The Wandering

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    My lovely wife Sarah & I, along with none other than the Friendly Forum’s very own intrepid road warrior, stoger, attended an incredible show in Decatur, GA last night at Eddie’s Attic. Luther Dickinson’s (of the Black Crowes & North Mississippi Allstars fame) new “project band”, The Wandering, performed. Luther is indeed fortunate to be collaborating & touring with four incredibly lovely & talented ladies: Shannon McNally, Amy LaVere, Valerie June & Sharde Thomas. We were all blown away by the show – it was like watching a dream Americana / Roots “super group” perform – so much talent was packed onto Eddie’s Attic’s stage!

    They performed virtually every track from their debut album, Go On Now, You Can’t Stay Here: Mississippi Folk Music, Vol. 3, as well as an Amy LaVere song (I believe from her latest album – stoger can fill in the blank here later), and at least one Shannon McNally song (“Bohemian Wedding Song” from Coldwater). Luther Dickinson opened the show with some acoustic guitar solo songs from his album, Hambone’s Meditations. It was a fantastic musical evening; in fact, it was one of the very best performances I have been privileged to witness.

    Then, to cap off the wonderful evening, we had an opportunity to chat with all of them after the show at the merch table, where I scored a copy of Amy LaVere’s Stranger Me (which she graciously signed) & a self-published “bedroom tapes” blues CD by Valerie June (also signed – her voice just blew me away – it was the first time I have ever heard her perform). AND, I also got my copy of Go On Now, You Can’t Stay Here signed by all the band members (see below)!

    If you get a chance to see this incredible band of artists perform, DO IT! You will NOT be disappointed! 😉



    Great report! 😀


    Thanks, tonyg.

    Oh yeah, and I meant to mention but forgot that Shardé Thomas used to be the leader of the Rising Star Fife and Drum Band and is the granddaughter of Rising Star founder, the legendary Otha Turner…



    Great show and fine company, yes indeed tntracy. I believe Sharde Thomas’ band very much still exists, for last night in Charlotte was her final show of this tour; the van was to drop her off at an airport prior to her flying to Switzerland to join her band there. The Wandering has three more dates I think, including the Del McCoury festival.

    Last night’s venue was Charlotte’s The Visulite, site of a memorable Bottle Rockets/Lucinda show once, rescheduled from the original date because of Lu’s mother’s impending death. The house was significantly larger capacity than Eddie’s Attic of Decatur–and significantly quieter, deader. But the sound system was superb and the band members seemed happy up there. Shannon McNally mentioned that she had opened here twice in past.

    The Amy LaVere song in question is “The Great Divide,” from her new record. The Wandering also did a fine cover of “Died of Love,” a traditional song on Amy’s EP of the same title. She commented that no prior drummer had played as well on it as Sharde Thomas.


    Great reports!

    I saw Shannon McNally open for Mr. Mellencamp in 2002.

    Nice write up on Shannon from that time period.

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