A Hot Night In Fayetteville, Part Deux (9.20.2010)

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows A Hot Night In Fayetteville, Part Deux (9.20.2010)

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    I though I’d relate what West Words & I did today while starting an “official” thread for tonight’s setlist & show reports…

    This afternoon, West Words & I drove about 90 miles southeast from Fayetteville to St. Benedict’s Cemetery in Subiaco to pay our respects at Frank Stanford’s gravesite. From his footstone: “Frank Stanford – Poet – It Wasn’t A Dream It Was A Flood – August 1, 1948 – June 3, 1978”.

    We also paid a brief visit to Subiaco Abbey and Academy, a Benedictine Abbey & private boy’s school.

    On to tonight’s show. After today’s trip, I am hoping for Lu to sing “Pineola”, although the song may be a little too close to home for family & local friends attending…



    Following in Lu’s footsteps, so to speak. Sad footsteps. It’s something I like doing, though, as I think it brings you closer to the artist, the song.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    it brings you closer to the artist, the song.

    Indeed, Lafayette, indeed…

    Well, it’s 1:39 AM, & we just got back to the hotel. All I can say at this point before I “hit the hay” is…




    There’s no other word than MAGIC. What happened tonight was MAGIC. I thought last night was wonderful & didn’t think it could ever be replicated, much less surpassed, but Lu did just that tonight. Hit the freakin’ ball out of the ballpark. What a performance.

    I must admit, I do not have the setlist. I lazily took no notes, depending on West Words who, again, took notes. She has an early flight in the morning & will post the full set list when she has a chance. But, I can give highlights as my flight is not until 4:30 PM…

    Port Arthur. (!!!) A new, NEW song from “Blessed” performed for the first time ever – “Ugly Truth” – a beautiful, beautiful song. Back to back to back, “Blue”, “Bus To Baton Rogue” and “Pineola”, three of the four songs that really tear me up (if “Lake Charles” had been played next, I think I would have completely lost it). By my count, only 5 songs repeated from last night: “Well, Well, Well”, “Concrete & Barbed Wire”, “Honey Bee”, “Joy” & “Somebody, Somewhere, Don’t Know What He’s Missing Tonight” (the Loretta Lynn song from the upcoming tribute album – Lu nailed it again!). A freakin’ TRAIN that blew right by the venue, whistle blaring, during “Joy”, the train seemingly respecting Lu’s set & waiting until a “loud” song to barrel by). Early in Lu’s set, her loose lyric sheets in sheet protectors being blown about by the fans on stage & the only thing I could think to do to try & help was offer Lu my cellphone (we were sitting right up front) to hold the pages in place, her accepting it without missing a beat, & then me fearing the damn thing would ring during the rest of her set while sitting on the music stand (luckily, it did not – but, then again, if it had been My Sweetie calling, her ringtone is “Blue”, so it would have been somewhat apropos, albeit embarrassing!). Acoustic “Buttercup”. The best vocals I have ever heard by Lu when singing “Honey Bee”. “Disgusted”. “Crescent City”. “Can’t Let Go”. “Changed The Locks”. “Drunken Angel”. Lu obviously having a BLAST on stage. And on & on for what was easily the best show I have ever seen (and, mind you, no hyperbole in that statement).

    I truly, TRULY feel like I was “Blessed” to have been here these two nights & thank Lu & Tom for sharing such amazing performances with their fans, friends & family on such short notice. And thanks again to West Words for making it all happen for me. These were two nights I will never forget.

    More tomorrow (or the day after! 😳 )…

    Good Night All,


    P.S. As promised by Tom, there indeed were cameras present – one stationary, and one “roving” around & on the stage. After the show, Tom mentioned that, if the audio was good enough, they hope to share the footage somehow with the fans. Later in the evening, I heard from one of the camera men that the audio during shooting was taken directly from the board, so I have high hopes the footage will “see the light of day”. I selfishly want to relive this night over & over as much as I want everyone possible to see it as well!


    A post like yours, TNT, is why I frequent this joint. Looking forward to WW’s transcript.

    West Words

    Real quick set list for now, full color commentary when I get home –

    1) Down The Big Road Blues
    2) Big Red Sun Blues
    3) Jackson
    4) Memphis Pearl
    5) Blue
    6) Bus To Baton Rouge
    7) Pineola
    8 Uh-oh, think this was Crescent City
    9) Well, Well, Well
    10) Can’t Let Go
    11) Ugly Truth
    12) Concrete and Barbed Wire
    13) Somebody Somewhere Don’t Know What He’s Missing Tonight
    14) Buttercup
    15) Disgusted
    16) Drunken Angel
    17) Changed The Locks
    18) Joy

    19) Port Arthur
    20) Ramblin’
    21) Honey Bee

    Gotta run! Plane is awaiting. More later tonight. 🙂 AWESOME show!


    Great, great post!

    I noticed the railroad crossing sign next to the venue . It looks like those train tracks are very close to “George’s”??

    Fantastic setlist! I heard the recorded version of “Port Arthur” on the music loop before the Bob Harris interview. It’s an incredible song, and hearing it from its inception at the Janis Joplin tribute show, I teared up a little on the inside listening to it (and that’s so NOT me). I wish it had made the cut for “Blessed.” Hopefully, we will hear it on the next record, or even a boxed set would suffice. 😀


    OK wipes the smiles from your faces and dry the tears from your eyes

    reading the reports makes the clips and wait so much sweeeter
    The recesion is officially over the day after Lucinda’s Accoustic Shows
    Perhaps americana music can lift our eyes to see beyond our fate and into our future–
    are/our best days behind us–only if we let them be–
    if you can not take it anymore–don’t–make it–!!!!

    Sorry!!! I know this forum seems to function like Anderson Cooper on the Road with Lucinda but I am inspired by the journey and Lu has become part of the sountrack—off to Nashville and a night of honky tonkin–have not done no real honky tonkin in twenty three years as that is when I met my new ex wife. Whiskey is sweeter when it is drunk with an ex lover on your mind—perhaps??
    I thought I outgrew whisky–or did I think I had it made??
    Did you’all know they got cute women in tennesse?
    No income taxes either–
    The dry county thing is a trip but it does not seem to slow down the locals–
    The highway is humming in my head and it is all I hear—(stolen)
    highway 40 is just outside my door–I think I will listen////////

    I hope somebody got my ticket??


    Wow. Clearly, the “calling in sick” plan put forward by West Words for me is one I should have implemented. But thanks for the vicarious concert here, next best thing. I heard an earlier manifestation of “Port Arthur” in Cleveland last fall, but this one was no doubt superior–Tom, is it really going to be on Blessed, though? “Ugly Truth” I envy your ears (along with the wind, of course) for also. What variance from the Sunday set list! More more more when you all get a chance. I guess paul from los angeles joined me in missing this gem?


    Also, who know Tom Tracy was bilingual? Thanks for the name of the thread, cher ami.


    @stoger wrote:

    Also, who know Tom Tracy was bilingual? Thanks for the name of the thread, cher ami.

    Part Deux =Ce ne pas correcte.
    C’est “la deuxieme partie”-Have a listen
    Boy, what reports by all, tntracy can sure capture the scene.
    Lafayette beat me to the punch re.the train whistle and Port Arthur as I had to go to the office this a.m.
    TOverby came through with the film crew.
    In the past month Lucinda has travelled from Ventura, up the West coast and back down to San Diego and then swung over East to Nashville for the Americana Awards and BBC Radio 2 and then to the Ozarks for George’s Majestic.
    I would say that’s quite a road trip and a huge treat for us fans.
    Oh yeah, Fans sure has a double entendre.
    1. The song sheet hit the proverbial fan.
    2. Fan tntracy came to the rescue with his cell phone paper weight.
    What other surprises are in store for us this Fall ?


    @LWjetta wrote:

    What other surprises are in store for us this Fall ?

    As a quick addendum to the comments on “Port Arthur” before I board my flight – Tom mentioned to me after the show that, after Lu’s amazing performance of the song, they are reconsidering their decision to leave it off of “Blessed”. He thought perhaps it might be offered as a bonus track. I HIGHLY encourage him to do so!!!! :mrgreen:

    Also, if I could steal a little of Tom’s thunder here (only because, when he told me this, he thought for sure that he had already mentioned it here earlier, with me assuring him he had not – or am I losing it?) – It seems there are plans to release TWO editions of “Blessed”. One, the “regular”, one-CD edition & two, a “deluxe” edition that will include a second CD of……………”The Kitchen Tapes”!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😯 :mrgreen:

    Forgive me if this is old news that had slipped my feeble mind, but I was absolutely blown away by the idea. And, Tom said the deluxe edition would NOT be released weeks or months after the regular one – they will either both be released the same day or, the deluxe edition will be released first.

    Gotta run…



    Thank you, for all the reports. TO, please release these shows in some way…someday. They remind me of the acoustic shows w/Doug in 2006. Precious memories.

    Disco Stu

    It sounds like if the footage from this show is deemed good enough to be released, it’ll be at the top of my shopping list. Thanks so much for the detailed reports, which are the next best thing to being there.


    Here is a link to some of the photos I took in Fayetteville.

    The pictures I took during the actual show of Lu were taken without flash so, sorry for the poor quality / blurriness due to the slow shutter speed…



    Here are the pictures I took before, during & after Lu’s two historic acoustic solo shows at George’s Majestic Lounge in Fayetteville, Arkansas, September 19-20, 2010…

    Above quote from tntracy’s outstanding photo gallery.
    Historic, indeed.
    Pics now safely in my special Lu folder on my computer.
    Count me in on 1/11/11 for the deluxe “Blessed” version.
    Thanks again Tom for your extensive reporting on Fayetteville.

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