10 Bucks, Swear to God

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows 10 Bucks, Swear to God

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    Green Bay. Oneida. http://www.starticketsonline.com OK OK, so it’s fifteen bucks total with the surcharges. Still, I could have ordered the maximum number allowed and come in under the price of one Madison Square Garden Lu show from last fall. Amazing. Here’s the thing, though: Row O online, Row N by phone, was the best seat available. No subscribers gobbling up the best seats, apparently: the show has been on sale for awhile, and this venue starts selling all its summer shows simultaneously. Still, no complaints. Again, I got a better angle by calling, but online is easy too.

    Does this mean a surcharge will be added to t-shirts and CD’s at the merch booth: ha!!!!!!!


    Correction: http://www.ticketstaronline.com


    is this for real?
    I ordered one, I was planning on climbing the Hi Point in Illinois that weekend anyway…
    Two years ago I saw her in Boston, same deal, $10 ticket but it was the day of show or something, and they were dumping all seats left.

    -fees were almost as much,
    -parking $20
    -seeing opener ‘The Night’s Too Long’ – PRICELESS

    thanks for the info STOGER


    Somehow, Bob, I think parking at the casino (apparently near the Green Bay airport) will be considerably less than twenty bucks. There may even be a shuttle bus to the door! Clearly, this venue expects us to use the funds we might normally pay to TicketBastard for high roller purposes. Each man’s choice, I suppose. I’m grateful for the pricing scheme, even so.


    yeah- fees and parking I was referring to the Boston show…it was a last minute thing, got there late so just parked at nearest place. That is great about the ticket price, CAN’T WAIT!

    Disco Stu

    Wow, that’s incredible. Too bad about the seats, though…I tried and did a little better (Row M, 13th row) but not much. I’m terribly picky about being close to the stage at shows, so that’s disappointing, but I’ll try again. I’m not even sure I can make the show; I may be out of town that weekend, so I have to wait and see anyway. But $10 to see Lucinda? Incredible! (And the fee isn’t even $5 per ticket – it’s $2 per ticket, $3 per order. If you buy, say, 4 tickets, it’s only $11 in fees or $2.75 per ticket).

    Somehow, Bob, I think parking at the casino (apparently near the Green Bay airport) will be considerably less than twenty bucks.

    Yeah…as in free. 🙂 It is directly across from the airport; I’ve been there more than a few times and have seen other bands play free shows at the casino bar itself. I saw BR549 do a 3-night run there a few years back when I was going to college in Appleton about a 35-40 minute drive away. Anyway, when I saw she was playing there I knew it would be at the theater rather than the casino itself…but $10 is pretty darn close to free and more than worth it!

    The casino isn’t bad, though it’s nothing special. Last time we were there they had about 1/4 of the machines taken out for remodeling or something; I’d imagine that’s already been fixed. It was just a bummer because we went on Saturday night which would have been crowded enough anyway.


    Just got my ticket in the mail…YAHOO ! can’t wait. Section O, but I really do not care, as long as I get in the door.
    hopefully I’ll see y’all there.

    Disco Stu

    Looks like I’ll be able to make the show, though I’ll have about a three-hour drive back home afterwards. I haven’t bought a ticket or tickets yet; not sure if my fiancee wants to come along, and in any case I wish I could find a way to get something better than 15 rows back. I might wait it out for a while…and if anybody ends up with an extra or two that are good seats, I’ll gladly buy them.

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