Byron Bay Bluesfest 04/05/2012

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Byron Bay Bluesfest 04/05/2012

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    I can’t find any reviews or You Tubes, but here’s a nice pic of Lu and Stuart I believe.[attachment=0:1r0n7a5a]tn_Lu at Byron Bay.jpg[/attachment:1r0n7a5a]


    A bloggers review.
    OOPS!!!! Nothing like a “Little Honey” to the rescue for Lu at the Crossroads tent.

    Here’s the article.



    Thanks for this find, lwj. Meanwhile, perhaps TO will post a complete festival setlist and even another blog entry under the “Lucinda in General” stream soon. Can’t get enough vicariously, stateside-bound. . .


    As promised, a review of the Blues Fest gigs. First up, the Bluesfest is not the greatest venue at night – lots of alcohol has been drunk and the annoying people are out and about. The tents are dark and cold, the cool night air can really affect a perfomers voice.
    Lucinda was on very late at night, the headline act on two nights. There is no opportunity to do a sound check, and it seems to me that performers wait around for a loooong time to do their show. Lucinda was on at the same time as Cold Chisel -an iconic Aussie band the first night and John Fogerty the second.

    The first night, Lucinda seemed a little reticent at first, but warmed up and gave a rocking good show. I had to leave before the end due to transport set up.
    The second night was even later, and I was feeling the four days of standing on my feet and staying up late – hey, I’m old. Lucinda was frustrated by the earpiece not working, and no one seemed to be able fix it. There was a different energy the second time, it was hard to define (I am not a professional at this), maybe it was due to John Fogerty, and I suspect Lucinda would rather have been there watching him than performing herself.
    Steve Earle came and played two songs with Lucinda, and that really kicked things around. Her voice was the way it sounds on records – a life lived and loves lost, bourbon drunk and loves found. No, she didn’t sing my favourite song, but thats what records are for.
    Two guys nearly got into a punch up over a song list, but a good friend who works on the Bluesfest got one for me, hoowee! It’s unsigned, but I know where it’s from. Lucinda was willing to sign it, but the tour manager was being protective of his charge. Fair enough, it is his job.

    I have read some of the reviews which I think are a little unfair, when they comment on her using a songbook. Lucinda WIlliams has a huge body of work, I don’t expect any musician to have perfect recall – most Australians don’t even know the second verse of our national anthem! Her interaction with the crowd is not about what we want, she is a performer, not our friend. You want warm and fuzzy, call your mother. Don’t call mine, she never managed that. 😆
    All in all, I am glad I made the effort, and I enjoyed every show.
    Thanks for making the trip down here, I hope it was worth it to you Lucinda and Crew.


    Great report, lola. Thanks for posting. 🙂


    Awesome report Lola. Glad you enjoyed it.


    some pictures of performers – not just Lucinda – at the BBBF

    Lucinda is there, but the http is too long and doesn’t work.


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