Columbus Ohio 8/8/17

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Columbus Ohio 8/8/17

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  • #74073

    1 Protection
    2 Pineola
    3 Drunken Angel
    4 Right in Time
    5 Prove My Love
    6 Those Three Days
    7 Ghosts of Hwy 20
    8 Lake Charles
    9 Bitter Memory
    10 Jackson
    11 Little Angel Little Brother
    12 Are You Down
    13 Hot Blood
    14 Change the Locks
    15 Foolishness
    16 Essence
    17 Righteously

    18 Angel (Jimi’s; solo, for Glen Campbell)
    19 Honey Bee
    20 Joy
    21 Rockin’ in the Free World


    Thanks for the set list Pancho!  😎


    Allow me to play Lefty to Pancho’s fine list, with a few comments: Lu called “Prove My Love” one of those “early, innocent” songs, then added “unlike the next one. . .” which was of course “Those 3 Days.”

    The “Lake Charles” intro was elaborate, mentioning father Miller both before and after. She retold the anecdote about Hank Williams and her father having a beer, revealed her exact age and that she was born the same month HW died, noted that her father died on a January 1 (same day as Hank did, 62 years later), then predicted that Miller is “hanging out with Hank” in the afterlife.

    Lu dug the chandeliers at the Valley Dale Ballroom, even comparing it to the Fillmore SF (!?!?!?).


    Thanks Mr. Stoger for your value-added remarks. I like that she is doing Hot Blood much. It’s funny.  😆


    RE Hot Blood – after singing the final verse “fixing your flat with a tire iron”, she shrugged her shoulders and chuckled, acknowledging the ‘silliness’ of those lusty references to casseroles, tire irons, laundry and drivin’.

    Also, there was a nice preview interview in the weekly Columbus Alive:

    I was a little surprised how apolitical her comments were, given current times. I guess she uses songs like Foolishness and Rockin’ the Free World to speak out for her.

    I sure enjoyed Angel, dedicated to Glen Campbell.




    Who dat guy pictured in the funny t-shirt?


    What a fantastic show! Thanks for posting the set list.

    I love it when Protection kicks off the show. You know it’s going to be a good night. “Those Three Days”  😎  “Hot Blood” – sexy as hell in my book.

    The venue was a recent refurbish, Lu loved it, and when she compared it to The Fillmore, I knew the night was ‘on.’ The sound was fantastic, wall to wall people, and my favorite regional band opened the show. Lu was on fire. I love GA shows. Nothing better.

    Always good to see you, stoger!

    Pancho, are you from the Columbus area?


    Agree completely, Lafayette.

    Protection is a great show opener and Those Three Days and Hot Blood still sexy as hell. Find it a little amusing that Lu has started being a little embarrassed by the lyrics. The GA venues are the best and this is one I’m sorry to have missed. Always love it when Lu plays Angel and nice to see her give a nod to Glen Campbell.


    From Tom:
    We have had about as good of a start to this tour as you can have, great shows and great audiences. But sometimes when you least expect it something really magical happens. First there’s a bit of a back story. Lucinda hadn’t played Columbus for 9 or 10 years and the last time she was there it was a very light turnout, so we had just thought it was a place that we couldn’t take a chance on so it just sort of got overlooked when we routed tours. When we got around to booking this current tour we needed a show in between Bloomington and Atlanta and Columbus came as in “maybe it’s time to try it again -we haven’t been there in a long time”. It then turned out that the venue that was available was the re-opened Valley Dale Ballroom, and because of that little was known about it. But we decided to give it a shot. Good choice on our part. The Lu walked out she got an absolutely amazing response before she had played a note. You could say that set the tone fort a very special evening—someone used the word triumphant and it really felt like that. The Valley Dale really has a great vibe and it sounds like it’s going to get more upgrades in the near future.
    There you have it for those wondering what took so long -that’s the story. We will be back soon. Thank you for a very special night.

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