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  • #30757

    I’d never heard of her before I saw an appearance on Letterman a few years back. Now I cant get enough of her. She has written many great songs but “Broken Butterflies” is simply brilliant.Rock on Lucinda. Don’t wear yerself out before I get chance to see ya cause I’m your biggest British fan.


    Kasparian, thank you for starting a new fan thread! I’m a new fan as well, but I’m thinking more like a Lucinda junkie about now. I had never heard of her until a few months ago when a friend of mine told me there was an artist he thought I might like. He knew that I’ve been a huge Neil Young fan for over thirty years and that I appreciate brilliant songwriting and rockin’ out music. He sent me the link to Righteously, end of story, I was hooked.

    Now my Lucinda collection contains more than twenty iTunes downloads, 6 CD’s and 2 live Austin, TX concert DVD’s (and I am patiently waiting for my 7th CD right now). I saw her live in July at the NC Museum of Art and I was blown away. I can’t seem to get enough. Seems she’s all I can listen to these days. Absolutely love the variety of her music. Her songs just change like the wind, from tender and sweet, to gutsy and raw, and tear through my heartstrings like a razor. My favorite thing about her is her fearlessness in songwriting. Powerful, unbridled, untamed truths we can all relate to. Fan…hmmm, I think so!

    dr winston oboogie

    Welcome aboard both of you, and great post Slidell to describe your Lucinda feelings. Here in the UK only Bob Harris and Johnny Walker acknowledge Lucinda and her music, and it was through Bob around 10 years ago now that I first discovered Lucinda and like you Slidell I tend to play Lucinda more that anyone else nowadays, and I have made it my personal crusade since to try and introduce Lucinda to someone new each week, the latest recruit this week has “fallen” in a big way and I am sure will introduce even more people to this great thing we have found.
    kasparian, hopefully we will get a chance to see Lucinda next year, Tom Overby, who keeps us informed on here, has said that they hope to bring the current tour to Europe then, everything crossed that it will happen and certainly you will not be disappointed.


    Thank you for your kind words Dr. O! I have to admit, I am a little nervous about writing on this forum (it’s the only forum I have ever joined in my life). And like in the UK, the only radio station that I now know plays Lu is NPR, a station I have never listened to. How this gem of a musician has escaped me for so many years I just don’t know. I have introduced her music to my friends and they all think she’s amazing. I believe I have only scratched the surface of her musical genius. If you or anyone else knows how to promote her music in any other way, I will gladly jump on that train!


    Welcome to the Lu Forum to both of you, Slidell & kasparian! 🙂



    Welcome, both of our newest posters, to a place we refer to as “the friendly forum.” 🙂


    Welcome and… Don’t Fear the Forum! :mrgreen:


    @Lefty wrote:

    Don’t Fear the Forum! :mrgreen:

    Wasn’t that a Blue Oyster Cult song? 😆



    I wouldn’t fear the forum, but you should always be careful, wherever you are. 😉


    Thank you all! I’ll try not to fear the forum!!!


    I just discovered Lucinda’s music a few months ago and I am amazed at her song writing and vocal talents! Listening to the words of her songs, you know that they are straight from the heart and soul of the person.


    Welcome to the fold, cs8161! 😀



    Welcome cs81611! Keep listening, the music only gets better!


    there’s nothing to fear here. we are unfailingly positive, honest people.

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