Neptune Theater- Seattle

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Neptune Theater- Seattle

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  • #31695

    Lake Charles
    Lost It
    West Memphis
    Cold Day in Hell
    Compassion (Lu)
    Lake Charles (Lu and Stuart)
    Bus to Baton Rogue
    Are you Alright?
    Are You Down
    Changed the Locks
    Bleeding Fingers
    Unsuffer Me
    Honey Bee

    I Live My Life (Fats Domino)
    Get Right With God

    Rockin’ in the Free World

    Of Note:
    Lu took the stage solo (band joined in) at 9:15 and played until 11:20
    Another great performance in my hometown..
    The band, as Tom mentioned in the last thread does seem to be really “hitting on all cylinders”.. Man
    I don’t believe I’ve ever been as blown away by them as last night. Lu, following an exceptional display went to introduce them individually, and ended up just saying.. “My Band”!!
    Loved hearing the Fats Domino cover in the first (starting to get spoiled) encore!
    As Tom also mentioned, Lu is “really getting inside Unsuffer Me” .. and tonight was no different…WOW!

    KBB update:
    Kenneth Brain Band it turns out will not be joining Lu in the great white north due to what Kenneth described as
    “record issues”.. They will be playing two local venues in Seattle instead (one planned, one impromptu) Also Lilly Mae who played with on the first night of Portland was sidelined the last couple shows due to what she whispered “I lost my voice..”

    Great show…

    Another Great Review..


    Great report from Mike the road warrior! 😀


    @SamishSeaMike wrote:

    Lake Charles
    Lost It
    West Memphis
    Cold Day in Hell
    Compassion (Lu)
    Lake Charles (Lu and Stuart)
    Bus to Baton Rogue
    Are you Alright?
    Are You Down
    Changed the Locks
    Bleeding Fingers
    Unsuffer Me
    Honey Bee

    I Live My Life (Fats Domino)
    Get Right With God

    Rockin’ in the Free World

    Of Note:
    Lu took the stage solo (band joined in) at 9:15 and played until 11:20
    Another great performance in my hometown..
    The band, as Tom mentioned in the last thread does seem to be really “hitting on all cylinders”.. Man
    I don’t believe I’ve ever been as blown away by them as last night. Lu, following an exceptional display went to introduce them individually, and ended up just saying.. “My Band”!!
    Loved hearing the Fats Domino cover in the first (starting to get spoiled) encore!
    As Tom also mentioned, Lu is “really getting inside Unsuffer Me” .. and tonight was no different…WOW!

    KBB update:
    Kenneth Brain Band it turns out will not be joining Lu in the great white north due to what Kenneth described as
    “record issues”.. They will be playing two local venues in Seattle instead (one planned, one impromptu) Also Lilly Mae who played with on the first night of Portland was sidelined the last couple shows due to what she whispered “I lost my voice..”

    Great show…

    Another Great Review..

    Even your Freudian slips/typos are fine, Mike: Lu’s band has some “rogue” elements, but only she wears the “rouge.” And the boys in KBB (and the girl) may be pretty cerebral, but I think the surname is BrIAn, not “brain.”

    Sorry to hear they won’t be opening all shows. And did we really get “Lake Charles” twice, first with full band?

    I’m really not nitpicking, for your reports are great!


    Perhaps you haven’t heard good sir, but Lu has been re-working some tunes lately and Bus to Bat…
    Oh, never mind. Baton Rouge it is.

    Funny thing about the repeat Lake Charles listing…
    I honestly don’t know now as three shows in three nights has left me a little (more than usual) confused..

    I wrote Lake Charles twice.. but that doesn’t seem likely, so here’s hoping Tom and Tony’s post clear the mystery..


    Thanks for the report ❗ and here’s to your recovery from 3 shows in a row.

    Apparently, you missed Miranda Lambert?? One of the KBB brethren reported she was at the show last night!



    I also attended the Seattle show. Thanks again, Mike, for your report.

    To interject my version of the setlist, I listed the first 4 songs as:

    1. Blessed
    2. Car Wheels
    3. Drunken Angel
    4. I Lost It

    The songs then follow Mike’s list, so that Honey Bee ended the main set as #18 (although appearing as the 17th entry in Mike’s list).

    A good show, but with limited alcohol (except for Lucinda’s wine). As with many Seattle venues, the show was sold as all-ages. Accordingly, although there was a bar at the rear, the alcoholic beverages could not be removed beyond the roped area surrounding the bar. Consequently, the audience standing nearer the stage remained quite sober, without the spilling of drinks, or the constant traffic of refills.


    @paul_from_losangeles wrote:

    I also attended the Seattle show. Thanks again, Mike, for your report.

    To interject my version of the setlist, I listed the first 4 songs as:

    1. Blessed
    2. Car Wheels
    3. Drunken Angel
    4. I Lost It

    The songs then follow Mike’s list, so that Honey Bee ended the main set as #18 (although appearing as the 17th entry in Mike’s list).

    A good show, but with limited alcohol (except for Lucinda’s wine). As with many Seattle venues, the show was sold as all-ages. Accordingly, although there was a bar at the rear, the alcoholic beverages could not be removed beyond the roped area surrounding the bar. Consequently, the audience standing nearer the stage remained quite sober, without the spilling of drinks, or the constant traffic of refills.

    Thanks Paul… In my attempt at a defense.. I was scribbling titles in compromised lighting and positions on the same copy of a setlist that I snagged at the first Portland show.. I must have crossed wires somewhere, but I not only like your version better.. but now (kinda) remember it.. 😀


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Apparently I missed Miranda.. although I am not sure I would have known her if she was next to me…

    I like this line from that review… “: Lucinda is back, even if she never really left in the first place.”


    From Tom:


    I’m guessing they were sidestage during the show?

    Here is a photo Miranda posted on her FB page with a copy by Lu on hers followed by the caption Miranda posted, including hashtags. #socialmedia

    My band and I got to see Lucinda Williams last night and meet her for the first time. Such a sweetheart!! Great show! ‪#‎inspired‬ ‪#‎theneptuneseattle‬ ‪#‎badass‬


    I really enjoyed reading this article/review/observation along with this interesting analogy.

    “Their interaction had the air of a gifted minnow paying tribute to the mother-fish; had Lu not spent years swimming upstream in a mucho macho pond, the waters wouldn’t be so placid for Miranda today.”


    Nope, nope, no side stage for Miranda. Apparently, she was dancing in the aisles with the rest of you…

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