What Lucinda "era" is your favorite?

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general What Lucinda "era" is your favorite?

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    I started out with car wheels and listened to it a thousand times before i got to listen to anything else, so i’m kind of… well not bored, but i’d rather listen to the other stuff.

    As i see it, she’s had 3 different eras,
    Folk/blues era – Ramblin & happy woman blues.
    The Smooth era with hits and country-rock sound – LW, SOW & CWOAGR gurf morlix being a key figure.
    Post Car Wheels era, with more raw stuff, many sad songs and sometimes more straight roots rock

    All different, all awesome.

    What i think is sadly overlooked are the two first albums! I really love the adaptions of old blues numbers done by Lucindas great voice and style, and her second albums with songs like King of hearts, Lafayette, early version of I lost it. How i would love another album with Blues and folk songs!

    I cannot compare them in quality, but the way i prefer to listen now is:

    1. Folk/Blues
    2. Post car wheels
    3. Smooth.

    How bout you?


    @Marc_Bolan wrote:

    I cannot compare them in quality, but the way i prefer to listen now is:

    1. Folk/Blues
    2. Post car wheels
    3. Smooth.

    How bout you?

    I’d definitely go with # 1 Marc.The Blues
    A little background here.
    Lucinda’s 2nd night benefit concert in Chicago May 22/11 was called “Ballads and Blues” and Tom Overby had it professionally recorded (audio only). Perhaps someday we’ll get to hear it.

    Here is a quote from Tom Overby from an earlier discussion:

    by TOverby on Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:39 pm
    She will almost definitely do a blues album someday, it is something she has been wanting to do for a long time–but it will not be this next record.

    And since you mentioned “Happy Woman Blues” as a favorite of yours. ( Album was actually recorded in Houston, TX), let’s look at a very happy woman on stage with Joe Ely from the Houston International Festival earlier this year.
    Song is (I believe) a Townes Van Zandt cover “White Freightliner Blues”

    By the way a belated welcome to Lu’s friendly forum Marc.
    Did you happen to catch any of her Swedish tour Oct./Nov 2007 ? Stockholm, Malmo and Gothenberg.



    Great link! Sweet sounding music, I should check out Joe Ely.

    Thanks! But that was before my time, i’m only 23 and i’ve been listening for maybe 2 years, so i can’t ask for too much. Maybe i’ll go see my sister who lives in toronto if lucinda’s going there sometime…

    Great to hear that she would like to do a blues album… her voice has matured and would fit those old songs even better now 😛


    oh, marc. can’t we ever agree on anything?


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    oh, marc. can’t we ever agree on anything?

    I’ve no idea, lets hear your opinion! 😆


    totally forgot to get back here and give you a straight anwer, but:

    1. smooth
    2. post-CW
    3. folk/blues

    although i fail to see an “era” in each of those. i’ll get back here in a few days/weeks to give you a proper answer.


    Hehe, i’m not very good at english, i guess period fits better. ^^ Anyways, i can clearly see the difference in these periods!

    Los Doyers

    I really like Blessed, so I’ll go with the present.

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