Bowery Ballroom Day One

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Bowery Ballroom Day One

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    OK. I emerge upstairs in the bowels of Penn Station after exiting my train–not exactly a small place, right? Immediately I spot a man in a Lu t-shirt, design and dates not fully recognizable. He moves closer, I intercept him with something like “did you even know LW was playing NY tonight?” Don’t talk to strangers, I know, but what a pay-off, one Peter with his wife in tow, Aussies, shirt from the 2012 tour Down Under. And no, they didn’t know. Just vacationing. The next name out of his mouth was “Anne McCue” (he once drove her to an airport), followed by “Eilen Jewell” (he saw her open the Sydney show in April). Apparently the bloke is an ex-cop/music lover. Oxymoronize your way out of that one, good people. So they will be there if not tonight (it’s not sold out, sad to say), then later in the week. Aussie aussie aussie. Who calls that a good omen for tonight’s kick-off?


    Stoger you are our roving ambassador of good will. Rove on. 😀


    stoger, you might advise your new Australian friends that Kasey Chambers, another renowned Aussie, will be performing in New York City this Saturday night at the City Winery, 155 Varick Street, between Houston (how-ston, NOT you-ston) and Spring, in the West Soho area. Tickets are still available.


    Twitter can be a fascinating avenue to pull information. Tonight’s show at the Bowery Ballroom is one good example.

    Lake Charles kicked off the set.

    Bitter Memories & Something Wicked This Way Comes was somewhere in the set list.

    I’m pretty sure Doug played slide.

    Rachel Ray was at the show. She sent a tweet to both Amy & Lu’s official twitter accounts, as evidenced by this copy & paste:
    rachael ray ‏@rachael_ray
    “So excited to see @amycookmusic & @happywoman9 right here & now @boweryballroom. Kill it, women!”

    Looking forward to stoger (pronounced with a soft g) report as he takes the torch from tonyg.

    West Words

    The show tonight was magnificent! Sound was great, everyone was in great form firing on all cylinders, and having fun.

    1. Lake Charles (solo)

    2. Side of the Road (duo with Doug)

    3. Bitter Memory (duo with Doug) – ‘That’s the biggest applause we’ve gotten so far for that song.’

    4. Can’t Let Go – full band

    5. Drunken Angel – ‘Blaze Foley was a big, funny guy, but sad inside.”

    6. Fruits of My Labor – Doug took this to the stratosphere

    7. World Without Tears – ‘We’ve been on the road four weeks, and already have seen two instances of insane violence. The Sikhs were practicing their peaceful religion, a celebration of God and love. Suffice it to say, we need to get a handle on gun control. “What were you going to do with that AK-47?” It’s not for hunting deer! This is dedicated to the victims.’

    8. Copenhagen

    9. Are You Down – ‘This is one I really like to do, because it features the band.’

    10. Buttercup

    11. Something Wicked This Way Comes – ‘This is a hellfire / brimstone Southern Gothic kind of thing. I was crediting Ray Bradbury, but it’s really Shakespeare’s Macbeth, so he borrowed it. That’s how it works; nobody owns anything really. Both my grandfathers were Methodist preachers, so I don’t know what people are thinking between ‘Something Wicked’ and ‘Get Right With God’… When I was a teenager, I was an avid reader and read everything by Flannery O’Connor that I could get my hands on. ‘

    12. Essence

    13. Come On

    14. Ain’t My Cross To Bear – ‘This band, even when it’s loose, it’s still good – like Crazy Horse. They were always my ideal band.’

    15. Righteously – ‘Here’s a funny anecdote about this song. I walked into a bar – seriously – a neighborhood bar in Burbank. They had karaoke, and I saw this song, and then I knew I’d made it! I told the girl not to tell anyone it was me, but she blew my cover. That was weird singing my own karaoke song.’

    16. Changed The Locks

    17. Honey Bee (with David)

    18. Joy (with David) – Lu did the Wayne’s World ‘I’m Not Worthy’ to both David and Doug

    ‘It’s custom, a little formality we have to walk off stage and everybody claps, and we come back on.’

    19. Ain’t Got No Home – ‘This Woody Guthrie song and the one after it we worked on for the Fillmore San Francisco shows last year, in support of the Occupy Wall Street movement.’

    Then there was a false start – “Wrong damned key…”

    Then after the song – ‘Ramblin’ Jack Elliott came on the bus after the Vancouver show. He’s 81 years old, sharp as a tack, and good lookin’. He showed me a picture of his girlfriend who’s 60, said he feels like he’s robbing the cradle.’

    20. Factory – with Doug on pedal steel

    21. Blessed

    22. Get Right With God (with Amy and David)

    FUN SHOW!!!! Thank you so much for a great night!


    Good stuff, WW. Thanks for reporting. Looking forward to seeing Ms Williams & Mr Prine in Albany next week – 8)


    Awesome report, West Words! It’s a Horsemen torch hand off (I forgot you were making the NY trip). It will be Lefty’s turn next week. 🙂


    You make my job easy, west words. Peter and Denise from Australia were standing right up front, and yes I will pass the Kasey Chambers news along, Paul. They’ve probably seen her in arenas only.

    No Rachel Ray sighting for me, but Jessie Malin and retinue were being escorted backstage by manager Overby at last glance, circa 12:30 a.m. Rhon, west words, and I were too tired to stay around further. My first visit to the BB, and I plan on not staying away this long for my second. Good company up front.

    Amy Cook’s new record Summer Skin is now available at merch table. For the title track, song three of her opener last night, she was joined by one Butch Norton.


    Great reports from West Words and Stoger! 😀


    Egads — there’ve been no mentions of merchandising table personalities! Let’s hear who’s gracing the tables!


    Matt, the drum tech, was personing the merchandise table at each show that I attended Lefty.


    @Lefty wrote:

    Egads — there’ve been no mentions of merchandising table personalities! Let’s hear who’s gracing the tables!

    Yes, Lefty is right about Matt–who serves as kind of drum tech/emergency or assistant tour manager, and merch guru. Nice merch personality (as far as those of his gender go).


    My dad is a big fan of Lucinda and introduced me to her music. I got him tickets to last night’s show as a birthday gift and we had a GREAT time! I don’t usually join these message boards but I just had to thank Lucinda again. I asked her on her Facebook page late yesterday, just before the show, if she could wish my dad a happy birthday and that his favorite song is “Changed the Locks.” I thought for sure no one would see the post before the show but figured I’d give it a shot. Sure, enough, half way through the show, I hear someone on the radio say something about a birthday and jumped up. Then she wished him a happy birthday! He didn’t believe it was for him until she started playing the song. I already said thanks on the Facebook page but really wanted to reiterate that here- such a nice thing to do and it really did make his night.


    Nice, dh. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. 🙂


    Yikes. Major score, dhen.

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