Memphis Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Memphis Setlist

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    13 Memphis Pearl [with two false starts: after the second, monitors guy Corey crosses stage, adjusts the portable fan at foot of it, pats Lu on the back twice, and generally gives her hope (and ventilation) toward hitting the high notes of that one, which she nails]
    14 Metal Firecracker
    15 Drunken Angel
    16 Born to Be Loved
    17 Out of Touch
    18 Righteously
    19 Joy [with Susan Marshall]
    20 Honeybee
    21 Rockin in the Free World [with SM]
    22 Get Right with God {with SM and all members of the Kenneth Brian Band]

    Lu made a few comments during the first, Rough Trade set, but nothing I can remember as too unique. It seems that “Price to Pay” specifically is the one she feels has “stood the test of time.” She was quite happy and solid, save for a brief monitors/ear device cloudy moment; also, the new guitar tech tried to adjust the height of the lyric book stand more than once, to little avail. She played electric on “Passionate K” for, I think, second time ever, but reverted to the trusty acoustic for next song, saying “I prefer to play one which is tuned.”

    Nice opener from KBB again. Among the luminaries around and about were local songstresses Amy LaVere and Susan Marshall. There was talk of an after-aftershow trip to the fabled Poplar Lounge, where Tim Easton was playing, but folks decided against it I think, with a 2 a.m. pullout for Dallas.


    Cool report. Am I missing songs 1 through 12 somehow?


    Awesome report PLUS two of your favorite ladies in the house.

    Looks like Stuart is learning more of the catalog. Good deal. 😀


    tonyg, I believe stoger presumes his readers would program the Rough Trade set as songs 1-12. I did not attend the Memphis show, but you could probably just cut & paste 1-12 from Cain’s or Pageant.


    Ah! I will self-insert the song titles as suggested. 😳


    A few tweets from Memphis show. A film critic/reporter for The Commercial Appeal in Memphis, according to his bio.

    John Beifuss ‏
    I’ve seen Lucinda Williams umpteen times, but that show last night was a return to greatness. Best since 1998 at the New Daisy.

    Love how Lucinda Williams makes ‘Memphis’ a five syllable word. “I always love being back in May-ay-uhm-uh-fuss.” <---LOVE this observation. 😀


    @tonyg wrote:

    Cool report. Am I missing songs 1 through 12 somehow?

    Uh, check your liner notes, t.


    Partial video of cut # 2-“The Night’s too Long”
    Wow, Luconda’s voice is really strong and if you watch the vid. in full screen there “appears” to be someone in a light T shirt front row, black hair directly below Lu’s music stand that may, just may resemble a FF fan.



    Probably wrong place for this question. Is Stubb’s a good place to eat, hang out? The NJ Chapter is taking a road trip and needs some advice. Any information is most appreciated


    A glorious 12 minute version of “Rockin’ In The Free World” and “Get Right With God” with Kenneth Brian Band.

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