ACL 1989 VS. 1998

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    So, having now seen the Austin City Limits dvds from ’89 and ’98, which performance do you like better? In spite of liking the Car Wheels album slightly more than the self-titled, I think her ’89 performance on ACL was far superior.


    Both are great, but I have to go with the 1998 because of Kenny Vaughn.


    Let me clarify…

    I like the band performance of ’98 better. But Lucinda doesn’t seem as into it during the ’98 show. In ’89, she seemed much happier to be there and in good spirits.


    @tonyg2756 wrote:

    Both are great, but I have to go with the 1998 because of Kenny Vaughn.

    So for those very few posters who may not as of yet purchased the superb 1998 DVD from Austin City Limits, 3 recent videos are now on “Lu Tube” to entice you to buy the DVD.
    Still I long for your kiss
    Sweet Old World-Watch this one.


    I just received my copy of ACL the other day, lwj. I was motivated while shopping my favorite go-to-place,, for all things discontinued. I am a self confessed chocoholic, lovin’ the former Hershey Sticks 60 calories and Hershey’s 100 calories Dark Chocolate, which helps get me thru the day without overindulging in my chocoholic*ness. I found one box of Hershey’s 100 calories, it qualified for FREE Super Shipping, and since I wasn’t quite there to qualify, I slipped Lu’s ACL in my cart. I still, have yet, to watch, however, looking forward to sitting down and indulging, in chocolate and in Lu.

    Disclaimer: That long winded explanation brought to you in true Edith Bunker style.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    I just received my copy of ACL the other day, lwj. I was motivated while shopping my favorite go-to-place,, for all things discontinued. I am a self confessed chocoholic, lovin’ the former Hershey Sticks 60 calories and Hershey’s 100 calories Dark Chocolate,

    OK “Edith” but have you ever tried Lindt Swiss Dark Chocolate-more calories but great?
    Watch this comparison with Hershey’s for fun.

    p.s. also the 1989 ACL DVD is superb.


    Lindt chocolate is very good. I usually indulge in a few if I’m shopping at Michael’s Crafts or Borders.

    Dove Milk Chocolate would be my everyday choice of chocolate if I had my druthers. I save that indulgence for concert road trips.


    i like the ’98 concert better, but as much as i’ve seen it i always expect that 2 kool and/or concret and barbed wire will come up next. and they never do!

    a very small quibble with this show: the way they edited greenville; i love the last verses (looking for someone to save you/ looking for someone to rave about you) but they cut twice to whatever the band members were doing. i think that kind of cut works very well on joy and can’t let go, but greenville’s strenght resides for me in the delivery of those verses and i wish i could see lucinda’s face all the way through and not be distracted by… not seeing it.

    i said it was a small one.

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