Seattle Zoo Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Seattle Zoo Setlist

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    1 Can’t Let Go
    2 2 Kool 2 B 4 Gotten
    3 Right in Time
    4 Car Wheels on a Gravel Road
    5 Pineola
    6 Drunken Angel
    7 Lake Charles [solo]
    8 Passionate Kisses [solo, brief false start]
    9 Blue
    10 Born to Be Loved
    11 I Lost It [Lu acknowledges the children clapping and dancing; “it pulls at my heartstrings”]
    12 Buttercup
    13 Those Three Days [“These next few songs are more adult-oriented. You can explain to them later what it means”]
    14 Real Live Bleeding Fingers and Broken Guitar Strings
    15 Essence
    16 Righteously [dedicated to the animals in the zoo: Lu references some sort of “controversy” about the effect of music upon these beasts, ultimately concluding that they probably “dig” the live sounds]
    17 Changed the Locks [Lu thanks the parents in the house for bringing their kids out here rather than to the Tacoma Britney Spears show]
    18 Honeybee
    19 B
    20 J
    21 G . . .


    zoo, kids, really? that’s a great concept. good luck to the parents explaining essence’s “shoot your love into my veins” verse to their kids. well, it’s kind of a pg-13 verse if you DON’T think deeply about it.

    good heavens, 6 of the first 7 songs are from car wheels. first time i get sad to catch the sight of pineola, interrupting the CW train of genius. i also happen to love seattle after that, despite the zzz rom-com with meg ryan that made the city known worldwide.


    Excellent show.

    Took my grand daughter. (both of is for$23 a Bargain!)

    Went to several gulf coast shows in May with my wife and daughter, who met (well,hid behind me as I met,..again) Lu and Tom in Houston.

    My grand daughter LOVED the show. She’s been to several Lu shows in the past, but now at seven, she
    really is starting to sound like any other fan after the show.. “I really liked Born to be Loved” she says on the way home..

    All day it was dark, on and off hard rain and showers, and when Lu took the stage the sun came out brightly for the first time all day.

    I noticed that Lu’s voice seemed a little strained/tired since I saw her in early May. She sounded great and others around me opined that as well, just a little strained. I’m glad she has a full day off before the Portland show, and that ones a short set.

    What a year for Lu concerts..
    I’ve been blessed.


    My first time ever seeing this artist that I admitedly don’t know much about. She and her bandmates performed way over the top, greatly exceeding my expectations. Absolutely a great show and Lucinda just got stronger as things progressed winding up with a very lengthy encore. That was much appreciated since, as far as I was concerned, she could have played all night and I would still be there soaking it up!


    Seattle Times glowing Review…

    Lucinda Williams takes Zoo crowd to special place
    Lucinda Williams performed songs from her albums “Car Wheels on a Gravel Road” and “Blessed” at Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo Wednesday, June 29.

    By Charles R. Cross
    Special to The Seattle Times
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    Concert Review |

    There were two singers playing in the Seattle area Wednesday night, both bottle blondes fond of drawling “y’all” to their audiences.

    Lucinda Williams, at the Woodland Park Zoo, even referenced her competition for the concert-going dollar: “I know you had some tough decisions to make,” she joked, referring to pop diva Britney Spears at the Tacoma Dome, “particularly those of you with children.”

    Actually, for anyone who loves the art of songwriting, young or old, there was no choice. Playing before a typical zoo crowd of picnicking families, Williams even warned parents before what she called her “adult-oriented” songs like “Righteously.”

    Six of the first seven were from her acclaimed 1998 album “Car Wheels on a Gravel Road.” And though “Right in Time” is about sexual intimacy, the lyrics are such that no child would understand that.

    Williams seemed more relaxed and at ease than she has at her last few Seattle dates. She surprised a Minneapolis audience two years ago by getting married during the middle of a concert. There was nothing that dramatic at the Zoo, but the title track of her latest album, “Blessed,” was particularly sweet, as was “Get Right With God,” which ended the night.

    The only miscue came when Williams did a solo take on “Passionate Kisses,” her song that Mary Chapin Carpenter turned into a country hit. Williams stopped after only a few moments to say she’d started in the wrong key. She laughed it off, and the performance was better for the break.

    And while Williams played songs from a wide selection of her albums, the material from “Car Wheels” ruled the night. In the years since the release of that album, these songs have remained the core of her live set, and yet she always plays them with meaning.

    Williams’ greatest gift as a songwriter is that with lyrics and voice she can take the listener to a dream world with a palpable sense of time and place. And so it was that the highlight of her show was “Lake Charles,” a song about yearning and loss.

    For a few short minutes, as Williams played the song solo, without her band, the Woodland Park Zoo became a place in Louisiana, and the audience became mourners missing a lost friend. It was a moment of temporary magic — exactly what any songwriter strives for. It’s a feat that Williams pulls off song after song, night after night.

    Charles R. Cross: therocketmagazinelives


    Song # 9 Blue at the Zoo.
    One of my favorites.



    @LWjetta wrote:

    Song # 9 Blue at the Zoo.
    One of my favorites.


    Lovely. Thanks for sharing, lwj!

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