4/22 Santa Fe

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    The latest installment from our intrepid traveller, Mr. Stoger.

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    My apologies for the thumbprint in the vicinity of the driver’s seat. . .

    1 Steal Your Love
    2 Something Wicked
    3 Protection
    4 People Talkin’
    [Lu excuses herself and walks off stage for about 6-7 minutes, saying she needs some oxygen: the boys noodle along all the while, including some harmonica from Stu, some keys from Jim]

    5 Are You Down [obvious setlist alteration: Lu sits, calling this version a “chair dance” and talking about high altitude cities afterward, with her apologies]
    6 Lake Charles [especially emotional intro]
    7 Jackson [!!!]
    8 Fruits of My Labor [stands up again during]
    9 Big Black Train
    10 Stolen Moments
    11 You Can’t Rule Me
    12 Real Live Bleeding. . .[Lu contrasts the words of the title with “being dead,” suggesting the former is preferable]
    13 Pray the Devil Back to Hell [seated again]
    14 Essence [seated]
    15 Honeybee [stands once more: she ends it and immediately starts talking about the “damn altitude” again, has to be whisked off stage after the band has already left–obviously, she thinks there’s more to be done in the main set]

    16 Blessed
    17 Righteously

    Parker, you good for OKC?


    I believe so. Right now watching the weather. I’m hoping it isn’t as bad and my wife and I can get down to the auditorium.


    Whoa: I hope what we west Tennesseeans call the T-Word isn’t threatening Okiedom.


    I don’t think tornadoes are in the forecast but hail and strong winds are. I don’t want to be caught in that.
    Are you going to be at tonight’s show?


    No, I’m elsewhere. I mean, don’t do anything unsafe, but I hope you and the missus can enjoy our Lu as planned.


    Hate that you aren’t going to be there. Maybe the next one.

    We are going to play it by ear. So far it is ok. knock on wood.


    Tornado watch just went up along with hail warning. We can’t chance that. Super disappointed. We had great seats.


    That’s a shame you missed the show but safety first is the best rule.


    I know. Super bummed. We live about an hour north of OKC in Stillwater. We had tornado sirens going off for a couple hours. It went to the south of us so we didn’t have to jump in our tornado shelter.

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