Lu @ Ronnie Mack’s Barn Dance over the years.

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general Lu @ Ronnie Mack’s Barn Dance over the years.

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  • #30752

    Here is a quote I found from Lucinda.
    “Ronnie Mack started the whole thing. There would be no Western beat without his heartbeat.”
    The Barn Dance has been continous since 1988 at various locations in LA.

    So let’s recap some of Lu’s appearances.
    First up is a photo of the “Blessed” couple from Ronnie Mack’s just last week-courtesy of her Facebook and tagged photos from Lucinda’s My Space site.Take a peek at some of these over the years.

    Next is a photo from 2005 with Lu supported by Lisa Sanders.

    The last photo is from 1993 followed by a 1991video of Lu singing part of “Crescent City” (her segment starts at the 2 min., 40 sec. mark.( I think I did post this video quite some time ago-Oh well, it’s great )


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