Edmonton, AB Show at the Winspear July 6

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Edmonton, AB Show at the Winspear July 6

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  • #30784

    Great review from the Edmonton Journal.
    A confident, dynamic Lucinda Williams wows Winspear
    Buick 6 opened.

    “A good way to save on petroleum costs, Williams’s backup band Buick 6 opened, starting with Santo and Johnny’s dreamy steel-guitar Sleep Walk. Without their matron, they played what we might call in 100 years classical country instrumentals – a bow pulled across David Sutton’s stand-up bass, Blake Mills’ guitar teetering on the breakthrough edge of ’50s rock and roll. Makeout jazz and blues with gritted teeth, full of quiet tension. The basics of the American sound. They ended with a nocturnal Passionate Kisses, sans vocals”

    Full review follows below.




    So the current incarnation of Lu’s band is calling themselves Buick 6? ❓



    Sorry I didn’t clarify, tntracy and others: an entity calling itself “Buick 6” did in fact open the Boise show, with plans I guess to continue. Third lead guitarist to come under that heading (Val never worked up the instrumentals, don’t think): Rock on, boys.

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