Bilbao [Spain] @ Kafe Antzokia 6.15.13

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Bilbao [Spain] @ Kafe Antzokia 6.15.13

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    Gig # 22 of 32 for comments tomorrow.

    Pics.[attachment=1:2sdv9ysn]Bilbao ext..jpg[/attachment:2sdv9ysn][attachment=0:2sdv9ysn]Bilbao interior.jpg[/attachment:2sdv9ysn]



    Hi, there

    This will be my 3rd Lucinda Williams concert after London (2007) and Bilbao (2009) I’m really thrilled. I’ve been listenting to “Blessed” for the last months continuously. I could not change it when I was driving and it was my only cd. It has calmed me down when I needed it. Really. I have just passed by a biliary vesicle / gallbladder operation and my nearly 90 years-old mother is in bed all day … I firmly believe that we all need to be “Blessed”. Yes, I do.

    I’ll be wearing my San Antonio’s hat again tonight because I know Lucinda can see it from the stage and hope she’ll like it.

    I believe all the tickets are practically sold out. The main local newspaper published a two page article yesterday in their weekend activities magazine.
    I’ll also have the chance to speak a few words about the concert on the radio this morning just before 1 PM. Everything will help to be a success tonight.



    @Towanda wrote:

    Hi, there

    This will be my 3rd Lucinda Williams concert after London (2007) and Bilbao (2009) I’m really thrilled. I’ve been listenting to “Blessed” for the last months continuously. I could not change it when I was driving and it was my only cd. It has calmed me down when I needed it. Really. I have just passed by a biliary vesicle / gallbladder operation and my nearly 90 years-old mother is in bed all day … I firmly believe that we all need to be “Blessed”. Yes, I do.

    I’ll be wearing my San Antonio’s hat again tonight because I know Lucinda can see it from the stage and hope she’ll like it.

    I believe all the tickets are practically sold out. The main local newspaper published a two page article yesterday in their weekend activities magazine.
    I’ll also have the chance to speak a few words about the concert on the radio this morning just before 1 PM. Everything will help to be a success tonight.


    I remember you from 2009, Towanda, also your hat. You graciously got me on “guest list” for Museo Bilbao next day. See you up front in a few hours!


    Great! See you there 😀


    1 Can’t Let Go
    2 Car Wheels
    3 Crescent City
    4 Something About What Happens… (storm warnings stir the air with “It sounds boomy up here”)
    5 Greenville (Lu shouts out, “Nick, will you turn the sound down on my guitar?”)
    6 When I Look at the World (tentative smiles)
    7 West (Before which Lu says things like “I feel disconnected up here” and “I’m not the soundman I’m the artist” and “This is ruining my show”)
    8 Drunken Angel
    9 Seeing Black (halfway through, Lu takes off the instrument, saying “I can’t play on this because I suck”–during the second version of the song, with twoperson instrumentation, DAvid flails wildly at soundman to turn him down, also a local staffer bounds on to the stage to consult with tour manager ERic, presumably about the fate of the show at large)
    10 Sweet Side (guitarless Lu)
    11 Those Three Days
    12 REal Live Bleeding. . . (Lu is smiling and speaking of extra songs to make up for earlier lapses, notes that the songs through here are all about bad boys, with her memoir to come no longer protecting names, etc. .. .)
    13 Something Wicked…
    14 Hard Time Killing…
    15 Come On
    16 Changed the Locks
    17 Essence (slower version, working wonderfully in this format)
    18 Joy (Lu happily opines about the colloquial Southern “y’all” before this song)
    19 Honeybee

    20 Trying to gEt to Heaven
    21 Blessed
    22 Get Right with God (LU attempts a pro-Basque separatism speech prior, after having learned the Basque words for thank you and after telling us she now feels “connected.” The speech compares somehow the Basques with American INdependence Day and is going nowhere quickly with the crowd until Lu switches things to a generic spiel about identity and freedom, then has the sense to go ahead and start the song. Meanwhile, her sentiments have bade “bigsubi” on my right flank to yell out “Catalonia Rules”–to even less effect among this crowd.)

    Shout-outs to towanda and to the two “Boston girls”–most of all to my amigos Mercedes and Victor, the pride of Galicia and Catalonia respectively!

    Ask me more questions here.


    Good report Stoger, as always. A small mention about the great “good bye” that fans who waited at the venue’s door give her after a long sign session.
    They were clapping hard till she disappear down the street into the car…our last view was her sweetie smile… 😀


    @Blessed wrote:

    Good report Stoger, as always. A small mention about the great “good bye” that fans who waited at the venue’s door give her after a long sign session.
    They were clapping hard till she disappear down the street into the car…our last view was her sweetie smile… 😀

    Indeed it was a fond farewell, us hugging the pavement across the street chatting away with Tom to the point that Eric had to scream his name to get him to be the last passenger into the getaway car; even Lu was settled in before he was. Much mirth then disappeared into the night, for their 20-hour drive to Londontown.


    Thank You so much Stoger. Your songs list is great.
    Last Saturday’s concert is my favourite out of the three I’ve been to.
    Lucinda’s voice was better than ever. Her sound, her words, her music are still in my head. It’s like putting music to your own life. So, thank you Lucinda Williams for that.

    Eventhough I could not go to the rest of the concerts in Spain, I believe Bilbao’s was the best one. At least, I feel it was incredible. Lucinda gave it all during more than 2 hours. As soon as Lucinda felt connected, after the disturbing noise she was listening to was gone, our “blessed” singer even danced and our hearts were full of “Joy”.

    I came to the concert with two friends who did not know any of Lucinda’s music and they were thrilled afterwards. My Argentinian friend thanked me for letting her know Lucinda and wants to start buying her music. My second friend enjoyed the show and was with me in the first rows without moving at the end.

    The only thing I could say to Lucinda after signing my Blessed” cd and my ticket was, ‘Please try to come back sooner. 4 years have been sooo long’.


    A very comprehensive review and pics as translated by Google.

    So much for the translation-Gender Error- Lu is referred in the masculine.
    Also included is the original set list as compared to the actual.



    Another great review from Bilbao !

    btw, a pleasure to have some words with Towanda after the show together with Stoger and Tom O. Blessed was also there but suffering about Lu and her never ending session of photos and signatures !


    I’m into a serious catch up mode.

    In regards to the review, I’m lovin’ the embedded video. I have never seen a black and white video posted. Riveting. Not to mention Lu. Another tear stained performance PLUS Doug. Amazing.

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