5 Live/New York City vs El Ray

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records 5 Live/New York City vs El Ray

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    I’m considering shelling out the $75 for the five live albums and wanted opinions on which is better, New York City or El Ray. Or, should I mix and match? Thanks!


    Search the Lu in General forum for something like ‘CD set NYC or CA’

    I got the LA set and when I get around to it I’ll also get the NYC set. So I can’t give you the ‘vs’ opinion but no complaints about the LA stuff. Either way get one of the complete sets as it works out cheaper..

    On that note, can anyone tell me which particular Live LA CD and track has the story about the ‘who do I have **** to get a fan’ . It cracks me up but I can’t find the track now!


    @ali wrote:

    On that note, can anyone tell me which particular Live LA CD and track has the story about the ‘who do I have **** to get a fan’ . It cracks me up but I can’t find the track now!

    The answer to today’s trivia question is Track # 12 from Sweet Old World. El Ray 09/09/07.



    Regarding which is better, the LA set or NYC set, I cannot say as I own only the LA set (budgetary concerns are the only reason I do not own both). But, I seem to recall a previous discussion here in the Friendly Forum where the consensus of those who do in fact own both is that they like the LA set a little better…



    @LWjetta wrote:

    @ali wrote:

    On that note, can anyone tell me which particular Live LA CD and track has the story about the ‘who do I have **** to get a fan’ . It cracks me up but I can’t find the track now!

    The answer to today’s trivia question is Track # 12 from Sweet Old World. El Ray 09/09/07.


    HAHAHAHA! Great line. Classic Lucinda.

    I just got the NY set a couple of days ago and it is great. I would be interested in knowing the difference, but these 5 discs have graced my various players since I got the mail that day and I love them.

    The reason I didn’t get the LA set is because the web site only lists 10 songs from World Without Tears. I was sure that was wrong, but figured what the hey.

    I really love the intros w/the background on the songs. It’s like getting the director’s cut of a movie.


    @kgdatl0127 wrote:

    The reason I didn’t get the LA set is because the web site only lists 10 songs from World Without Tears. I was sure that was wrong, but figured what the hey.

    Yeah, that’s a “typo” of sorts – the CD sleeve only lists the 10 songs as well, but the entire first set / album is indeed on the CD…



    @tntracy wrote:

    @kgdatl0127 wrote:

    The reason I didn’t get the LA set is because the web site only lists 10 songs from World Without Tears. I was sure that was wrong, but figured what the hey.

    Yeah, that’s a “typo” of sorts – the CD sleeve only lists the 10 songs as well, but the entire first set / album is indeed on the CD…


    I figured as much. I also figured that I would probably get both eventually anyway, so I guess I started with the NY set.

    Lyle Lovett’s new album is very good, too. Especially the title track. It’s been a great week for “new” music for me.


    You are all wonderful, thank you! I hope I can afford both sets some day … for now, I will flip a coin 😀


    I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a West live CD. As much as I love Car Wheels On A Gravel Road, Essence and World Without Tears, I think I love West the most due to the fact it was my first Lucinda album and I’ll listen to it when I get into one of my dark moods and it’s just such a great album.

    I’ll have to buy both of these someday though, they sound like a real treat! 🙂


    My first Album by Lucinda Williams was “Happy Woman Blues'” from Folkways. I play “folk” music and I heard that she was from the South and even from Louisiana as well. Then I learned about her dad as poet laueate for the state of Lousiana. I was “sold” on Lucinda from that day on. I guess that this “dates” me pretty much. However, her birthday is the same as mine and she is only 1 year younger than I.

    I got to see her gor the first time at Tahoe last August. The scope of songs for that night (I copped the play list that Lucinda used as well – man, she made a lot of mistakes and it was so much fun with her singing out of tune, capoed wrong and all that). Laughter was there and the feelings that she can pull out of me are so wonderful and, at times, overwhelming. Her song, “Sweet Old World,” actually saved my life as I went through some really hard times and was committed (I checked in) twice or suicidal ideation due to poor health for 7 years (now, I am in my 15th year of “poor health” and still here and doing somewhat better). This song went through my head and I would cry for hours and hours as I felt so empty and so darkened with depression. I no longer do this, but I will thank Lucinda for saving my life until my time is nigh.

    Now, she is happy and her output is still strong and beautiful. I have a few of the LA recordings and I am going to go ahead and get the New York set. If I am not “fulfilled” enough (yeah, sure!), I will get the LA set as well (I have 3 of them and I now only need the last two). I love, as someone else here said, the feeling that we are listening to the “Director’s Cut” and that we are getting, straight from Lucinda, the story behind every song. From this, I feel a grreater sense of her and her own life, which has been hard in its own way, especially when it comes to relationships. I thought that, when I saw her in Tahoe, I would get the Lucinda from various YouTube posts. Instead, I got someone who was really “there,” her with the music and the audience and the audience with her and her music as well. When I listened to her “Live at the 920 Club” on NPR, I was so angry that people were so rude, yelling nonsense and stupidity and just uncalled for yelling and loudness. I saw some of this lack of respect as well in the YouTube videos. At Tahoe, all were “with” Lucinda and she was with the audience. It was like a flow of good energy, love, “the rhythm, the blues.” I will see her again when she comes to California and, this time, I hope it doesn’t cost $450 for the room, the show and food for less than 18 hours! It was worth it but, just maybe, I could see her twice in a single week for less than that! I will let you all know.

    Take care . . .


    Dear Anyse,

    It was wonderful that you should share your thoughts and reveal what you have been going through in your personal life. To be open takes courage and strength. As someone who has suffered with depression, etc for years I can relate to what you wrote about your connection to Lu’s songs. Some of them really are lifesavers, and touch me on a feeling level I can find nowhere else. Strangely, ‘Sweet Old World’ is also a song I’ve been listening to lately and finding great comfort in playing.

    You look after yourself best you can…



    Thank you. This world is so small and we are smaller still. It is our ability to step out there, to feel, to care, to love and to help one another that allows us to be greater than the smallness that follows us. We have to be bigger than ourselves to be kinder and more caring people.

    Take care . . .

    If wishes were horses, I’d have a ranch.
    C’mon, give me another chance . . .


    @Anyse wrote:

    This world is so small and we are smaller still. It is our ability to step out there, to feel, to care, to love and to help one another that allows us to be greater than the smallness that follows us. We have to be bigger than ourselves to be kinder and more caring people.

    That is beautiful.

    Somehow, I earlier missed your previous post in this thread, Anyse. Thank you for posting your insights. Like padchio and yourself, I, too, have struggled with depression and have found great solace in Lucinda’s music (thankfully, my depression is now under control). Indeed, I imagine that there are many, many people who have found Lu’s music and poetry to be “therapeutic”… 😉

    Welcome to our Friendly Forum and take care. May you have all the peace & comfort possible…



    @tntracy wrote:

    found great solace in Lucinda’s music

    For Anyse, Padchio and Tntracy, thank you for those beautiful words and I felt I would add one or to.
    Everyone in this world feels down from time to time and music seems to give us an uplift to carry on.

    For me, long before I discovered the solace in Lucinda’s music I often reflected ( and still do ) on “I have a dream” by ABBA.
    A couple of lines follow:

    ” If you see the wonder of a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail. I believe in angels, something good in everything I see”

    Here is a link to that song broadcast live from Stockholm many years ago. It seems most appropriate since it was filmed during the Christmas season. I love all the children joining in near the end of the video.


    As NEIL says ” Keep on Rocking”


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