"Lucinda Williams’ Nine Most Emotionally Damaged Songs"

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    As a preview to Lu’s performance at Billy Bob’s Texas this weekend, the Dallas Observer published its take on “Lucinda Williams’ Nine Most Emotionally Damaged Songs”

    Personally, I think “Pineola” and “Minneapolis” belong in the list more than some of the others, but we all know what they say about opinions… 😉 😆


    P.S. Glad to see “Those Three Days” on the list – I definitely agree with that choice!


    “Essence” should have made the list as well, IMHO 😉


    I just hope no one gets to her with hand delivery of this press clipping or its title: Geez. Still, I guess it’s better than a banner headline touting her Nine Most Upbeat, “Happy” Songs. . . .


    @stoger wrote:

    I just hope no one gets to her with hand delivery of this press clipping or its title: Geez. Still, I guess it’s better than a banner headline touting her Nine Most Upbeat, “Happy” Songs. . . .

    Perhaps “Emotionally Charged Songs” would have been better choice?


    I was thinking the same thing, “Emotionally Charged Songs” would have been better in the title. Still a great list. I think I would have taken off “Are you Alright?” (too sweet), and added “Wrap My Head Around That” and “Are You Down.” Anyway, some of us “junkie” fans love the “Emotionally Damaged Songs”…so Lu probably won’t mind the title! Thanks for sharing the link!


    obviously kelly dearmore is having a hard time with gentlemen lately because the top 7 songs she chose view sadness more in terms of problematic relationships than anything else. (and it’s staggering that the saddest of all P.R. songs is missing, ‘side of the road’.)

    also, jailhouse tears?! it’s almost a feel-good song.

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