Alladin Portland-Night 2

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Alladin Portland-Night 2

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  • #31694

    Can’t Let Go
    Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
    2 Kool to be 4 Gotten
    Fruits of my Labor
    Big Mess
    Cold Day in Hell
    I Look at the World
    Side of the Road
    Sweet Old World
    I Envy the Wind
    Steal Your Love
    Burning Bridges
    Seeing Black
    Change the Locks
    Honey Bee

    Hot Blood
    Get Right with God

    Rockin’ in the Free World
    Not my Cross to Bear

    Of Note:
    Took the stage at 9:15 played till 11:25
    Local musician Rich Layton joined on the harp for several songs
    Kenneth Brian joined in on Cross
    Amazing crowd for a really kick-asss performance..

    Great Review


    Nice work, Mike: quite a few future red-ink titles, including “Seeing Black”!!!!!!!!!!!! We’ll trust the “former boyfriend” element of Layton is correct, though it’s not a name I was familiar with. At any rate, thanks for the report.


    A word from Tom:
    Dept. Of Redundancy Dept: Another great great night -Lu and the band just continue to hit on all cylinders. Lu did a complete spontaneous improvisation at the end of Cold Day In Hell and the band went right with her -that was a great moment. Other highlights -Big Mess only played live for the 2nd time and introduced as “this is a new song-it’s about the guy who was taking care of my finances -it’s called Big Mess”. New version of Steal Your Love was great also.
    2 encores -13 song debuts which puts the count a 40. Next up Seattle.

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