Las Vegas- Brooklyn Bowl

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Las Vegas- Brooklyn Bowl

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  • #31789

    A few pics from last night.. including pre-show setlist.


    Well done, Mike: did you take a wild hair to fly in? No solo miniset for this town, this crowd, I see. Still, I like it.


    Had the wild hair.. but tamed it (or lost it along with most of the others)

    Either way.. didn’t make it..
    Great photo’s courtesy of Erik Kabib via Brooklyn Bowl’s website..


    From T.O.:
    Well this will give new meaning to what happens in Vegas needs to stay in Vegas. After a long hot bouncing drive from Missoula to Las Vegas, with a stop over in Provo it started to feel like there was light at the end of the tunnel. Only two more drives on the Beverly Hillbillies bus to go and a night in Sin City. That light in the tunnel was an oncoming train, and bad went to…. ridiculous. At first things seemed good -a day room at the hotel, a chance to get off the bus and relax before the show, a little dinner–ok so far so good. Then it was time to pack up the luggage and go down and meet the runner who was picking us up to take us to the venue. Yeah. Good plan. The runner, where is the runner? After walking thru a large casino going to the door where we thought we were getting picked up- nope that can’t be it, that’s Las Vegas Blvd (one of the busiest streets in the country) and there’s no pick up area. Let’s walk back through the casino to the other door -nope not that one either. An already upset Lucinda is saying “I thought you knew where we were going. We are going to be late”. Right. Let’s call the tour mgr and have him call the missing runner. Oh that’s right it’s Las Vegas and we’re standing in front of a casino-cell phones don’t work. What the *&^%. Lucinda now really upset. As Boz Scaggs sang, (There’s A) Breakdown Dead Ahead. What to do, what the f*** to do? Wait, where’s Lucinda going? She is going to walk to the gig thru a crowded Las Vegas outdoor mall pulling close to 100 lbs of luggage. This is going to be bad. Lucinda gets to front door of gig with everyone inside and walks up to the doorman. “Hi—I’m Lucinda Williams and I’m the artist playing here tonight”. Awesome.This can’t be happening. It is. Way too Spinal Tap for comfort. Maybe someday we’ll laugh about this.
    After emotions calmed down, Lucinda just walked out and knocked it out of the park. How can she do that?
    And yes she told most of the above story during the show. They don’t get any more honest than her. Miss Open Book.
    A lot of the songs were requests —and lots of highlights – well there was just a little anger being channeled into the show. Right In Time back in the set for the first time in awhile. Come On and Seeing Black were red hot back to back. Great venue.
    Ok we’re thru the worst right? Wrong. Let’s head to the bus. Let’s get lost in building. Bus generator is out yet again. Bus is parked in loading dock of building -it’s 8000 degrees on the bus and the garbage in the loading dock is coming to life. This cannot be real.
    Please god let this night end. After the bus generator gets charged after a two hour delay-we’re on our way Taos- all is going to be good now right?
    Nope -not yet. Fat chance.


    The Beverly Hillbillies indeed! Rural Tennesseeans before they got the California bug, I believe. Thanks for the account, Tom–and may “Seeing Black” grace many more fall setlists.

    dr winston oboogie

    Great story, thanks or tellng Tom O…well done to everyone concerned..

    The Show Must Go On…


    Never doubt Lucinda is a determined woman.

    Surely, some lyrics will be meandering their way into a song from this trip. Lu has to be scribbling as there is no tomorrow.

    I love her.

    TO, thanks so much, again, for chronicling the ins and outs, the ups and downs, and the highlights of the day in the life of Lucinda Williams on the road. This one is definitely for the books.


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Never doubt Lucinda is a determined woman…TO, thanks so much, again, for chronicling the ins and outs, the ups and downs, and the highlights of the day in the life of Lucinda Williams on the road. This one is definitely for the books.

    I’ll second that! 8)

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