Brownfield 8/1

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    As of right now I have an extra ticket to tonight’s show at the barn. Let me know if you are interested. 😳


    Great show. The setlist:

    2 Kool to B 4-gotten
    Lake Charles
    Bus To Baton Rouge
    Over Time
    I Look At the World
    Jailhouse Tears
    Well Well Well
    Band Intros
    Car Wheels On a Gravel Road
    Are You Down?
    Something Wicked This Way Comes
    Not My Cross To Bear
    Changed The Locks
    Honey Bee

    Passionate Kisses
    Get Right With God


    Excellent show last night in the Western hills of Maine. Lu seemed to make changes to the setlist from the 2nd song on. Excellent performance by Lucinda and her great band. I read where Tony said soimething like, “they’re firing on all cylinders” a few nights back; I couldn’t agree more. Really enjoying the new songs I’ve heard over the last three shows. It was an awesome experience to be sitting 3 or 4 feet right in front of Lu in the front table; won’t forget the experience for a long time! Thanks to Lu, Tom O, Frank Riley, etc. for all the shows in this part of the country! I’m sure Tony will be on for the details.


    It was a late start. Lu and the band marched onto the stage at 8:38 pm, grim faced, heads down. Lu said “Sorry everybody. Technical problems. On the bus.”

    The pedal steel was used twice, on Lake Charles and on I look at The World. Tremendous. Lu seemed to be keeping the fellers guessing as to what was going to be played; at one point Doug had the wrong guitar on. Looking at the stage set list later, there were only a couple changes. During the band intros, Lu said a benefit of playing with the fellers for so long was that “even when it’s loose it’s good, like Crazy Horse and Neil Young.” A benefit of my sitting in the band’s lap all night was hearing what they were saying every once in a while. Lu turned around and told Butch the next song was Not My Cross To Bear. Without missing a beat (irony intended Stoger), Butch said to Lu, “Do you want me to sing it?” Off the stage at 10:35 pm, making up for the late start.

    After another explore America moment, I arrived at my seaside shanty at 12:30 am, for the second night in a row. I will rest up on the beach for tonight’s Portland show, my tour finale.


    Excellent reports! Super setlist – I love 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten.

    Hey Hey.


    Ah come on, Tony, I had you pegged through Northampton at least. Flight change? Tim on board for Saturday’s show?

    Well, there was one song Butch came forward and sang on three or four tours ago, though I can’t remember which now. Someone must remember.

    Alas, I have seen that “grim faced” walk-on, though usually it is not explained explicitly. Here’s to the the Big Orange bus and its technical recovery.

    Enjoying New England vicariously. . .


    At this point neither Tim nor I will be at the Northampton show. We may have a lack of reportage.

    Who knows what U.S. President was once Mayor of Northampton, MA? The winner gets my extra ticket for tonight’s show in Portland. HINT: Think of the theater for the show.


    @stoger wrote:

    Ah come on, Tony, I had you pegged through Northampton at least. Flight change? Tim on board for Saturday’s show?

    Well, there was one song Butch came forward and sang on three or four tours ago, though I can’t remember which now. Someone must remember.

    Alas, I have seen that “grim faced” walk-on, though usually it is not explained explicitly. Here’s to the the Big Orange bus and its technical recovery.

    Enjoying New England vicariously. . .

    Courtesy of West Words Napa, CA show on 8/25/2010Side note – pay attention to Butch every once in a while. He is hilarious – singing along, holding a drum stick in his teeth, sticking his tongue out, etc., but we the audience are so focused on everything else, we don’t even notice.



    @tonyg wrote:

    At this point neither Tim nor I will be at the Northampton show. We may have a lack of reportage.

    Who knows what U.S. President was once Mayor of Northampton, MA? The winner gets my extra ticket for tonight’s show in Portland. HINT: Think of the theater for the show.

    Silent Cal Coolidge? If correct, I will take a rain check on a future free ticket.


    @LWjetta wrote:

    @stoger wrote:

    Ah come on, Tony, I had you pegged through Northampton at least. Flight change? Tim on board for Saturday’s show?

    Well, there was one song Butch came forward and sang on three or four tours ago, though I can’t remember which now. Someone must remember.

    Alas, I have seen that “grim faced” walk-on, though usually it is not explained explicitly. Here’s to the the Big Orange bus and its technical recovery.

    Enjoying New England vicariously. . .

    Courtesy of West Words Napa, CA show on 8/25/2010Side note – pay attention to Butch every once in a while. He is hilarious – singing along, holding a drum stick in his teeth, sticking his tongue out, etc., but we the audience are so focused on everything else, we don’t even notice.


    WEll, I couldn’t click on the link, but I remember now that the song is “Something About…”, right?


    every LW show should start with 2 kool or IJWTSYSB, honestly. both set the mood formidably.


    A nice blog from Brownfield on Lu’s concert.
    Food looks yummy.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    A nice blog from Brownfield on Lu’s concert.
    Food looks yummy.


    And, as a bonus, a picture of me standing about halfway down the right side wall, underneath the wall lamp, with Tim’s back to the camera.


    @tonyg wrote:

    And, as a bonus, a picture of me standing about halfway down the right side wall

    “Bonus” or “onus”? πŸ˜‰

    (J/K, tonyg…) πŸ˜†



    @tntracy wrote:

    @tonyg wrote:

    And, as a bonus, a picture of me standing about halfway down the right side wall

    “Bonus” or “onus”? πŸ˜‰

    (J/K, tonyg…) πŸ˜†


    Some would say onus, I’ll bet. πŸ˜†

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