Aladdin Portland- Night 1

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Aladdin Portland- Night 1

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  • #31692

    Something Wicked
    Drunken Angel
    East Side of Town
    West Memphis
    Compassion (Lu)
    Lake Charles (Lu & Stuart)
    It’s Gonna Rain
    Are you Down
    Bleeding Fingers
    Unsuffer Me
    Honey Bee

    Stop Breakin’ Down
    Get Right with God
    Rockin’ in the Free World

    KBB band opened played 45 minutes..
    Lu took the stage at 9:10 and played for almost exactly two hours..

    Of note:
    Opened solo with “Blessed” joined in as she played..
    Got a kick out of accidentally introducing “On the drums.. David Sutton”
    Local guitarist of note (Chet Wyster???) joined in for the last several songs ..

    Lu stated how much she loves Portland, and I think I’ve seen some of my favorite shows here…
    I think this may be the fifth or sixth venue I’ve seen her in here and there’s likely more.. second maybe only to LA???
    Both shows here are sold out.


    Great report Mike! The Chet’s last name is Lyster. 😀


    @tonyg wrote:

    Great report Mike! The Chet’s last name is Lyster. 😀

    THE Chet indeed, former multi-instrumentalist for the band, including during the era of Lu’s wedding.

    Good posting Mike.


    @stoger wrote:

    @tonyg wrote:

    Great report Mike! The Chet’s last name is Lyster. 😀

    THE Chet indeed, former multi-instrumentalist for the band, including during the era of Lu’s wedding.

    Good posting Mike.

    He looked familiar.. not sure if I caught him back then or not..
    Two things struck me… first, I was impressed with how well he knew the songs and second..MAN, could he play..

    Hope he joins in again tonight..
    I always like when there’s another guitarist w/the band..and Lu seems to as well..
    When mama’s happy.. or something like that.

    Grammy’s loss… my (and the rest at the concert’s) gain.


    A word from T.O.:
    Great 1st night in Rose Town -Portland has really become one of Lucinda’s top five markets and the sold out crowd did nothing to dispel that. Lu and the band (and crew) are just simply clicking at a very high level right now. It was great to be joined by current member of the Eels and former Lu band member, Chet Lyster for the encore.
    He was very complimentary of how the band is sounding. Cool to get his perspective.
    Lu loved how great East Side Of Town and Foolishness sounded tonight -also she loved the version of Stop Breakin’ Down. Lu is also really getting inside of Unsuffer Me right now. 6 tour debuts (in red below) brings the number to 27 after two nights. Should be a lot of debuts for night 2.

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