Ambidextrous Lucinda’s "Can’t Let Go"

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    Just when you think you have seen all of Lu’s You Tubes something new pops up.

    People that are naturally ambidextrous are rare, with only one out of one hundred people being naturally ambidextrous.[1] The degree of versatility with each hand is generally the qualitative factor in determining a person’s ambidexterity.

    Ever seen Lu play left-hand electric guitar or for that matter John J., Richard (Hombre), Kenny V. accompanied by drummer Fran B and guitarless Jim L.
    Now for us old farts who remember the bubbles on the Lawrence Welk Show, we know Lucinda’s appearance was not on his show as it ended in 1971.

    Anybody care to guess the venue in this video ?

    Gotta love Lu’s smile at the end.

    Enjoy the song folks.



    saturday night live, february 99. i tried to post this video like 4 times before giving up. glad to see it finally there.

    i uploaded 2 kool last year, from the same SNL episode.


    Any explanation for the left handed thing? Is the video reversed somehow? 😕


    @tonyg wrote:

    Any explanation for the left handed thing? Is the video reversed somehow? 😕

    Somehow the video was “flipped, bubbles added along with a flame to disguise the video for copy write reasons as punchdrunklove was unable to upload his (I presume a right-handed version).
    Anyway the guitar Lu was playing belonged to John Jackson-He played it in Lu’s Live from ACL DVD on the Lake Charles song.
    Here’s a pic of John’s one of a kind resno electric[attachment=0:z4vxx13f]John Jackson Resno Electric-Lu played on SNL.jpg[/attachment:z4vxx13f]

    You can buy this collectible for $3,250.00

    Now, let’s watch a snip of Lucinda playing right handed “Can’t Let Go” from SNL



    Thx for the great info.

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