Bloomington IN Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Bloomington IN Setlist

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    1 Something Wicked
    2 Can’t Let Go
    3 Crescent City [for sister Karen from Indy–Lu addresses the insane heat in the space but says she has resigned herself to it]
    4 Pineola [with flubbed repeated lyrics]
    5 Drunken Angel
    6 I Lost It
    7 West Memphis
    8 Compassion
    9 When I Look at the World
    10 In the Pines [with recognition of the many recorded covers of this]
    11 Lake Charles [about Clyde we learn that his “liver gave out” and that his chili was always “Texas-style,” with a clear distinction between the meat and beans; “he was my boyfriend–who would have thunk it?”]
    12 2 Kool {Lu admits she was “shocked and dismayed” by the poverty portrayed in Shelby Lee Adams’ book Appalachian Portraits]
    13 Are You Down
    14 Protection
    15 Changed the Locks
    16 Essence
    17 Righteously
    18 Honeybee
    19 Should I Stay or Should I Go [preceded by “it’s hotter than two rats fucking in a wool blanket”]
    20 The Rising
    21 Get Right
    22 Rockin’ in the Free World

    Quite a venue, this non-Nashville Bluebird. “Will call” proved to be the last booth in the adjacent bar, where the one doorman told the folks behind me to wait outside as he rifled through clipboards and multiple sheafs of loose paper; eventually, he stamped my hand but I was not convinced he had found my rightful name. I started to raise the issue of the reentry policy, but there was no need: the side door was ajar all night, presumbably for smokers, but anyone from the street could walk in and out at will, unchecked. I mean, a person with the right stride, good sharp elbows, and the right entry time could have left the sidewalk in front of the club and had her hand on stage 45 seconds later, gratis. Not that I saw anyone do it exactly.

    The heat was overwhelming. I”ve never gone back and forth from back of room to bar spot near door as often as I did last night. The temperature difference had to be 8-10 degrees. Someone told me club capacity was 800, with ticket sales 500+, but both of those numbers seem a bit high to me. It was dense and tropical by Lu’s 10:10 Saturday night setime. All this said, she stated she would rather play an infernal dance club like this than a staid sitdown venue.

    As for beverage purchases as over against Red Rocks, my barman was clearly of age. But when I asked about white wine, trouble ensued. “We only have a little red–and that’s just because the owner’s wife likes it when she’s around.” It turns out “a little” equaled one minibottle of Merlot. Also, said wife seemed out of town at moment, and “hated” the barman in question, as he put it. Cheers,

    On to Madison Theatre, a known quantity.


    The “two rats f-ing in a wool blanket” line just got added to the repertoire.
    Thanks Roger.. (and Lu)


    From Tom:In the past few years there have been some sweltering hot shows -the ones that come to mind are Omaha in 2007, Atlanta Botanical Gardens 2008 and Rochester NY in 2007 when we had to move a free outdoor show into the Rochester armory with no AC etc. and Charlie Louvin was opening and we were very nervous about him collapsing in the heat (didn’t happen thank god). Saturday night in Bloomington was right up there with the heat factor, but somehow it made a lot of energy in the air the minute Lu hit the stage—I guess the heat made everyone, including Lu, just deliriously let go as this was a smoking show. One of the members of the band said he thought this was Top 5— there’s been a lot of good ones recently that come to mind Detroit and Cleveland last year to name two, and this one was right up there. Some nights just happen like that -Lu just felt the energy in the crowd from note one and it just went up from there. Lots of good between song banter in this one —great versions of West Memphis, 2 Kool and a great jam on Are You Down. The only thing left to say is Thank You Bloomington we’ll remember this one and we’ll be back.


    The two rats comment is EPIC Lu. It’s definitely one for the books. 😆 8)

    A few comments on the Bluebird. I saw Lu at this venue in 2009. It was the 2nd or 3rd stop of the Honeymoon tour, Sept 23, 2009. I had always wanted to attend a show at this venue, one where John Mellencamp often dropped in early in his career. I have seen both Lu and Amos now at this venue.

    Bloomington is Mellencamp’s adopted hometown. One of the best stories I know coming from his Bluebird days dates back to 1987, when Lou Reed and John Prine dropped in with John and the band, very late in the evening. They were in Bloomington, practicing for Farm Aid. Following is a recount from that evening, posted after Lou Reed’s death. Very interesting read.

    I didn’t mean to hijack the thread, however, thought it was fitting with Lucinda and her admiration for Lou.


    One of my Mellencamp friends sent me this link. He had planned on attending this show and couldn’t make it. He’s a great amateur photographer. One of his friends, however, was at the show and posted his photos to FB. It was pretty obvious the room was a sweat box.

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