Tickets for this July 22 show (listed on High Road) are now on sale. If you order online, “seat numbers will be assigned after purchase and appear on your receipt.” If you dial 720-506-4130, a human being will assign and confirm your seat number on the front end. Front row? Wide open.
Will be in the front row in Arvada. Coming all the way from Florida for my first Lu show. So excited!
Why not make a weekend triple and add Boulder and Ft. Collins (providing the fires subside) to your itinerary, Aracari Girl–as long as you are traipsing cross country? Your fellow Floridian “West Words” and I look forward to seeing you on the front row.
I thought about a triple play but flight gets in too late Saturday. Trying to talk hubby into Columbia since we have friends and relatives there but it looks like we are going left into the mountains for some cool relief.
Hopefully there will be a southeast tour in the future…..