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  • #31883

    ok, i was hoping someone else was going to do this, but i’ll leave blanks since I wasn’t very sharp last night. Fine show though

    1 Protection
    2 Pineola
    3 Drunken A
    4 Car Wheels
    5 Temporary Nature
    6 West Memphis
    7 Ghosts of
    8Place in my Heart
    9 Lake Charles
    11 If My Love could Kill
    12 Dust
    13 Out of Touch
    14 Changed the L
    15 Essence
    16 Joy
    17 Blessed

    18 Ain’t Got No Home in the World
    19 Change Gonna Come
    20 Get Right with God

    21 Rockin in the Free

    I can affirm that neither Are You Down nor Honeybee were played. Dee and dom????????????????


    Dominic’s Phone indicates:

    1 Protection
    2 Pineola
    3 Druken A
    4 Car Wheels
    5 Temporary Nature
    6 West Memphis
    7 GOH20
    8 Lake Charles
    9 Place in My Heart
    10 Jackson
    11 If My Love Could Kill
    12 Dust
    13 Out of Touch
    14 Changed the Locks
    15 Essence
    16 Joy
    17 Blessed

    18 Ain’t Got no Home
    19 Change Gonna Come
    20 Get Right With God

    21 Rockin in the Free World

    Always wonderful seeiing Mr S. Safe travels to everyone heading to NYC and enjoy!!!


    As my original report now indicates (see above), I got them all right!!!! (har har)


    Thx for the reports kids. Is it warm or cold back there? 😀


    Decent 60s to 45. However, rain most of the week.


    From the stage setlist:

    Drunken Angel
    Car Wheels
    West Memphis
    Temporary Nature
    Ghost Of Hwy 20 (Lu)
    Lake Charles (Lu & Stu)/Look At The World (Lu)
    Place In My Heart (Lu & Stu)
    If My Love Could Kill/Fruits Of My Labor
    Out Of Touch/Bleeding Fingers
    Change The Locks

    Ain’t Got No Home (new version) (Lu)/Hard Time
    Faith & Grace/Doors Of Heaven
    Change Is Gonna Come
    Get Right

    Rockin In The Free World

    I was right at the rail (so close I could see her “Get Right With God” belt buckle!) but didn’t see the setlist til the end, kinda bummed I missed Faith & Grace–she skipped that and the alternate Doors Of Heaven…Hopefully she plays it in Tarrytown next Sat.


    Well done Mr S. i drove up from Long Island as I was unable to get a seat for any of the City Winery shows. The venue, Buick 6 and Lucinda were absolutely wonderful. Lots of unintended but humorous moments too, from the dead mic at the start, to the acapella redo of the “old man Trump” verse during “I Ain’t Got no Home.” Hung out after the show near Lucinda’s tour bus with a few other concert goers talking music and got to meet Lucinda and get a hug and her autograph on my vinyl copy of “West.” Needless to say, the long trip was well worth it!


    Welcome to the Forum gbyee and way to score! 8)


    @gbyee wrote:

    Well done Mr S. i drove up from Long Island as I was unable to get a seat for any of the City Winery shows. The venue, Buick 6 and Lucinda were absolutely wonderful. Lots of unintended but humorous moments too, from the dead mic at the start, to the acapella redo of the “old man Trump” verse during “I Ain’t Got no Home.” Hung out after the show near Lucinda’s tour bus with a few other concert goers talking music and got to meet Lucinda and get a hug and her autograph on my vinyl copy of “West.” Needless to say, the long trip was well worth it!

    Good to hear, gbyee. Yeah, a hearty sarcastic “hello” emanated from Lu at the dead mike upon walk-out. I believe “If My Love could Kill” was a live debut for her, as she mentioned Alzheimers and her father. Also, after “Dust” she dressed down a Thirty tigers intern who was said to have left Miller’s name/credit off the liner notes, noting this intern “no longer works there.” Maybe ddinj can add some other comments: a good night.


    Thanks for the welcome tonyg, and yes, so lucky…attached a photo of the signed album. stoger, another unplanned moment occurred when Lucinda went to set up her songbook to the next song, but found the page missing. She and the band went on with the next song. Afterward, the page was found offstage and brought out. Don’t know if it was at that time or later on that Lucinda said she needed the book because “there were just too many songs” and she “can’t afford a teleprompter…” That got a chuckle from the crowd.


    Yikes. Sucks to be an intern.


    From Tom:

    I’got to better at getting these done a little faster. By the time I get around to doing it I’m trying to remember the highlights of the evening. The College Street Music Hall is a fantastic new venue. We love the venues that allow for both standing and sitting -we know we have people that want o have that choice. I wish there were a lot more like this around the country—they are perfect for Lu. And of course it sounded fantastic.
    Place In My Heart was really incandescent -I think it is destined to be a classic Lu ballad. Jackson was also wonderful. The encore featured Lu’s version of Woody Guthrie’s Ain’t Got Not Home In This World Anymore with the new lost verse about Donald Trump’s father being Woody Guthrie’s landlord in the late 40’s in Brooklyn. Crazy world we are living in. Lu apparently wanted emphasize the lost verse because she sang it twice. How’s that for crazy American history. You can’t make this stuff up. but we did have legendary New Haven Pizza after the show. Let the pizza wars begin. And of course all the other ones too.


    Where did you get your pizza?
    (I had told my friend from Frank Pepe’s to bring some pies to the show for y’all…he didn’t listen)

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