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    Mystified by the title of this thread ?
    Here’s part of a blog in the Fort Worth Weekly.

    My Adventures on Spotify
    Sunday, August 21st, 2011 by Kristian Lin

    Last month, the European online music service Spotify became legally available to American users. I’d heard about the much-heralded site before, but only yesterday did I sign up for it. Basically, the service is like iTunes, except that everything’s free and it’s even easier to use. Yeah, all the buzz you’ve heard about it is true. I spent the day feeling like a kid who’s just been given his own candy store with miles and miles of bursting shelves.

    Take a look at his full blog on his first day using Spotify. He picked a top 10 and our Lucinda is there at # 1 with Essence accompanied by a rather nice video to the song.Scroll down to the end.

    1. “Essence” (Lucinda Williams)
    I was looking for the track that my friends and acquaintances would be most shocked to find in my playlist. I think this is the winner. Lucinda Williams is famous for her repetitive musical structures, but this time it fits the addict’s monomania, and as for the song’s generally unwholesome atmosphere, I can’t get enough.

    You can link into Spotify’s web site from the first line of the blogger’s text to find out more.

    Anybody on this Forum tried it yet ?



    “Free” music? Interesting – I wonder how they got the big music labels to go for that. Maybe the selection is limited to lesser known artists who want the exposure (Lu’s “Essence” being the exception, of course)? I would be interested to hear from someone who joins up what the selection is like. And can you download, or just listen?



    Spotify not available in Canada eh!

    Talk about a complex workaround for the music.
    I need a US IP address, etc.
    Not sure if I can manouvre all this on the above link for 20 hours per month of “free” music”.
    Heck, this Forum gives me substantially more than 20 hours of great tunes to explore in 1/2 a month.



    Hello! This music program has really alot of music, many big names with the exceptions of some artists like beatles and dylan.
    See, the company started here in sweden and i’ve used it since the start, and it’s a great service. If you get bored of the free version, At 7 bucks a month you get free music 24/7 and can make playlists and stuff. Be sure to check it out! At 13 or so dollars you get it free in your mobile phone aswell as in your computer.

    It really has a lot of music, it has all lucindas stuff except the Rough trade album and im using it right now listening to Howlin Wolf.

    TNTRACY – It has most of the music i listen to. Maybe 10-15% they dont have. That’s quite good, i think, and i do listen to alot of different genres and artists.

    The music is streamed, like in youtube, hence you need a connection, but it does not steal much bandwidth. If you get spotify premium (13 bux) you can download music for offline play, that means the files are in your computer but you only can use them with spotify and not burn them or play them in itunes.

    This is a really big hit in Sweden and Everybody, i mean everybody uses it. They just landed some kind of deal with facebook, too…


    Thank you for the info, Marc_Bolan. Unfortunately, any interest I once had in Spotify is now gone. They have made the decision that, at least here in the U.S., any new Spotify users must “marry” their Spotify account to their Facebook account such that any music one listens to on Spotify is automatically broadcast on Facebook. No thanks… 🙄

    Plus, I want to “own” music, not “rent” or “borrow” it. I do not want to be tied to Spotify; i.e., I do not want to be limited to using their service to listen to my music. Call me a rugged individualist… 😆



    I don’t see the value in my sharing with everyone on FB what I just listened to, and I could really give an expletive what my FB friends have just listened to. What am I supposed to do with that? “Joe Blow just listened to Frampton Comes Alive”. Enough with the sharing already. STFU.

    The Red Sox lost so I am cranky. Share that. 👿


    @tonyg wrote:

    I don’t see the value in my sharing with everyone on FB what I just listened to, and I could really give an expletive what my FB friends have just listened to. What am I supposed to do with that? “Joe Blow just listened to Frampton Comes Alive”. Enough with the sharing already. STFU.

    The Red Sox lost so I am cranky. Share that. 👿

    I couldn’t agree more…

    And the Braves lost as well (after the Braves, the Red Sox are my 2nd favorite team, and my favorite AL team). So, I am cranky, too… 😉



    Saw the Braves lose too. Sorry. I’m gonna be like this for a while. 👿


    @tonyg wrote:

    Saw the Braves lose too. Sorry. I’m gonna be like this for a while. 👿

    Yeah – nothing like waking up to sports headlines about the “historic” Braves’ & Red Sox’s “September collapses”… 😥



    Yeah, first a guy at an Open Mic in Jackson mentions the glories of spotify to me–then casually adds the necessity of the Facebook connection (“But you don’t have to add any Friends”–as if that would convince me). Then the Braves blow it. Rough evening. Mr. Moderator, I stand with you on these issues and lamentations.


    I agree, it is a very stupid move for there are tons of people who do not wish to be on facebook but who could really get a lot of use out of spotify, i’m thinking about people who dont have the power, money or will to get a new collection of cds, mp3s, w/e after they maybe sold their record collection in the 90’s, it is very easy for people to just search instead of buying alot of records, for recreatinal listening.

    Anyway, such streaming services are surely here to stay, and there are some other ones around too. If you’d like to try an “illegal” (i dont think you are doing anything illegal listening, though) streaming service, go to and have a listen, it’s completely free but the quality is not supervised and it may differ alot, so it is not the same or as good as spotify.

    Well, i mostly listen to vinyl records but these services sure can be useful, especially in checking out new artists.

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