Salt Lake City Setlist

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    So Lu walks on and heads toward a stool. Her first words were close to “Here’s the deal. I haven’t learned the guitar again yet, but I can still sing. It’s a temporary setback. We can still deliver the goods.” She is wearing a “File Under Rock” t-shirt.

    1 Are You Alright
    2 Can’t Let Go (followed by “I can still rock”)
    3 You Can’t Rule Me
    4 Big Black Train
    5 Drunken Angel
    6 Fruits of My labor
    [Lu stands for the final four]
    7 Are You Down (followed, oddly, by “Now Butch can see my back”)
    8 Essence
    9 Joy [with a spoken word addendum at end, pondering the implications of the title]
    10 Take Me to the River

    Afterwards, Lu says “I just got out of rehab” and the audience drowns out her qualification, something like “not THAT kind of rehab” I think.

    Other nuggets: “I haven’t lost my sassiness” & “I’m too mean to die”–something the old blues singers often said

    Most touchingly, Jason Isbell watched most of the show in the wings stage right, and was first to hug Lu upon walk-off.

    She’s baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack. . . . !!!


    Thank you, Stoger! That is an awesome comeback set list! Lu teaches us all how to live. I will send the love her way at RR – we will have ourselves a time. Jason and Amanda are good people. Peace, love, and revolution.. xo, Viv


    Yes, Thanks Stoger!
    Of all the reports you’ve dispatched, this one is going in my “favorites” file.

    Scoped out Isbell’s twitter to catch any comments on the show and saw “event specific” tees and posters for the show.
    Thought this one was pretty cool, not sure if you saw (I’m a sucker for event specific merch).


    Have a blast at Red Rocks!!
    Was following Tedeschi Trucks show from there last night, and they had to clear the venue due to thunderstorms apparently.
    (they resumed after an hour break or so)
    Have got caught up in that at one of their shows there before.. bring a poncho!


    Great report stoger! Hopefully we can touch base with you and vmorris at RR tomorrow night.


    Awesome! Hope to see some videos soon 🙂


    What a great recap, Professor! I loved hearing Jason was side stage for most of the set and there to greet her when she stepped off.

    Lu is such a badass. She has such grit and determination.

    A friend of my husband lives in Salt Lake and was at the show last night. He said it was great show.

    I’ll be living vicariously through everyone’s posts on this run of shows.

    dr winston oboogie

    Thank you so much for the report Stoger, without this we would get no such news over here.
    Wonderful to know that Lucinda is back on stage and fighting this thing head on, I hope she can feel the love and support all the way from here and that Overtime, (pardon the pun), Lucinda can make a full recovery.
    Seen Jason a few times live now, and he is a top top man.

    Please keep the reports and updates coming.


    Thank you Stoger.


    Thanks everyone for your kind words. As for that poster, Mike, I purchased one and promptly gave it two nights later to Viv, who has done me so many good turns through the Lucinda tours. Also, see my note on The Book at end of the current Red Rocks thread.

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