1/10 Milan, Italy

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows 1/10 Milan, Italy

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    Any UK fans out there? Mr. Stoger perhaps treking overseas? Have fun to all seeing shows this UK run 🙂


    And the rest of Europe! Have fun everyone.


    The Stoger is landlocked stateside, but a certain non-moderator/facilitator tells me a certain guitarist might do some postin’.


    This is what is on setlist.fm currently and what I have seen from the few snippets posted by people. Hopefully we can get a more accurate report soon…

    1- Blessed- with a false start, monitor issues right off the bat.
    2- Protection
    3- Right in Time- sounded good.
    4- Stolen Moments- followed with many coughing fits and some nose blowing.
    5- Drunken Angel
    6- Lake Charles
    7- Big Black Train
    8- Born To Be Loved
    9- Copenhagen
    10- All I Want- I would assume a new song?
    11- Unknown?
    12- Essence
    13- Pray The Devil
    14- Honey Bee
    15- Joy
    16- Unknown?
    17- Righteously
    18- Rockin’ In The Free World- sounded good, the band ended early and Lu kept going, I couldn’t quite hear but I think at the end of the song (from the video) Lu apologizes for all the mistakes/technical issues.

    The first show is always rough, I am sure the rest will be smooth sailing.


    Thx Seangod. You beat me to it! I show song 10 as Are You Down? and 11 was Let’s Get The Band Together. Song 12 was You Can’t Rule Me. Song 16 was Hot Blood.


    And the certain person did send the setlist at least.


    Thanks Tony! I will update… let’s hope our friend keeps sending the setlist…


    1- Blessed
    2- Protection
    3- Right in Time
    4- Stolen Moments
    5- Drunken Angel
    6- Lake Charles
    7- Big Black Train
    8- Born To Be Loved
    9- Copenhagen
    10- Are You Down?
    11- Let’s Get The Band Back Together
    12- Essence
    13- Pray The Devil
    14- Honey Bee
    15- Joy
    16- Hot Blood
    17- Righteously
    18- Rockin’ In The Free World


    I’ve read that the show had a bit of tumultuous beginning between Lu seeming to have a bit of a cold, monitor problems, and mistakes being made. Everyone has said that Lu is a trooper for plowing through and by the end of the night both Lu and band were on fire despite the rocky start.

    The balls on our Lu!!! She truly is a force to be reckoned with…


    I think you were right about the first show being a rough one. I think our Euro friends will enjoy this run.


    From a fan’s Facebook page. Thanks Elio!

    View post on imgur.com


    Balls on, gentlemen–nice joint effort. The first post had me hoping some new stuff had been trotted out, but nice list nonetheless. “Copenhagen” and “Born to be loved” back-back midset?? Whoo wee! I can’t forget Blake Mills’ guitar work on the latter back in the day–but what I am saying? The team of Pettibone & Mathis rocked it out, I’m sure. Zurich anyone? Man, I think I once made that Italy–Switz crossing, and for lesser reason than I would be doing it this month. But no complaints as to my current domicile. Keep up the work, boyz.

    P.S. I believe “All I want” is a song Lu used to do live, but apparently that wasn’t the one in the 10 spot last night.


    I missed “You Can’t Rule” too- that brings us to 19 songs, steady effort for a show with some issues!


    A bus ride over the Alps should be worth anecdote or 2.

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