Happy Holidays!

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Happy Holidays!

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  • #31836

    From the crickets in here I gather everyone is wiped out from too much celebrating. πŸ™„

    Save some for New Years Eve! πŸ˜‰


    Yes -it has gone rather radio silent in here. I guess we need some more info, but a certain someone has been a little busy the past few weeks but hopefully we’ll see more coming soon -like maybe some show announcements ?

    And yes -Happy Holidays to all our friends here in the forum.


    Lucinda certainly delivered in 2015. Phenomenal songs and live shows filled the year, and she will blaze into 2016. So grateful for her gifts and efforts on behalf of the fans. I will be starting the New Year with a Chris Stapleton show on Jan 1st (yay), but I can’t wait to fill the calendar with as much Lucinda as I can manage. In this season of celebration, Peace in your heart, Peace in your home, Peace on Earth. Vivian


    Yes, yes, and more yes on a 2016 tour, stateside!

    A happy and healthy New Year to everyone here in the FF.

    Enjoy your Chris Stapleton show, Viv. SO JEALOUS!


    Best wishes to all, y’all — be well TNT, wherever you are.

    And, thanks & a tip of the cap to tonyg for moderating this joint in moderation… πŸ˜€



    dr winston oboogie

    It is Hogmanay here, and I hope everyone had a good Christmas, and A Happy New Year to one and all when it arrives in your part of the world. Great to look forward to 3 Lucinda shows in the first month of the year, they have had a busy 2015 lets hope Lucinda and her merry band keep coming around for a long time to come..
    And thanks to everyone who keeps us up to date with all that is happening in Lucinda land, really appreciate and enjoy the work you all put in.

    slΓ‘inte mhaith

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