Amos Lee & Friends (Lucinda Williams): WFUV Holiday Cheer

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    Amos Lee is headlining the WFUV Holiday Cheer Benefit and Lu will be appearing as one of his guests at the Beacon Theatre in NYC on Nov 30!!

    Tickets are already on sale.

    As you may recall, Lu headlined this event in 2012. I’m so happy to be returning in 2016. You can listen to that show by following this link:


    Can’t wait!!!


    Well, this was another special Lu evening. The show started with Amos doing a solo, acoustic song and then The Record Company took the stage and set the place on fire. I will definitely see them any chance I get. Corinne Bailey Rae delivered a beautiful, soulful set — an angel in a purple velvet jumpsuit– and then Lucinda took the stage.

    – Lu solo for Ghosts of Highway 20 (“These towns haven’t changed; still a little bit of dirt mixed with tears…”) Heartbreaking, as always.
    – Stuart joins for a “song that is relevant for these times”: World Without Tears. Tender and moving, yet a protest song.
    Lake Charles, “a song that makes it way into the set night after night”… and we are glad that it does.
    – Amos joins Lu for Little Angel, Little Brother. These two have a mutual admiration society. They would be enjoying a duet together even if it were just the two of them in a living room… no audience required. Really special to witness this connection.
    – Just Lu and Stu for Honey Bee! I understand that Lu and Stu have done this as a duo before, but this may be the first time Lu does it acoustic! Missed Butch, but a great rendition of this stompin’ song!
    – Lu mentions Bob Dylan’s Nobel prize and says “Bless his heart”… love! Then launches into Foolishness, saying, “This goes out to all y’all!”, which is, of course, the grammatically correct plural of “y’all.” She brings the house down with “don’t need no Donald Trump in my life.”

    Thus ends Lu’s set, but during Amos’s set, he “gloats” on Lu and says that she is “so real, so raw, and always gives everything she has.” Damn straight, that’s our Lu. The mutual admiration society continues with (wait for it)… I Envy the Wind. Amos owns this one as much as Lu. Afterwards, much love transpires, with a big hug between Lu and Amos.

    Fantastic evening. Love to Lafayette for sharing it with me (and purchasing our fab tickets!!). xo, Viv


    Thanks, Viv, for this spectacular show report! I have little to add as you captured the spirit of the entire evening. Amos and Lu are an ethereal sonic match . No words on how beautiful “I Envy The Wind” sounded. I love LOVE the respect and admiration the both of them have for the other.

    My thanks, to you, Viv, for meeting me in the Big Apple for such an outstanding evening of music and shenanigans. 😉

    I wish I could travel to more shows than I do, but thankful for the ones I can attend.


    A blog post on FUV’s website with the complete rundown of the evening [minus Viv’s intricate observations] with hyperlinks to photos on a flickr site as well as a few video links from the evening posted on FUV’s FB page, including “Little Angel, Little Brother.”

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