra – 4 April 2009. A sloppy start and disappointing performance overall.


    Better luck next time!


    @notgood wrote:

    Saw in Canberra – 4 April 2009. A sloppy start and disappointing performance overall.

    I thinks a lot of people expected Lucinda to turn up and play “country music’ on her acoustic guitar.

    The band and Lu were tight and it was a great show that really rocked when it was meant to and her singing was tremendous. I heard people complaining “it was too loud”, I told one of them they would be better to stay home, its a rock concert after all.


    I found this forum as I was looking for the set list of the 2nd show in Melbourne, I was there, just don’t trust my memory for the list. I am not normally one to write gig comments, but with lack of feedback I thought I’d better put something down.
    I’ve been a Lucinda fan for a long time, she toured Melbourne I think in 89 & 90 playing at a small venue music fans miss here, called the Continental. If I remember correctly it was only Lucinda & her guitarist the first year, the second tour she could afford to bring the band. It was easy to stand 5 yards from the stage & the rawness of the performance easily outweighed what you heard on record.
    So almost a decade on & I’m sitting in plush seats in a Concert Hall, no cigarette smoke in the air, no bourbon in hand, but the anticipation of seeing Lucinda live again. I’d bought tickets for both nights of the 1st & 2nd.
    I enjoyed both shows, however the second was easily the better night. Lucinda did seem a little disorientated the first night (jet lag I assume), & the band didn’t seem to gel until about half way through the show. She finished with It’s a Long way.., but the spirit didn’t seem to be there – yet 100 yards down the road was Swanson St where Bon & co were filmed on the back of a flat bed truck bag pipes blaring for the original video.
    The second night Lucinda had more presence, explaining the songs in more detail, & the audience whopped & hollered being expressive than the night before . She did Passionate Kisses acoustic which was just fantastic, & 2 songs on the night were dedicated to her friend Duane Jarvis who had passed away. Through the last songs Lucinda was definitely enjoying the band & the sound of the hall, & I think the comment from her went along the lines “if mama’s happy, every bodies happy”. Later she told the story of the Buick 6 t-shirt –yes she does have a sense of humour. There was some (unheard) discussion between her & the band during It’s a Long Way & then they rocked it out harder than the night before. I thought that was finale –but Lucinda came back out solo & had us guessing saying how a famous rock artist was little recognised for some of his great ballads & dedicated Angel (Jimi Hendrix) to Duanne. There was generous applause & probably a third stood from their seats.
    As to Buick 6, I think there are mixed feeling towards their style, I stayed for most of their first night’s set, but instrumental covers are not really my scene, & somehow (to me) it just seemed to lack an edge or sense of rawness –one of the reason why we love Lucinda’s music in the first place.
    Lucinda, please don’t wait so long for the next return

    Regards to all music fans,Paul


    For someone who doesn’t normally write “gig comments,” you done good, Paul. Thanks for posting & welcome to our Friendly Forum. 🙂


    Thought I would drop in on the forum -first time..hello folks. I went along to the Melbourne 2nd concert April 2. A very rockin’ gig and loud -it reminded me of seeing loud bands back in the late ’70s. Interesting support acts, though I thought Buick 6 could have cut their set by 10 mins., but still an excellent guitar rock style band. Being a gigging muso myself, I thought Lucinda and the band played pretty loosely on the night (but not a bad thing at all). The title track to Car Wheels was stalled a bit halfway through when Lucinda forgot the words in one of the verses..maybe got choked up, don’t know, but she kept it going with the song. It was a very loud vocal mix on her voice, and I’m sure some of the older folks were expecting pleasant country rock and some were grumbling a bit at the volume level of the gig -didn’t worry me though -great sound in Hamer Hall. She squeezed a lot of songs in as promised and did the AC/DC “Long Way to the Top” near the end.. I think someone in the band was playing the wrong chords, but Lucinda pulled them together ( an apt song for Melbourne, as I remember walking along Swanston St. on the day when AC/DC did their famous back of the truck video of that song in the ’70s). Overall, we loved the gig, and love Lucinda’s work over the years.

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