Brussels[Belgium] @ Ancienne Belgique (AB) 6.7.13

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Brussels[Belgium] @ Ancienne Belgique (AB) 6.7.13

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  • #31358

    Setting up for comments: Gig # 17 of 32

    Pretty sure this is where our road warrior stoger chimes in for first hand reports.

    The main hall at AB is 2,000, Let’s hope for a full house.
    An interior pic.[attachment=0:zh4juhcn]AB Brussells.jpg[/attachment:zh4juhcn]

    Lucinda’s last appearance here was in November, 2006.
    Take a look at this photo stream-quite the outfit she was wearing back then.
    Click on 1st screen to view content.



    Flex tonight, lwj– 700 seats, 400 or so standing spots. Or is it the reverse. . .?

    Some fella named Matt Blake opening. . .


    Have fun!


    @stoger wrote:

    Flex tonight, lwj– 700 seats, 400 or so standing spots. Or is it the reverse. . .?

    Some fella named Matt Blake opening. . .

    Welcome to Europe. We look forward to your wise words! 😀


    Best wishes, Ambassador Stoger! :mrgreen:


    @stoger wrote:

    Flex tonight, lwj– 700 seats, 400 or so standing spots. Or is it the reverse. . .?

    Some fella named Matt Blake opening. . .

    From the AB Flex website=Flex standing and seating.
    430 seats + 700 standing places
    [attachment=0:3sdgi157]semi-seater AB Flex.jpg[/attachment:3sdgi157]

    stoger, I’m assuming you are a standee.
    Enjoy the show.



    Mr. Stoger is taking his sweet time filing his report. Did he go to sleep first? 8)


    While we’re waiting for Stoger first hand report, let us enjoy this….


    Sleep? Sleep?

    1 Cant Let Go
    2 Car Wheels
    3 Pineola (intro embellished for Continental audiences with “the Southern state of Arkansas” . . .)
    4 Crescent City
    5 When I Look at the World (punctuated by a drunken patron being escorted out by security midsong: Lu finishes but says after she is sorry for the guy. The song itself is said to be a half full/half empty sort of tune)
    6 Blue
    7 Born to be Loved
    8 Concrete & Barbed Wire
    9 Drunken Angel (before which Lu returns to the ejected patron, even dedicating this song to him with “Everybody knows at least one drunken angel.” She compliments security for “not causing a commotion” during all this, which went down center front of stage)
    10 Something Wicked (with kudos to her “smart” hubbie)
    11 Little Rock Star (with talk of rock gods who “hit the panic button” too early in life)
    12 Come ON (a young Aussie band with a male frontman has cut this one)
    13 Those 3 Days (“cathartic” for Lu, helping her keep out of juvenile detention centers and mental hospitals to pen such songs thru her life, she says)
    14 Hard Time Killing
    15 Essence
    16 Honeybee
    17 Joy (with much talk of the West Memphis 3 and folks like E Vedder, P Smithm and 19 Blessed
    20 Get Right with God (talk of high ticket prices and Rolling Stones selling for “600 and up”)

    Tonight’s parenthetical comments are dedicated to Lafayette (though I can’t find the bracket character on this damn Continental keyboard).

    More after a brief nap.

    That was refreshing.

    Matt Blake did a fine 6 or 7 song opener, with Doug on pedal for 2 of them. Lu later thanked him and said “we like to keep it in the family (he is merch manager). My favorite lyric was “a hobo George Washington/with a stratocaster” (about Keith Richards). Favorite song overall was “You Ain’t Poor No More,” a seeming amalgam of Dylan and Guthrie.

    i forgot one more line Lu said about the ejected guy: “he probably stood in line for hours.” Little did she know that there was another stoned patron walkoff, 5 minutes before the big one, though no security was involved. A buddy walked his intoxicated friend off right in front of me stage right, pushing on my upper body for good measure. The net result of these two incidents: more real estate up front. No sense getting all sentimental about it.

    A sign said “hard curfew 10:00” but Lu walked off circa 10:21, with no unplugged instruments or apparent overtime union scale pay supplements.

    I will try to be prompter after tonight.


    Mr. Stoger rules! 🙂


    See a few addenda now to Brussels report.


    “A+” for effort Mr. Stoger! 8)


    Great reporting as usual.


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