Cities of Rock: Austin, Texas

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Cities of Rock: Austin, Texas

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    Lu makes this blogger’s list of Top 10 musicians coming out of Austin’s music scene.

    Lucinda Williams:LucindaWilliams

    “To be honest, I don’t know if singer/songwriter Lucinda Williams calls Austin home or not anymore, but she did spend quite a bit of time there when writing and recording in the early days and that’s good enough for me to add her to this best of list.

    This nomadic powerhouse has been called “The Female Bob Dylan,” and rightly so. Williams is a songwriter’s songwriter. She is blunt in her lyrics, she can weave a story in her lyrics which keep the listener hanging on to her every word. She is a poet with a no frills delivery.

    You have to love Williams for her take no bullshit demeanor and her no quit attitude. She knows what she wants and that’s that. It may have taken her longer than it should have to achieve national, even worldwide recognition, but she did it on her own terms and you have to love her for it. In addition, her drive has produced some of the best records of the last 20 years.

    Key Albums: Ramblin’ (1979); Sweet Old World (1992); Car Wheels on a Gravel Road (1998); Essence (2001); World Without Tears (2003)”

    Innocent Words Blog Series Presents: Cities of Rock – Austin, Texas

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