Chickstock w Lucinda 4/28

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Chickstock w Lucinda 4/28

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    I’m on site at Chickstock. Hot and dusty. Lots of desert rats. I walked into Haralds and the tv at the bar was tuned to Fox News. Uh-oh. Not in California any more. Stoger has joined me at my hotel as I check in. Grumpymama is also staying here. We are going to spend some time in the shade and then go back Harolds or Haralds Corrall and soak up more sun. The stage and audience are in full sun. Ouch. Lu is supposed to come on around 8:30.

    P.S. it’s Harold’s.


    It is 12:30 and I am fatigued. Great show. The set list:

    Can’t Let Go
    Crescent City
    Drunken Angel
    Concrete and Barbed Wire
    Too Kool 2 B 4 Gotten
    Over Time
    Born To Be Loved
    Still I Long For Your Kiss
    I Lost It
    Out of Touch
    Real Live Bleeding Fingers
    Come On
    Changed The Locks
    It’s Not My Cross To Bear
    Honey Bee
    For What it’s Worth
    Get Right With God


    Thanks for the setlist, Tony. Be safe going back home.


    I’m hoping tonyg will write more, and grumpy mama as well. Thanks to both for good company. The show got into gear when Lucinda, after bemoaning the ballads following “Over Time” yet proceeding to play two more relatively slow ones, exploded with “no more F ballads” after “Still I Long,” then said “y’all don’t know you can come up front and dance?” A few souls moved forward to timidly sit on the bales of hay between the plush row one seats and the stage proper, prompting tour manager Eric Frankenhouser to tap them on the shoulder and motion for them to rise and holler. This, the same man who had practically tackled a photographer early set who was grazing the same area. But when mama wants it and commands it, things happen. A deluge toward the front ensued. She ended happily. I wouldn’t call Harold’s the most sophisticated of crowds; among the shouted requests I heard to my left and right (and eventually to my front) throughout the evening were “Things Have Changed,” “Righteous,” and “Saint Charles.” Rock on, Lucinda, rock on.


    I am home after a grueling 7 hour drive home. It was a fun night. Not the crowd I was expecting. No bikers. Just regular red state cowboys and cowgirls having fun on a sunny and hot day. Stoger, Grumpymama, and I repaired to the covered porch with a view of the stage until Lucinda came out. Harold’s Corral is a big roadhouse with multiple dining rooms and bars. We sat in the shade and entertained various dignitaries and ate and drank. When the show started we took our ultra groovy first row stuffed chairs and had a great view of the action until Lu invited everyone north of Phoenix to stand in front of us, jumping up and down, arms swaying, waving their cell phones, and shrieking. I beat a hasty retreat to the back of the crowd and watched the rest of the show with Tom from his vantage point, which was excellent in fact. I’m sure the crowd was rather tame and Lucinda had the right solution to that.

    I was very impressed by Stuart’s guitar playing and so was the crowd who cheered him after several songs. Doug was great as always, as were Butch and David. Doug and Stuart shared the guitar duties seamlessly. All in all a great show and a night of great fun.

    It was excellent seeing and chatting with Stoger, Grumpymama, Tom and the entire band, and a couple of Tom’s friends from back home.


    among the shouted requests I heard to my left and right (and eventually to my front) throughout the evening were “Things Have Changed,” “Righteous,” and “Saint Charles.”

    “y’all don’t know you can come up front and dance?” A few souls moved forward to timidly sit on the bales of hay between the plush row one seats and the stage proper, prompting tour manager Eric Frankenhouser to tap them on the shoulder and motion for them to rise and holler. This, the same man who had practically tackled a photographer early set who was grazing the same area.

    stoger, you’re a funny man.

    I walked into Haralds at the tv at the bar was tuned to Fox News. Uh-oh. Not in California any more.

    tony, don’t be jealous. you’re funny too.


    Thx Punch. Here is a photo I took from the show.


    Excellent reporting tonyg and stoger.
    Just a couple of thoughts on the event in the desert.
    Did Buick 6 open the show ?
    Great set list but only one song from “Blessed”

    I took a peek at Harold’s Corral website and it seems there is a fan club and a great following of the Pittsburgh Steelers there. Did you find out how this might have started ?



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Excellent reporting tonyg and stoger.
    Just a couple of thoughts on the event in the desert.
    Did Buick 6 open the show ?
    Great set list but only one song from “Blessed”

    I took a peek at Harold’s Corral website and it seems there is a fan club and a great following of the Pittsburgh Steelers there. Did you find out how this might have started ?


    Tony duly noted the Steelers decorative motif upon our afternoon entry, cautioning me not to say anything against the Black and Gold while on the premises. Perhaps an owner who had enough of smelt and iron ore and moved to the Desert to found his own establishment? Where that leaves the Cardinals I’m not sure.

    It was a daylong fest with nine or ten acts, including Jessi Colter, so no Buick 6–though I’m not sure Stuart Mathis would be up to speed on such a task. Might have been cool to see Doug dominate “Cinnamon Girl” and put some poetry to the instrumentals, though.

    yeah, I thought we might get the title track from Blessed, but not with the up-front raucousness by time of encore. We barely got “Born to Be Loved,” as Lu was all for eradicating the so-called ballads at that juncture. Whatever else she’s about, promoting the latest release is not a Lu signature, I’m glad to say.


    I missed this thread. I’m slipping in my Lu forum reading ways.

    Thanks for the reports! One day I need to make it out West.


    As per my comment today under Shows Fall-North East ?
    Here is the link to videos from Chickstock apparently for sale. ( Maybe OK since Chicks with Sticks is a non-profit organization)
    You can view the 7 or 8 videos on pages 5 and 6 .!i=2317776149&k=dt2j352


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