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  • #31259
    New Jersey Nick

    Hey everyone. I’m late to the game but better late than never.
    As my username says, I’m Nick from New Jersey. I have about five five Lucinda albums and each one is better than the other. Growing up in New York (then moved to Jersey, Sopranos country) there was absolutely no exposure to this genre. So when someone recommended Car Wheels to me I felt like I had discovered a treasure. That CD was stuck on repeat in my car for months before I listened to anything else.

    I need to see her live. I know she plays the Beacon in Manhattan and the Wellmont in Montclair. I believe she played in Brooklyn last summer. So the next time she is in my area I must see her.

    I look forward to chatting with you all here.


    Welcome aboard Nick!

    dr winston oboogie

    Welcome Nick, always good to see new faces around, and yes I agree, better late than never and I fully understand how you describe your introduction to Lucinda.

    I can only advise that you get to a show ASAP, and enjoy your time here.


    Welcome to the forum, Nick! I hope Lu makes it to your area soon – there’s nothing like one of her live shows.

    New Jersey Nick

    Thanks for the welcome. I’m considering hopping on a plane to Minnesota to see a show. If it wasn’t for stupid responsibilities, i.e. job, kids, dog.
    But the next time she’s in the area, I will go.

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