Webster Hall NYC 3/12/11

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Webster Hall NYC 3/12/11

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  • #30589
    West Words

    Another great show tonight, with a very different set list, but equally impressive. Very enthusiastic and engaged crowd. šŸ™‚

    Fashion report: Fashionably tattered jeans, studded black cowboy boots, red plaid shirt with snap closures, black leather jacket.

    Set list:

    1) Well, Well, Well – Butch wore and played the washboard vest

    2) Can’t Let Go – “Written by my friend, Randy Weeks”

    3) People Talkin’

    4) Still I Long For Your Kiss

    5) Right In Time

    6) Buttercup

    7) Metal Firecracker – sound on this song was very big and powerful – in a good way

    8. I Don’t Know How You’re Living – stunning and beautiful – very well-received

    9) World Without Tears

    10) Born To Be Loved – some in audience were singing along with the ‘born to be loved’ lines

    11) Convince Me – Val especially shined playing here. Like last night, this song was a very well-received crowd pleaser. At the end, someone yelled out “Amazing!” and it was.

    12) Atonement – tour debut

    13) Seeing Black

    14) Out Of Touch

    15) Unsuffer Me

    16) Real Live Bleeding Fingers & Broken Guitar Strings

    17) Changed The Locks

    18) Honey Bee – “Love, peace, & revolution”


    19) Blessed – Around this time, I went up to the balcony, and the sound was amazing up there. Plus, it was fun to have a good view of the crowd so into the show. The crowd loved, loved, LOVED Blessed.

    20) I Live My Life – “This is a Fats Domino song” Fun, fun, fun!

    21) Joy

    22) For What It’s Worth – “Sending this out to the workers… what’s left of the middle class out there… A lot of people are rising up all over the world. It’s been a long time coming. We’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore. I still believe in the dream, still believe people have the power, I’m not giving up.”

    Stoger – can you help me out here noting the tour debut songs? thx! šŸ™‚


    Great set list West Words.
    I noticed from Lu’s FB page, someone purchased a “Blessed” Tee shirt at the Friday show.
    Can you shed any light on this and any other items at the merch table ?
    The STORE on this site needs updating.
    In Toronto only the deluxe CD and LP combo were for sale.



    p.s. Did Lucinda forget to pack her Cowboy hat’s on the tour started about a month ago ?


    Not sure which show this person was at but it was dire show. No presence, slurred and let the guitar rule the show. It was so sad to see an artist perform who should not have been on stage and let that come through in her body language and performance. Huge disappointment. Only 1 or two tracks did she let her voice come through.


    “Still I Long for Your Kiss,” “I Live My Life,” and “For What It’s Worth” were also tour debuts, in addition to “Atonement.”

    Night two seemed a bit less uptempo as far as overall songs, but Lu was solid and happy. Good to see her essaying “Metal Firecracker” again with a smile, knocking it dead.

    Day’s highlight: running into bigsubi and his wife mercedes in times square early afternoon, completely at random.

    According to the Village Voice, here is what followed three-time Grammy-winner Lucinda Williams at 10 pm in the Webster Hall venue: Bad Boy Bill+Congorock, “presented by Girls & Boys.” I think the club needs to decide whether it is an outlet for recording artists or for weekend juvenile scenester bumping and grinding. I mean, I’m not sure you can be both–and I think I dealt with a couple of these “girls and boys” by way of incompetent, rude Webster employees. That said, it’s a beautiful historic building with good sightlines and acoustics. Just plan on lining up in the late afternoon and vacating the premises well before any union curfew if you choose to see an actual musical act there.


    been watching Lucinda for many years in NY and Europe and thought this was a weak show.
    Very little energy from Lu, and vocals and guitar mix was not good.
    The first 3/4 of the show just seemed like we were watching a rehearsal and just seemed too mellow.
    Started the show standing at the front and by the end even I had moved to the bar at the back.


    Good noon-time. I hope my USA friends remembered to set their clocks ahead. One less hour for my hotel money.

    I attended this show, and I enjoyed socializing with West Words, stoger, and bigsubi, along with bigsubi’s wife Mercedes. Also, I met Lucinda’s friend Susan, who lives in New York.

    This was another of those difficult shows to enjoy. I arrived about an hour before showtime, but an hour after the doors had opened. I saw West Words and stoger standing at the front row by the stage, with a massive crowd sitting on the floor and standing over all the floor. After a few minutes, I broke my own protocol for manners, and followed a burly person carrying drinks through the crowd, and arrived at the second row behind West Words and stoger. About 8 PM, the show began and Lucinda performed her magic. However, becoming thirsty with stiff legs, I was trapped. No way to get water, no way to move, no access to the unisex facilities, except to leave my choice spot, with no hope of returning.

    I waited about half-an-hour, until Lucinda migrated from mellow to rock, and then exited to the bar, to buy a $5 bottle of water, which probably retails at 49 cents, and wholesales for less. I watched the rest of the show from the rear and side areas, with glimpses of Lucinda. Finally, I sat on some couches in the bar, with no view of the stage.

    I think the music was good. The audience was responsive and polite. I was told this was an excellent show…at least for Lucinda.

    Webster Hall certainly has a successful business model. Pack the house early with older music lovers, hoping to enjoy a favorite performer. Then, expel the older crowd at 10 PM, and welcome mindless bimbos until 4 AM to jiggle to earplug noise. I guess it works…I don’t have to like it.

    Looking forward to a more relaxed evening Monday night, sitting at Red Bank.

    Enjoy your shortened Sunday…


    Once again a great night. Very different set list last night, which meant a bonus for those who were lucky enough to be on both days. The audience responded beautifully. Personally I enjoyed most of the show on Saturday, much more energetic. But appreciate to hear different songs during the second night.
    Very nice to share the evening with our American friends, thanks to Stoger, West words, Paul-from Los Angeles, for his company. šŸ˜‰
    Remember american cheeseburguer rocks too (bigsubi dixit)!


    I felt like I was at 2 seperate shows. The 1st half seemed uninspired, almost like a rehearsal. It was dragging with too many slow songs and low energy. Finally things picked up about half way through and the rest was excellent. I do think she could have used another guitar player on a few songs although Val McCallum and the rest of the band played great. It seemed kind of strange that Lucinda didn’t play on a handful of songs that could have used more guitar. Also I would have rather heard the setlist from Friday’s show. I missed hearing Come On, Pineola and Essence although it was nice to hear Atonement, World Without Tears and Right In Time. This was the 1st time that I have seen her in a few years. I don’t recall the music stand with the lyrics. I guess age and the fact that she plays a lot of different songs. All in all ok. Probably the weakest show I have seen her play.


    I was at Friday’s show and thought it was just great. I would say that the first half of the show was also a little subdued, but very far from uninspired. It was perhaps lacking a little emotional intensity. “Seeing Black” really kicked it into another gear. The latter half of the set featured a lot more rockers and the band sounded awesome.

    I thought Lucinda sounded in excellent voice throughout the show. This was a polished (a dirty word to some) performance with relatively few distractions. As pointed out, she stopped playing Metal Firecracker after a few seconds because she didn’t like the way her acoustic guitar was tuned. But it didn’t seem to phase her at all and she didn’t miss a beat. I thought the band sounded great and I loved the tunes off of Blessed.

    I posted some pictures from the show on allaboutjazz.com




    I always appreciate it when I get these kinds of emails:

    Tonight’s set at Webster Hall was amazing (so was last night’s) and I have to really compliment your soundboard guy. I have been going to shows in NY for…jeez…the first one was in 1973…. and must have been at Webster Hall 15-20 times, and the sound was always muddy and just bad. I wasn’t thrilled when I heard Lucinda was going to be playing at that venue. But, your sound guy – I think he had an English or Irish accent – was fantastic. I was standing near the soundboard both nights, and both nights I heard people coming up to him during breaks or at the end complimenting him over and over (just as I did tonight). Not sure I have ever seen that before. Keep him, he’s amazing.

    All the best.


    No Depression review of last night. Outstanding.
    Here are the first two paragraphs
    Iā€™’ve been to quite a few shows billed as “sold out” at Webster Hall. Well, on Saturday night, which was the second evening of two “sold out” NYC appearances by Lucinda Williams, it easily put the other crowds to shame. Thinking I would have the same amount of leisurely personal space around me for this show, I was sadly mistaken. To call the joint “packed” would be a gross understatement.

    Simply put, when Lucinda Williams and her band took the stage Saturday night in lower Manhattan, the seasoned songwriter led her mates through an almost two-hour set of music that spanned her prolific and poetic discography. It was a rewarding and lasting performance that allowed Ms. Williams to dig deep into her stirring catalog, while her well-oiled band of musicians set the scene for her to shine throughout.

    Last paragraph
    These songs expertly sealed the evening’s performance, by solidifying Ms. Williams’ willingness to not just reach into herself to find inspiration and connect with listeners, but her ability to reach out and interpret experiences around her. The night was an inspiring and genuine performance by a brilliant songwriter who delivered an evening of music that resonated and stirred both sonically and lyrically. Lucinda Williams has given us much to enjoy throughout her career, and judging by Saturday night’s performance- she’s got much, much more to give.




    West Words

    davek – thanks for sharing the pics. šŸ™‚

    lwj – thanks for the no depression review – good one. I will pay attention to the merch table in Asheville and post afterwards. What I remember that was new were two ladies v-neck t-shirts (one black, one blue), with ‘blessed’ written on them numerous times in different fonts. I think there were a couple other new t-shirts (mens style – crew neck). I’ll confirm and report back on Wednesday night. šŸ™‚

    West Words

    Blessed wrote:

    Once again a great night. Very different set list last night, which meant a bonus for those who were lucky enough to be on both days. The audience responded beautifully. Personally I enjoyed most of the show on Saturday, much more energetic. But appreciate to hear different songs during the second night.
    Very nice to share the evening with our American friends, thanks to Stoger, West words, Paul-from Los Angeles, for his company.
    Remember american cheeseburguer rocks too (bigsubi dixit)!

    Indeed, it was a great two nights, and a “joy” to see you both again. We only just figured out who you are, Blessed. You only recently began posting to the forum, and we are glad you have joined us here. Bienvenidos! šŸ™‚


    Here’s a review of the show from The Village Voice blogs, complete w/ an embedded YouTube video of “Convince Me”…



    Another review.



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