a place/moment in time that brings you a specific LW song

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda in general a place/moment in time that brings you a specific LW song

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    what’s the place/moment, what’s the song, why is that.

    i think we could use more personal threads – like this! – in this forum. i’ve been here for months and i’m more familiar with the life and the ways of the doorman in buenos aires (3 weeks of staggeringly awkward spanish exchanges).


    this is sad.

    seriously, this is maybe the FIRST official fan forum in the world in which a topic like that gets snubbed. people are so much more willing to share stories elsewhere.

    am i asking too much? i wish this forum was open to ‘games’ like a competitions between songs in every LW album (it is fun and it brings a good deal of debate) or that people woud post their imaginary & perfect setlists (up to 30 songs and with 4 encores, because there’s so much amazing stuff & because it would never happen), but obviously any of you are open to that. i can’t figure it out. it’s silly, but a fan forum should embrace silliness, stories and memories, not just reviews from the new album & reports from shows that only a handful of you are able to attend.

    my 2 cents.


    I wouldn’t take it as a “snub”, PDL, if I were in your shoes. Rather, as a testament to the busy nature of most folks’ lives these days, as well as to the fact that our attentions are drawn in so many different directions with all the various forms of media and entertainment available…

    Just my 2Β’… πŸ˜‰



    i think it is a snub. but while i’m saying this i’m not mad at anyone! or angry!! or willing to never post anything here ever again!!! just slightly puzzled.

    and i don’t think this has to do with people being busy, they did not bother. and it’s not because i started this thread, i don’t take it personally, i’m sure that if any of you started something like this it would still amount to zero reply.

    and i did not understand the “our attentions are drawn in so many different directions with all the various forms of media and entertainment available…” argument. this is a thread just like any other on the forum, but the thing is that 98% of the other threads get replies and i think this one deserved 100 of them.


    Fair enough, PDL. All I can say then in addition to what I already have is to explain why I didn’t reply to this thread when you first started it. Personally, I couldn’t think of any “place / moment in time that brings me to a specific Lu song”. Sorry, but nothing came to mind then, and nothing comes to mind now. I’ve never been the creative / “artsy” type, though, and that may explain why. Sorry I couldn’t participate! πŸ˜‰

    As for my “attention drawn” comment, I was just speculating as to why others may have not replied. In reality, maybe they couldn’t think of anything to reply with either… πŸ˜†



    Well Punchdrunk, if you got one, let’s hear it. Maybe it will prompt others to do the same.


    that’s ok, tom. no need to explain yourself!

    i’m NOT mad at anyone. i LIKE it here and i WON’T go away (at least not until i spot mama you sweet on a setlist). i was just a bit sad because this thread came to my mind suddenly and i saw it basically untouched.

    Well Punchdrunk, if you got one, let’s hear it. Maybe it will prompt others to do the same.

    i would eventually post something after at least ONE reply. i’m sure you’ll believe in me because i WRITE here regularly for months. but i kinda expected that this would happen (zero reply), so i avoided being the “one and only silly fan” again (it happened already). it’s a personal story, and if you do it and nobody else does then what’s the point? i’d be a show-off kinda thing, and a thread like this is definitely not a show-off deal, it invites not only stories, but reactions to stories. you kinda get a feeling that you are not welcomed when besides starting something you do your thing to no avail of the forum (this forum would benefit from more personal threads – like this).


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    you kinda get a feeling that you are not welcomed

    Of course, you know that’s not the case, PDL. I, for one, very much enjoy reading your posts here. And, others here have expressed the same to me as well…



    OK, I lied. I just thought of something, but it is the reverse of what you asked for, PDL. It is a Lu song that brings me to a place and a moment in time…

    When I was young (5 years old to 12 or 13), my family had an old home on North Wild Olive Dr. in Daytona Beach, Florida, only a mile or so from the famous Plaza Hotel with the drive-through tunnel under it that led out to the beach (you could, and still can I believe, drive on the beach in Daytona, but I think the old hotel & tunnel are gone now). We used to make the 8 – 9 hour drive to Daytona Beach once in the Spring & once in the Fall (at least) and stay a week or so, enjoying the beach. I used to love it.

    Any way, the driveway at the house was covered “in tiny white sea shells” (I am getting chills down my spine right now thinking about it & the connection to the Lu song you all have guessed by now). Every time I hear “Bus To Baton Rouge” I get choked up with the memories of my long-ago childhood & those care-free times I spent on the beach. (Believe it or not, the house didn’t have air-conditioning, yet we somehow survived, spending all day at the beach, then sleeping at night with all the windows open to the ocean breezes upstairs!)

    OK – your turn, PDL! πŸ˜†



    Maybe one of our members was in jail and thought of Jailhouse Tears?


    actually, now that you mention it, Jailhouse Tears reminds me of my sister who sold her abusive boyfriend’s truck while he was in the slammer in west texas, supposedly for bail money for him, but she’s the one who bailed with the bread, and left him in the tank…
    also, when i hear Big Red Sun Blues, i think of some of those beautiful Texas sunsets i’ve experience.


    @punchdrunklove wrote:

    this is sad.

    seriously, this is maybe the FIRST official fan forum in the world in which a topic like that gets snubbed. people are so much more willing to share stories elsewhere.

    am i asking too much? i wish this forum was open to ‘games’ like a competitions between songs in every LW album (it is fun and it brings a good deal of debate) or that people woud post their imaginary & perfect setlists (up to 30 songs and with 4 encores, because there’s so much amazing stuff & because it would never happen), but obviously any of you are open to that. i can’t figure it out. it’s silly, but a fan forum should embrace silliness, stories and memories, not just reviews from the new album & reports from shows that only a handful of you are able to attend.

    my 2 cents.

    Silliness! I’ve posted all kinds of “silly” threads in this forum and got nary a reply or in a few cases lots of replies. One never knows.
    Back to your theme PDL, two songs come to mind. One very recent and one many years ago.

    From: What If

    If the rains brought down the moon
    And daylight was feared
    And the sun rose too soon
    And then just disappeared

    Last Saturday’s Judgement Day. Thankfully it’s postponed to October 21st. πŸ˜†

    From: Blue

    Loves me when I’m lonely and thinks of me first
    Blue is the color of night
    When the red sun
    Disappears from the sky
    (Also the sun repeat in Big Red Sun Blues)

    A few years ago when my girl friend and I broke up, I decided to get away from it all and took an 800 km road trip on the Dempster Highway in Northern Canada. It runs from Dawson City, Yukon to the Arctic Ocean and is all gravel with only one spot to obtain fuel and lodging at Eagle Plains.
    A true pioneer road. Lonely for sure. I remember driving for at least two hours without seeing another vehicle. did have a Cariboo herd cross the highway though.
    The Yukon is known as The Land of the Midnight Sun and features almost 24 hours of daylight during the summer, so you can have a blue sky just as the red sun briefly sinks into the horizon.
    It was a great road trip and I actually brought along Essence and CWOAGR in the truck I rented.
    Anyone who has the time, take this frontier road past the Arctic Circle.

    OK here is the Daytona Beach Plaza Hotel for tntracy’s memories. complete with the tunnel to the beach and even includes an old Chevv (a la cover shot on Car Wheels)[attachment=0:1l6u8ule]1957_Plaza_Hotel.jpg[/attachment:1l6u8ule]

    Let the silliness continue.


    Ok here’s mine. Back when the Rough Trade record first came out I was working in an indie record store in Mpls and beyond all the promos we used to get at the store I was also buying tons of records (this was before cds) and I thought the RT record looked interesting (a Howling Wolf cover -wow) so I opened up a copy and put it on the store turntable and listened to Side 1 and was very impressed. Flipped it over and played Side 2 and continued to be very into it, but the moment came with the last track -I Asked For Water (He Gave Me Gasoline) and being very picky about blues I was just completely blown away that this young white girl was not only just nailing this very obscure Howlin’ Wolf track, but also that she even had the guts to try it. I went to see her and Gurf at the 7th St Entry room of First Ave a few weeks later-I think her first show in Mpls–and she blew away a lot of people that night. In any event I will never forget that day in the record store.


    oh, lots of memories from those 2 years.

    but i agree that the question could be extended to: what stories of your life were touched by the art of someone you’ve never really known or to what extent you could bring those songs close to you.

    there’s somewhat of a therapeutic effect of roughly 40 or 50 LW songs on me that, desirable or just beneficial, i learned to embrace. acknowledging it is important, but the cool thing is that other people do it too. when someone is familiar with songs like ‘everything has changed’ and see you listening to it 30 times straight they wonder why the hell is that and take you for a beer and a bicycle ride (true story). halfway i was told that was because of that song (β€œwhy are you so sad, why were you listening to that”). turns out i was not exactly sad. EHC is a very soothing song and i frequently listen to the same song 20-30 times straight. but the thing is: the thought process of this particular person was quite unique. he basically remembered about the song, the sadness of it (he likes lucinda and he knows that i’m quite fond of her work) and it was nice that he took seriously – albeit literally – the bond between artist and fan. and it’s not very common to be taken seriously as an enraptured fan. there’s a good deal of mocking.

    and of course a song that you’ve listened to a lot in any given place will shape that place. that happened quite frequently in buenos aires, when i walked morning, afternoon, night and after hours throughout streets, parks, unfamiliar with their ways, their handshakes (men kiss each other on the cheek when greeting, which is something ALIEN in brazil), their language (ok, no, i’m fairly versed in spanish). but i’m not gonna talk about ‘copenhagen’, although i’ve given away the references. the thing is: you can find your ways through a city by being brave and exploring it, but a song always helps. i mentioned buenos aires because i was there when i came up with this thread and i decided to live there from setember/october on (forever), working as as freelancer (which is exactly what i do now, i work for publishing houses in rio and sΓ£o paulo, esp. proofreading, but more than that), and i’m throwing my arms around a city in which i can hardly say i have a friend (yes, i spent 45 days there, but most of that was quality all-alone-time). but i adore buenos aires, an extremely captivating place, crazy delicious in its ways, and i’m sure that if i were to write something here weeks ago i’d say something about the city, besides the story i’m about to tell. and i’ve listened to LW a lot down there.

    the nicest thing is when you can use a song to reconnect with people, and something along those lines was maybe the most thrilling achievement LW has ever done to me. for an awful lot of reasons and incidents i got myself a (severely) broken relationship with a friend of mine. months (months, months) later i sent a very dry, very polite e-mail, as if nothing had happened, going on and on about this LW song, ‘reason to cry’ (he never heard of her before). we were close, but our lives rarely crossed, we don’t have mutual friends and we studied at different universities etc. so i started narrating the song to get to the big finish, the “if our eyes shall meet somewhere down the road/ will you stop and be sweet, or will you just walk on?”. those verses actually bothered me since i’ve listened to the song for the first time and i was a matter of weeks until i sent the e-mail. because that’s ok – as in: it doesn’t hurt much – to be ignored as a matter of stupid pride since we don’t have anything/anybody in common, and basically no-one took notice of the incident and we stopped being conscious of it to a certain point. (that’s why i thought this was really a wreck and could not be solved.) but the idea of being ignored in an almost miraculous instance of casual meeting (i’m taking ‘down the road’ quite literally as ‘on a street’) was too harsh to let slide by. so, the e-mail is just me narrating the song and “if our eyes shall meet somewhere down the road/ will you stop and be sweet, or will you just walk on?” at the end. and i got a “I’ll stop and be sweet” for an answer. i think this is my favorite Life Event associated with lucinda williams.

    sorry for the earlier meltdown (it wasn’t one!). albeit enthusiastic i’m easy-going and relaxed, that shouldn’t have sounded like that.


    jesus, it took me more than an hour to write that. i’m so against personal share-your-story threads from now on. i’ve learned my lesson! πŸ˜€

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