Fiery Blue Band

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  • #31146

    Just happened across this band and I like their sound.
    A very unusual arrangement for recording in this digital age.
    Read on.

    Fiery Blue isn’t your average, ordinary band by any means because they have a very unorthodox process of working together. The group is made up of three members: songwriter/guitarist Paul Marsteller, producer/multi-instrumentalist Gabe Rhodes and singer Simone Stevens. Here’s the real kicker though; they all live in different cities and Simone has met Gabe a few times & Paul once in person but Gabe & Paul have never met face to face! The new album ‘Our Secret’ was made possible thanks to all of the technology and the Digital Age that we live in. So now that the Secret’s out on Fiery Blue prepare to be amazed!
    I couldn’t believe my ears when I hit play and it sounded like a live band jamming together in a studio but that wasn’t the case! Either my hearing is playing tricks with me, Fiery Blue has pulled a fast one or this trio is just that damn good! I don’t think you could have picked a better group of people to make this project work because the album was put together flawlessly. With Gabe Rhodes being a Grammy winning producer & talented musician, Paul Marsteller being an excellent songwriter & guitarist and Simone Stevens’ impeccable singing—you can’t lose!
    End Quote”
    A link to their web site-working on a 3rd album. ( I don’t even see if they tour together ).
    Most unusual!

    AND a great “break-up” song to enjoy entitled “Wheels Up”


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