London Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows London Setlist

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  • #31939

    1 Can’t Let Go
    2 Car Wheels
    3 Pineola
    4 Those 3 days
    5 Can’t Cl0se the Door
    6 Ghosts
    7 I There’s a Heaven
    8 House of Earth
    9 If My Love could kill
    10 Lake Charles
    11 Fruits
    12 Bitter Memory
    13 Drunken A
    14 Joy
    15 Get Right with God


    Any “Brexit” insights /commentary, Professor? 😕


    Thanks Stoger
    I thought Lu was in great form. She really liked the venue. She was a bit late in starting [9 instead of 8.45] so there was only one song in the encore as there’s a 10.30 curfew, but at least we were spared Honey Bee which is not one of her best songs imo. Not that I was complaining. I loved every minute of it. Stuart’s guitar playing perfectly complimented her wonderful songs. No mention of brexit, just her intros to songs (“This won’t take long. I never used to say anything when I came to London, just played my songs”) I have put a couple of vids up which I’m assuming is ok…[somebody please let me know if not]]


    Yeah, you rightly mention her intros and the hard 10:30 curfew, Andy. Despite a note being routed to her on stage between Bitter M and Drunken A (presumably to cut one song or at least hurry up the pace), Lu’s intro of Joy was a good 3 minutes, all you wanted to know about Betty LAVette and more. Also both Frank Stanford and Clyde Woodward got extended bios before their songs. At another point Lu segued wildly between mid 80’s Elektra Records exec Peter Philbin and Sissy Spacek’s performance as Loretta Lynn in Coal Miner’s Daughter–I think to make a point about onstage breakdowns.

    No, the venue didn’t pull the plug a la that 10:30 Saratoga Winery debacle, nor did Lu rant against labor unions stifling her creativity (Beacon in NYC per 11 p.m. curfew), but the stage manager was not pleased there was even an encore at all, retreating to the back scowling when they walked back on about 28 after. Green-shirted security guy Andy, her right hand man, was cooler. The purpose of the curfew was not of course to urge us out the building doors, far from it. The houselights were up by the time Lu’s heels left the stage,then a blaring announcement about join us for drinks at the bar. So this is a venue which not only separates its sacred space (church) from its booze site upstairs, but one which enforces an arbitrary curfew in which guzzling pints is privileged over multiple encore tunes from a multiple Grammy winner. Ok, but some of us might honor both. I was out the door and buying beverages a block away by 10:37.


    Thanks for all the back door info and insight.

    Betty Lavette took my joy one night long ago in Cleveland. I’ll leave it at that. 😯



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