3rd & Lindsley, Nashville, Sept. 22, 2013

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows 3rd & Lindsley, Nashville, Sept. 22, 2013

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    Songs 1-12 as per Rough Trade album. Lucinda on acoustic guitar for most Rough Trade songs, except electric guitar on track 12.

    13. Can’t Let Go
    14. Pineola
    15. Drunken Angel
    16. Something Wicked
    17. I Lost It
    18. Out of Touch
    19. Not My Cross To Bear
    20. Joy
    21. Honeybee
    22. Rockin’ in the Free World
    23. Get Right With God

    A sold-out audience at a reasonably OK venue–I would have preferred more standing space and less tables, but that was not the plan…

    stoger was present, and may report later.

    Jim Lauderdale was very active for the show, and joined on-stage for several songs.


    Thanks paul.
    I really enjoyed the live show on Lightning 100 and have recorded it thru Audacity on my computer. The playback this a.m. was great but maybe a little too much bass. So now I have 2 live recordings of the S/T-ist being from the El Rey in 2007, the onstage banter is a great souvenir. Seems like a very active audience in Nashville with a lot of shout-out requests.

    Great to have Jim L. on stage for “Am I too Blue” and others. Funny, Mr. stoger wrote under the Bristol, TN thread that maybe, just maybe Jim might drive West to Nashville. Think this was wishful thinking or some inside info ? I’m thinking the latter.
    Great of Lucinda to pay tribute to all those now departed that participated on the original R/T album.



    Good job, Paul: a few supplements here.

    At walk-on, Lu noted that she had received multiple messages from Americana-type people who were changing their flight reservations so as to leave Nash Monday rather than Sunday.

    “Like a Rose” was singled out as “always one of my favorites.”

    Multiple requests from Car Wheels were shouted out during set one–guess some of these folk were about a decade off.

    Jim L was said to have driven “like a bat out of hell” to get there.

    After his first sit-in, Lu said she wished to “touch the hem of [Jim’s] garment.”

    “Side of the Road” was given a shout-out to the band The Schramms from Hoboken, who once recorded it; I have never heard their version.

    Here are the deceased players on self-titled: Donald Lindley, Dr. John Ciambotti (sp), Doug Atwell, Chris Gaffney and, most recently, Juke Logan. That was moving, yes.

    Lu noted that 3rd & Lindsley had been “enlarged” since she lived in Nash.

    Good to meet “musiclover” and friends from this Forum.
    That’s all folks. But it’s good to see a show (if only one) listed on this home page, for November in the desert.


    Good reports everyone. A well covered mini-tour! 😀


    Thought I would post this You tube from 3rd & Lindsley as it appears it’s the only You Tube on the Web for the seldom played cover ” I Asked for Water…….”



    Lu & band were in fine form, one of the best Lu shows I have ever seen. Pics will be posted on No Depression in a couple of days. We sat/stood with folks from the UK, Australia, Ireland and all over the US, including Twang Nation himself. What a way to cap five freaking fabulous days in Nashville.


    I thought this was one of the better LW shows I have seen. The band was in great form and Stuart was a real surprise.
    Lucinda and the whole band were in fine form. The sound at 3rd & Lindsley was real good. I got to meet Stoger and that was a real treat for me. Some highlights of the evening: Lu’s coverage of the Allman Bros song and I Asked For Water but He gave Me Gasoline. I felt the RT album was re-invented with new musicians and thought it was a great performance.


    Here’s a review by CMT Edge:



    @stoger wrote:

    “Side of the Road” was given a shout-out to the band The Schramms from Hoboken, who once recorded it; I have never heard their version.

    Here ya go stoger all the way from Hoboken, NJ (1994 from the album Little Apocalypse)
    Their version is quite interesting with the organ playing.







    A repeat treat for all of us.
    The full one hour rebroadcast from Lightning 100’s audio archives.
    Scroll down to #14 and enjoy Lu’s between song commentary.

    Note for whiskeyboy, we had exchanged a couple of PM’s on this to see if another recording was available, so here you go.

    The link.



    I just updated setlist.fm with this show’s set list.

    lwj, could you provide me with the songs Jim L sat in on (since you have it recorded)? I would like to credit him in the setlist.



    @Lafayette wrote:

    I just updated setlist.fm with this show’s set list.

    lwj, could you provide me with the songs Jim L sat in on (since you have it recorded)? I would like to credit him in the setlist.


    Lafayette, I only recorded the first (S/T) set but Jim L. accompanied Lu on the following:
    8. Am I Too Blue
    9. Crescent City
    11. Price To Pay
    13. Can’t Let Go
    15. Drunken Angel
    Not sure if he appeared any more in the 2nd set.
    Videos of # 13 and # 15 for your viewing pleasure.

    You can still hear a repeat broadcast of the first set on Lightning 100’s audio archives as per my post above. It’s a real treat.



    Thanks, lwj. I updated with the Jim Lauderdale info you provided!


    This show is avaialble on Sound Cloud:


    On my way to the AMA.


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