"Where The Spirit Meets The Bone" A Lucinda Williams Memoir

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  • #31581

    “Flannery O’Connor was to writing what Robert Johnson was to blues. That might be the best way to say it”



    Great find! Learned a lot. 😀


    “I think he thought he was going in a straight line”

    Classic. Thanks for posting that.


    The last paragraph about Miller is devastating.

    “We were sitting in the sunroom drinking wine, and very matter-of-factly he goes, ‘I can’t write poetry anymore.’ . . . That’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard, since I was fucking born.”

    Thanks, Lafayette. I tried to find this article several months ago and did not have any luck with Radio Silence (tried to subscribe, etc.) I’m also glad to know the background behind ‘The Caterpillar’ and ‘Memphis Pearl.’


    I choked up a bit myself, reading that last paragraph. Lu and I have very similar parental experiences. My Dad, although not diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, lost most of his memory, other than the names of his children. I watched him turn from a gentle soul into an angry, displaced man. I feel her pain.

    Reading this article was like reading a good book. I wanted to keep turning the page. I knew many of the things written , but learned a few, too. I particularly liked Lu’s take on Bob Dylan’s greatest line written, by her account. I also had read/heard about the HoneyBoy Edwards show, but didn’t know she had found, in that conversation, yet another phrase/line to use in her arsenal. I actually once witnessed her write down something she absolutely loved, mentioned in casual conversation, and said it as much – If you ever hear “extended rough patch” in a song, I was there. 8)

    Vivian, I had heard the back story on Memphis Pearl, I believe, from the East West North South tour in 2007 where Lu was performing her records in entirety and taking the time to talk about the inspiration behind several of the songs. Another story song she talked about, as I recall, was “Concrete and Barbed Wire” where she said she was imagining what would it had been like if two lovers had been living on opposite sides of the Berlin Wall.

    To wrap it up, it was a very cool thing to hear Miller recite “The Caterpillar” at Lu and Tom’s wedding.

    I’ve had more than my fair share of intimate moments following Lu and am grateful for every one!


    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: This fan would love a full-length memoir from Lu. I would happily be her scrivener. Lafayette, You will have to regale me with your Lu stories in Sept at Farm Aid! V “willing scribe” Morris


    Viv, I had fingers crossed, as I do every year, that Lu would be on the bill. That would have been grand. I’m looking forward to my annual Farm Aid trek and visiting your stomping grounds!

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