Rochester MN setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Rochester MN setlist

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    A telephone interview with Lu pre concert to enjoy whilst waiting for Tom O to post the set list.
    Now that the server is back up.



    Great crowd -with lots of family and friends from both Austin and Minneapolis -which Lu mentioned before Kiss Like Your Kiss.

    Can’t Let Go
    NIght’s Too Long
    Crescent City
    Are You Alright
    Concrete & Barbed Wire
    Drunken Angel
    Kiss Like Your Kiss
    Lake Charles (Lu solo)
    Ugly Truth (Lu & Blake)
    Born To Be Loved
    I Lost It
    Bleeding Fingers
    Changed The Locks
    Honey Bee

    Get Right With God


    Hey all…long time lurker in the forum, and have greatly appreciated the views and insight from you all. Now I’m finally speaking up to add some flavor to the Rochester gig!

    My wife Andrea and I have been fans of Lucinda’s since hearing Drunken Angel on the radio senior year at college. We live 25 miles north of the Twin Cities and try to hit every show within range of MSP…we had tix for the first show at the Dakota, but given the weather and 2 of our 3 kids being sick, had to bail. So – we were very glad when this show popped up!

    On to the show:

    The venue was very nice – a theater hall as opposed to a club like First Ave. Sound was great…crowd was very engaged albeit a bit quiet. Our seats were Row K – about 2-3 rows from Tom’s folks, who waved with joy when Lucinda called them out!…

    It was also cool for Andrea (from Kasson, a small town 20 miles out of Rochester), as she danced ballet on that stage in high school.

    Onto the show…Andrea’s fav is Crescent City as it reminds her of being young with her siblings…always great to hear “Everybody’s had a few…”

    Lots of Car Wheels…I finally got to hear my favorite song, Jackson, live. She’s played it a time or two the last decade in MSP, but seemingly always the show I’ve missed. I loved it – her voice cracked ever so slightly with the first Jackson, and I immediately teared up. Show could have ended for me right then.

    Lucinda told quite a bit about Drunken Angel – more than I have ever heard or read, and I think she said that she had never really told this before… She said Blaze had befriended an elderly gentlemen, whose son was stealing his welfare checks. One day Blaze was visiting his friend when the son came by. Blaze confronted him, they fought and he was shot. Lucinda then said that Blaze did a “dumb thing” and ran after him, and that he likely would have survived if not for that. I’d always kind of assumed it was a barroom brawl thing – more of a literal translation of the song- this angle really touched us. Needless to say the song rocked – Lu did lose her spot midway thru but they figured it and rocked it out.

    Kiss Like Your Kiss was simply breathtaking. Every element of that song is perfect – very glad to hear it!
    Everything off of Blessed fits the live show so well.

    Get Right With God also really rocked…at the end they went into a double time with Lucinda chanting away and it became something of a rave….

    Loved the band of course…David’s playing really stuck out tonight for me…as a hack guitar player I found myself very jealous of Blaze’s playing and his guitars. Would love to take that beautiful Gretsch off his hands he used just for Can’t Let Go.

    Not much in the way of politial statements – no direct statements and no For What It’s Worth – not too surprising given Rochester (land of Mayo) leans right fiscally. I think she stopped herself once (before Concrete and Barbed Wire?), but at the end couldn’t resist and got in a good ol’ “Don’t Let the Bastards get you down!” Would guess that changes in Madison tonight.

    Last – we both really liked Haley Bonar, the opener. She played solo, and her songs were simple at first blush yet surprised with dynamic as well. We bought her record after her set and are glad we did. Not a fan of comparisons, but her voice reminded me of Neko Case a bit. She can open for Lucinda anytime in my book.


    Thx for the great report Matty!


    It’s always good to go home, especially in warmer weather. 😉

    Welcome, Matty! Thanks for the detailed report!


    Thanks to Tom and Matty for these fine reports. Matty, you got so worked up about the Foley legend that you later had “Blaze” instead of “Blake” playing live guitar last night! Has our 24-year-old gone the duct tape route for real? Anyway, I think you’re right that this is a new story in front of “Drunken Angel”–and perhaps a story more authentic than the “senseless barroom brawl” framings of yore. Not that there’s anything wrong with poetic license and that traditional type of introduction: It’s a great song, isn’t it?

    “Are You Alright” in the mix, sweet.

    Tom, thought you mean friends from Austin, Tx made the long haul there for a minute, but of course you mean your own Austin, MN. Hopefully, some blue-collar unionized Hormel stock kept the rightist Mayo circle segment in check with some raucousness. No VIP tier at Park West (or in Madison), I daresay.


    Matty, Lucinda was spot on the circumstances surrounding Blaze’s death.
    You wrote.

    Lucinda told quite a bit about Drunken Angel – more than I have ever heard or read, and I think she said that she had never really told this before… She said Blaze had befriended an elderly gentlemen, whose son was stealing his welfare checks. One day Blaze was visiting his friend when the son came by. Blaze confronted him, they fought and he was shot. Lucinda then said that Blaze did a “dumb thing” and ran after him, and that he likely would have survived if not for that. I’d always kind of assumed it was a barroom brawl thing – more of a literal translation of the song- this angle really touched us. Needless to say the song rocked – Lu did lose her spot midway thru but they figured it and rocked it out.

    An article on the trial follows from 1989.



    Quite a find LWJetta – appreciate the detective work…sad tale to say the least. Think it’s time to finally check out Blaze’s music!



    @Matty wrote:

    Think it’s time to finally check out Blaze’s music!


    I don’t think you’ll be disappointed! 😉


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