The New Record

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Records The New Record

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    Your co-moderator had the extreme pleasure of hearing the new Lucinda Williams record over the weekend. It has been playing non-stop in my head since then. It makes it hard to watch TV I can tell you that. Its a 2 CD set. The first CD started out rocking hard and I was impressed at the number of guitars involved. Greg Leisz co-produced the record and he did a great job of fleshing out the songs that many of us heard during the recent tour. There were also some great ballads on the 1st and 2nd CD. I think my favorites were Burning Bridges and When I Look at The World. I believe it was the final song, Magnolia, that had horns on it.

    The proposed title of the new record is Where The Spirit Meets The Bone. I promise you this is going to be a monster album. Here is the song list as it appears now:

    Burhing Bridges (this may really be the opener)
    East Side of Town
    Cold Day in Hell
    Something Wicked This Way Comes (an improved arrangement I think over the concert versions)
    West Memphis
    Big Mess
    Its Gonna Rain

    When I Look At The World
    Walk On
    Stand Right
    Wrong Number
    Hard To Take
    One More Day
    Everything But The Truth

    Its time to get super excited. Don’t tell anyone I told you all this stuff. 8)

    Ps. Ok I missed a word the title is Down Where The Spirit Meets The Bone.


    Lucky, lucky you co-moderator.
    Album title is a great tribute to Lucinda’s father.

    Have compassion for everyone you meet,
    even if they don’t want it. What seems conceit,
    bad manners, or cynicism is always a sign
    of things no ears have heard, no eyes have seen.
    You do not know what wars are going on
    down there where the spirit meets the bone.

    And the link.


    p.s. I got the clue from the inside cover of “West”


    Very Cool-You Lucky Devil! I am looking forward to the album and hopefully seeing Lu and the Band live again this summer.

    Thanks, Kelly

    dr winston oboogie

    Great news, thanks for the info….but downside is now, knowing this, I cannot wait, hope release date is not too far off,
    and even bigger hope that it is followed by a tour at this side of the pond.


    “POST OF THE YEAR,” tony. Well played! πŸ˜€


    Hmmmm….it seems we have a leak from an interloper – where exactly was he hiding in the house. And how did he manage to compile all this clandestine information? Has he hacked in to the NSA which of course guards every newly recorded music project. Somehow the forum’s version of Edward Snowden has infiltrated the very unsecured new Lucinda record. How did he do that? Experts are being called in as we speak.


    And how did he slip me all this information anonymously? 😯


    @tonyg wrote:

    And how did he slip me all this information anonymously? 😯

    Aside from the Snowden style infiltration by tonyg, I have noted from a Lu video that “Buttercup” was reported by her to be the only “Bad Boy” song on Blessed.

    Now, I’m thinking these types of songs are not completely out of her system now that she is happily hitched.

    Cold Day in Hell, Big Mess and Wrong Number in the new record seems to fit this category. πŸ˜†

    Looking forward to the release in the fall.



    We’ll, Tony I all I can tell you is that whoever Inclandestinely slipped you the purported info didn’t have it quite right. I think your satellite eavesdropping technology needs an update.


    I think this interloper needs some “Protection” to fill out the list. And as long as I’m quibbling, I believe the new record will be called DOWN Where the Spirit Meets the Bone, seven words rather than six. But why be pedantic about it? The great tonyg lives, visits, reports.


    Down is good. Better than up. You can’t believe anyone on the internets.


    @tonyg wrote:

    Down is good. Better than up. You can’t believe anyone on the internets.

    Nice plural formation on “internet” big boy. Maybe Al Gore invented the first one, you all subsequent ones?


    It was King George Bush II.


    tonyg just wondering as you were listening to this new gem, if you could easily detect jazz guitarist extraordinaire, Mr. Bill Frisell ?
    He’s making a movie by a pledge campaign.
    Lu is interviewed in the movie.

    Here are the details.



    Damn. ALL the good stuff leaks on the day I take my PC in for repairs. Sure, I could access with my handy dandy smart phone, but for some reason, I like reading all about Lu on a much larger screen.

    Good stuff, tonyg!

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