10/2 Town Hall

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    I like Lucinda’s temper as long as it’s not directed at me. You should ask some of her ex-band members if they her temper. I don’t think you’ll get a positive answer. I hope that I’m wrong, but I don’t think Doug Pettibone will be around much longer.


    Haven’t read the Newsweek review yet as I wanted to post first. I thought the concert was fabulous. Her voice was wonderful, Car Wheels as amazing as when I first heard it and the second set was fascinating. I thought some of the singing was great, some of the guests seemed mediocre to my taste and Steve Earle was excellent. Most important though was that I felt like I was part of a real artistic event staged by real people. I hate all these totally scripted concerts that leave me feeling I could have listened to a cd or watched a music video. These were human beings reacting as such. I found it sometimes uncomfortable which when one thinks of her songs is not surprising but also incredibly moving. Lucinda Williams tells her own story in her songs and in her shows. If one is looking for a smooth flawless event choose another performer. I also respect her wish to deliver her songs as she intends and her unwillingness to just slide over what she feels is an inadequate rendition.

    I suppose at the end of the day I go to a live concert for an experience more than just to hear music and I will remember this concert in alot more detail than many smoother ones that I have attended over the years. She respects her audience enough to feel that she has to deliver quality. She also shares her essence.


    Ha! Ok, yes I have to agree that was a strange performance. It did add to the crazy tone of evening though! Anyone know why Fionn didn’t open and only played one song in the second set?


    I was wondering that myself. He was treated pretty poorly during his set on Saturday and didn’t even play a set aside from his one-song “special guest” appearance during sunday’s. Maybe he was put off.

    The kid’s really talented. I’ve been listening to him since Saturday. He just needs to lose the ascott.


    Tim, I got the same feeling about Doug Pettibone. Hope he’s not on his way out, he adds such dimension to her work.


    This is not the first time I have agreed with Tim but I suspect that Doug may not stay on much longer. He is an individual player with a fantastic style and totally complementary to Lucinda’s songs. Hopefully the pay is too good…..

    As for Lost It’s allegation that I seek perfection; All I want from any artist is commitment. I saw Lucinda in London in 2003 and she was fabulous as was her band. Same venue 3 years later she was poor and so was her band. Not Doug mind you…and for me he can never be loud enough.

    And it is the very roughness of Lucinda’s live work that I love so much – warts n all. Listen to the live album – raw bliss in a box to me. Lucinda should bear in mind that there are customers in the venue and behave accordingly – and dont give me the stock line about compromising her artistic integrity, she’s selling tickets like everybody else and she has to acknowledge the audience.


    @homosacer wrote:

    I was wondering that myself. He was treated pretty poorly during his set on Saturday and didn’t even play a set aside from his one-song “special guest” appearance during sunday’s. Maybe he was put off.

    The kid’s really talented. I’ve been listening to him since Saturday. He just needs to lose the ascott.

    I can’t comment on Fionn’s NYC performances but i can on his first one opening up for Lucinda.

    The only other show Fionn played with Lu besides these NYC gigs was the Dallas Longhorn Ballroom show, and it was a train wreck when it comes to the sound system. The poor guy had the sound go completely out on him during two songs that night, only to move to the front of the stage and continue on with out amplification to his guitar or vocals.

    Of the eight songs he played that night three of them were unreleased. I was very impressed with not only the way he handled the technical problems but with the fact he had just released his first LP and still played unreleased tunes live.

    I ordered his new release in vinyl; “The End Of History”, and just got it in the mail yesterday and it is outstanding!

    It’s a shame you guys are not getting more from him in NYC. But you should pick up his album. It’s sure to improve your collection.


    I was there, and yet, after reading these posts, almost feel as if I wasn’t! Or, that I am simplistic in my music tastes, or easily impressed…!

    Overall I thought the show was great (see what I mean!). I have “only” seen Lu 6 or 8 times, so admittedly I do not have the body of work some other posters do, but I have to tell you – I love the concept (album a night) the CD being available immediately (listened to mine on way home, and again this AM – more on that later) and frankly just love her shows.

    Now, I am not blindly faithful; “yes”, I thought she started slow, and did not look into it; maybe I am somewhat used to that…

    I sat right behind the guy who yelled about Doug’s guitar, and frankly, I thought it WAS too low; I will not comment on whether his yelling that out was appropriate – I did think the rest of the show was better because I could hear Doug better….so, go figure.

    I thought Steve Earle was great…other guests were good also…
    I spoke with one of the guys doing the filming (for DVD?) and he said that, so far, the LA shows easily top the NY shows….oh well…He also said he first worked for/with Lu back when Bo Ramsey played with her…he was connected with Bo….Finally, he said that before the show, he and Doug were outside and David Byrne came by on a bike, and they said “hey David, what are you doing tonight? Want to play at the show?” Showed me his cell phone, with Byrne’s number..obviously he did not show, but only in NY

    And, finally, I thought the guitar solo during Joy was great….but, what I missed live was a little riff from Heartbreaker (that of Led Zeppelin fame)…near the end…..heard it this morning on the CD though…kind of cool….was wondering who snuck that in!!

    All in all, I wish I were going again tonight!! Oh, and bought a couple of the other CDs too…..at $20 I did not think they were a bad deal at all…..$20 for a spontaneous look at a fabulous artist…..not bad at all…

    Ok, have at me!!


    I guess I have one other thing to say…and maybe someone can shed some light on this for me. What’s up with the fakebook? This was only my second time seeing LW, and I just find the practice to be very unusual…I’ve been to zillions of shows over my years, and have never come across that before from any other artist/performer.


    I love LW’s music, and that she’s fragile, raw, and emotionally exposed. But, I gotta say, how long has she been performing that she can’t read a mixed review and not let it affect her performance later that night? After *30* years of performing, I would hope that her skin had thickened a little and that she could recognize that a review is just one person’s opinion, and that she shouldn’t let it affect her performance for hundreds of people who *do* like her, her music, and her shows.


    @Steve-O wrote:

    I guess I have one other thing to say…and maybe someone can shed some light on this for me. What’s up with the fakebook? This was only my second time seeing LW, and I just find the practice to be very unusual…I’ve been to zillions of shows over my years, and have never come across that before from any other artist/performer.

    fakebook? are you refering to the lyric book she has on the music stand?
    If so, she always has it. And if you have ever seen Neil Young solo you would see he has one on stage with him as well.



    fakebook? are you refering to the lyric book she has on the music stand?
    If so, she always has it. And if you have ever seen Neil Young solo you would see he has one on stage with him as well.[/quote]

    that is correct, i am referring to the lyric book. I’ve seen Neil several times, and he has never had a lyric sheet book with him…I saw him as recently as last month (Farm Aid) and I didn’t see a book….I’m just saying I think its unusual.


    Three of my favorite bands all use lyric books or sheets. Margo Timmins of the Cowboy Junkies has a book. Bob Dylan now uses printed lyric sheets he lays on an unused pedal steel. Bruce Springsteen uses a teleprompter. I’m sure there are others I’m not thinking of now.

    I can’t remember a 20 song setlist without writing it down; I don’t find an artist referring to lyrics onstage as a problem.


    from Tim

    >I hope that I’m wrong, but I don’t think Doug Pettibone will be around much longer.

    just to share, i msg’d tim after (i think) the saturday show that having no indication there was a new 2nd six string in the band, i looked at doug and thought *bill walsh*, then chet and thought *george seifert* (for those non-football fans, george seifert was the assistant s.f. 49’s coach groomed to be head coach bill walsh’s replacement while walsh was still head coach but knew he was leaving on his own terms.) i hope i’m wrong too, but in any given time slice of the world of lw, everything’s changed.


    @Steve-O wrote:

    fakebook? are you refering to the lyric book she has on the music stand?
    If so, she always has it. And if you have ever seen Neil Young solo you would see he has one on stage with him as well.[/quote]

    that is correct, i am referring to the lyric book. I’ve seen Neil several times, and he has never had a lyric sheet book with him…I saw him as recently as last month (Farm Aid) and I didn’t see a book….I’m just saying I think its unusual.[/quote]

    farm aid was not a solo acoustic show. I said he has it in his solo shows. everytime i have seen him solo; which was 7 times back in 1999, he had the lyric book on stage with him.

    when you have a lot of songs and don’t follow prepared set lists you need lyrics.

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