Echoplex Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Echoplex Setlist

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  • #31478

    On at 10 PM, off at 12:05 AM.
    #12, 14, & 15 were debuts for this tour.

    1. Something Wicked…
    2. 2 Kool 2 Be Forgotten
    3. Drunken Angel
    4. World Without Tears
    5. Greenville
    6. Lake Charles
    7. Bus to Baton Rouge
    8. I Lost It
    9. Burning Bridges
    10. Everything But the Truth
    11. Foolishness
    12. Little Rock Star
    13. Bleeding Fingers
    14. Seeing Black
    15. Atonement
    16. Unsuffer Me
    17. Righteously
    18. Essence
    19. HoneyBee
    (encore starts here)
    20. Joy
    21. Get Right With God
    22. Rockin’ in the Free World

    perhaps more comments later in this Wednesday…


    @paul_from_losangeles wrote:

    On at 10 PM, off at 12:05 AM.
    #12, 14, & 15 were debuts for this tour.

    1. Something Wicked…
    2. 2 Kool 2 Be Forgotten
    3. Drunken Angel
    4. World Without Tears
    5. Greenville
    6. Lake Charles
    7. Bus to Baton Rouge
    8. I Lost It
    9. Burning Bridges
    10. Everything But the Truth
    11. Foolishness
    12. Little Rock Star
    13. Bleeding Fingers
    14. Seeing Black
    15. Atonement
    16. Unsuffer Me
    17. Righteously
    18. Essence
    19. HoneyBee
    (encore starts here)
    20. Joy
    21. Get Right With God
    22. Rockin’ in the Free World

    perhaps more comments later in this Wednesday…

    thanks, Paul: “Seeing Black”–ouch for me but glad you guys got it. Was “World Without Tears” maybe a tour debut also? Maybe not though.

    carry on.


    stoger, I viewed that “World Without Tears” was listed by bigsubi as the 7th song at Saint Rocke.


    A review from the LA Times.

    An excerpt says it all.

    Williams’ legacy is in good hands with today’s young female artists. But a Williams set in 2014 reminds one only how striking, original and inimitable that voice is.

    Yhe link to the review.,0,4164608.story#ixzz2uTSEwjwX



    some thoughts on last nights show at the cave that they call The Echoplex. when I first walked in they had the disco balls going and they must have been cranking the fog machine for a preshow atmosphere that was a little dizzying. after milling around and then claiming some real estate up front, settled in for an outstanding set from the Kenneth Brian Band. I’m loving these guys more and more each time I see them. The crowd was a crazy mix of familiar faces (I think I run in the same circles as a lot of LA live music aficionados) and silverlake-hipster types, at least up front.

    so many thanks to paul for capturing the setlist. since i was up front and also not really in the mood to have to take notes, i’m glad it didn’t fall to me as i would have failed miserably. i think at one point i sent a couple song titles to stoger inadvertantly while trying to take notes on my phone – gave up after only 2 or 3 songs into it.

    there was a good chunk of time between KBB and when Lu came on and the crowd was really ready to go which made the first part of the show seem like a slow build with some of the slower songs up until I Lost It. After that it was full on rock and intensity, especially Seeing Black/Atonement/Unsuffer Me/Righteously/Essence, WOW. Blown away.

    only other point of note was that Lu invited KBB out onstage for the encore starting with Get Right With God. Kenneth played Lu’s James Trussart silver guitar and he and Stuart really rocked it.

    ok, gotta rest up now for tomorrow night. so glad the world tour is in my backyard.


    Burning Bridges {Lu can’t resist hinting who it is about after, mentioning a person who played in her early bands and records who won’t be reached out to these days–“I’m OK, he’s the one with the problem”]

    The above quote is from stoger’s report from the Coach House-San Juan Capistrano.

    Here’s the “Burning Bridges” video from the Echoplex.

    I think most of us know who this person is.



    Disclaimer: possible MA post to follow, although something tells me it won’t offend most here in the FF.

    Following was tweeted after the Echoplex show. I nominate this as best tweet of the year:

    “if you didn’t get laid after that show, do not blame lucinda williams. lucinda williams did all she could for you.” πŸ˜†


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Disclaimer: possible MA post to follow, although something tells me it won’t offend most here in the FF.

    Following was tweeted after the Echoplex show. I nominate this as best tweet of the year:

    “if you didn’t get laid after that show, do not blame lucinda williams. lucinda williams did all she could for you.” πŸ˜†

    Certainly a great tweet Lafayette.

    Re: possible MA post to follow. I think I know who you might be referring to. If MA is a state abbreviation perhaps it should be ME.



    I think MA means “mature audience” yes no? But I like the reference. πŸ˜†


    Yes, tonyg, MA is ‘mature audience.’ One knows these things with video game playing house inhabitants. πŸ˜€


    @Lafayette wrote:

    Yes, tonyg, MA is ‘mature audience.’ One knows these things with video game playing house inhabitants. πŸ˜€

    Lafayette, since I’m a senior citizen I’m sure I’m mature, so give me a clue as to who might post or if you care not to divulge it on the FF send me a PM. πŸ˜†

    signed: Just curious and not up to date on all the social media lingo.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    @Lafayette wrote:

    Yes, tonyg, MA is ‘mature audience.’ One knows these things with video game playing house inhabitants. πŸ˜€

    Lafayette, since I’m a senior citizen I’m sure I’m mature, so give me a clue as to who might post or if you care not to divulge it on the FF send me a PM. πŸ˜†

    signed: Just curious and not up to date on all the social media lingo.


    “Mature Audience” is in reference to ratings given to shows (and video games) for content.

    You’re still cool, lwj.

    I’ll also note I am now able to order from the senior portion of Perkin’s menu. Yes, indeed. πŸ‘Ώ

    I was trying to be clever with my former post – looks to be somewhat of a fail. 😯


    Thanks for the clarification, Lafayette.
    Seems like I didn’t follow the following in your post. πŸ˜†


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