Gateshead [UK] @ Sage Gateshead 6.25.13

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Gateshead [UK] @ Sage Gateshead 6.25.13

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    [attachment=0:l0gjjj6r]Sage int..jpg[/attachment:l0gjjj6r][attachment=1:l0gjjj6r]Sage Gateshead.jpg[/attachment:l0gjjj6r]Gig # 28 of 32 open for comments tomorrow.

    The Venue:
    GATESHEAD! One night only…Lucinda Williams announces a special event where audience members will have the opportunity to request songs during the show. This is your chance to ask her to play that special Lucinda song you always wanted to hear her sing!
    Lucinda has never done this before, so come join us for an amazing evening where we toss the set list out the window…who knows what will happen.

    Wonder how they are going to do this.
    1. Each patron is given a request sheet on entry and places in a basket for Lu to close her eyes and draws one at a time. ? 😆

    2. Erik strolls thru the audience and randomly picks a request.

    3. Lu shouts out to the audience after each song and the loudest request wins.

    4. Who knows how this unique evening will turn out.


    I think option two, a tour manager’s “stroll” through the venue, would be the LEAST imaginable to me, lwj. But this should be a fun upshot. Bet the band could do “Free Bird” too if so requested.


    GATESHEAD! One night only…Lucinda Williams announces a special event where audience members will have the opportunity to request songs during the show. This is your chance to ask her to play that special Lucinda song you always wanted to hear her sing!


    Somebody request Wrap My Head Around That please. 😮


    @stoger wrote:

    I think option two, a tour manager’s “stroll” through the venue, would be the LEAST imaginable to me, lwj. But this should be a fun upshot. Bet the band could do “Free Bird” too if so requested.

    stoger, I’m in the crowd somewhere at Lynyrd’s concert in Lewiston, NY July, 2011. ( 11 1/2 minutes including the chirping birds ) {Lu has had the bird experience on Squidbillies} 😀

    Or Lu could also do MacArthur Park.
    This one two weeks ago features Jimmy Webb on piano in MacArthur Park, LA where the inspiration came for the song.
    Here we go at 14 minutes
    Or Donna Summer’s disco version comes in at 15 minutes.
    Whatever, this would be equivalent to Blue, Essence plus Rarity in total time. 😆

    Should be a fun evenng for all.



    I didn’t mean to get us diverted in this stream: who can report a setlist of all the Sagehead requests performed???


    @stoger wrote:

    I didn’t mean to get us diverted in this stream: who can report a setlist of all the Sagehead requests performed???

    No Depression comes through with this review stoger.



    Sounds like a fun night. Would like to know if any rarities were played. 8)


    Twas indeed a great, and unique night. Lucinda stated early on that she was terrified but as the night progressed she clearly enjoyed the experience and gave some wonderful song intros/stories. Perhaps the rarest perormance was a quite stunning “Side Of The Road” where Doug put in some sensational short guitar fills on his Gretsch Roadmaster. Back stage Lucinda rued the fact that the crowd tended to shout out for so many of the songs they play regularly so it perhaps was not as different as it could have been, but still a unique and hugely enjoyable experience.


    Thanks G-Man! 😀


    Ha: unique, challenging format–and not a single song mentioned in that blog post/review was one which hasn’t been played at least half a dozen times on this tour! Maybe Lucinda and Doug heard what they wanted to hear by way of shout-out titles? Naah, I don’t think that, but it’s too bad this particular city/venue was chosen. That said, it’s a great idea and I compliment Lu and camp for the experiment.

    I was at that “tempestuous” last show at Gateshead but will have to depend on either Paul’s memory or lwj’s archival research to help remember what happened. The adjective is relative, of course. I do remember a stodgy venue which makes Barbican London look like a dance club one could get married in.

    The reviewer calls “Pineola” rare? Hmh. But if Lu referenced Brit folk singer influences in its intro, that’s a first for me, interesting info. I guess it was the guitar tech rather than the soundman who kept carting the pages onto stage, a nice image. As for the alleged “secrets” behind a song which features the great line “Don’t tell anybody the secrets,” was a Bay Area bass player involved?

    Rock on Liverpool and Wales!


    Agree Mr. Stoger. Great idea, not taken advantage of. If we were there it was have been an all obscure set.

    All in all this sounds like it has been a great run and I’m sorry I missed it but duty calls, daily. 😉


    My archival research reveals three pages on this show from July, 2009.

    Here’s a portion of what you wrote stoger.

    Yes, as SM posted in another stream, Lu “lost her cool” a bit at the end–though I must emphasize that her mood throughout was smiling, sound was good, intros to several songs relatively extended (though not much different from what she has said before). We gave her little energy. No, I wasn’t the lone standee, but I was clapping from row one, to little avail. I think the “shouldn’t be doing this” ultimately referred to the setlist and the fact that she wished she had gone more acoustic this night–rather than to some general statement about not performing or whatnot. Again, I will emphasize that I deliberately waited her out by the bus because I wanted to kind of apologize for the crowd or house, individually and/or collectively. Devon Sproule opened the show, and we were told the two were visiting inside, so kudos to Ms. Sproule for helping get Lu back in a good mood. The dozen or so people waiting bus side were eventually apologized to by Lu. Of course the majority probably shared the sentiments of the lone woman (no twin phenomenon in this town) next to me who said, near the end of the ACDC song, “what did she expect us to do?” A valid question that, in some sense at least.

    I opted out of Buick 6’s set in the name of the sunset outside over the Tyne River. Sorry guys.

    Just seems like the wrong venue choice.(can’t win em all)



    @LWjetta wrote:

    My archival research reveals three pages on this show from July, 2009.

    Here’s a portion of what you wrote stoger.

    Yes, as SM posted in another stream, Lu “lost her cool” a bit at the end–though I must emphasize that her mood throughout was smiling, sound was good, intros to several songs relatively extended (though not much different from what she has said before). We gave her little energy. No, I wasn’t the lone standee, but I was clapping from row one, to little avail. I think the “shouldn’t be doing this” ultimately referred to the setlist and the fact that she wished she had gone more acoustic this night–rather than to some general statement about not performing or whatnot. Again, I will emphasize that I deliberately waited her out by the bus because I wanted to kind of apologize for the crowd or house, individually and/or collectively. Devon Sproule opened the show, and we were told the two were visiting inside, so kudos to Ms. Sproule for helping get Lu back in a good mood. The dozen or so people waiting bus side were eventually apologized to by Lu. Of course the majority probably shared the sentiments of the lone woman (no twin phenomenon in this town) next to me who said, near the end of the ACDC song, “what did she expect us to do?” A valid question that, in some sense at least.

    I opted out of Buick 6’s set in the name of the sunset outside over the Tyne River. Sorry guys.

    Just seems like the wrong venue choice.(can’t win em all)


    Ah, it’s coming back to me now–thanks for reflecting my words back to me, lwj. We still don’t have a comprehensive set list for this one, do we? Please, just ONE tour debut among the shouted and played requests, please. . .


    @tonyg wrote:

    Somebody request Wrap My Head Around That please. 😮

    I’ve been away and missed all the fun on the latter part of this tour, however, tonyg, you and I are on the same page and I’ve mentioned it before as well. I would love to hear this played live!

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