Erie Setlist

FORUM Forums Lucinda Williams Lucinda Shows Erie Setlist

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  • #30560

    1 Are You Alright
    2 Side of the Road
    3 Ventura
    4 Greenville
    5 Kiss Like Your Kiss [preceded by “Thanks for coming out tonight and helping me celebrate the release of Blessed”]
    6 I Don’t Know How You’re Livin’
    7 Pineola
    8 Crescent City [with much talk of New orleans, the city “that care forgot”]
    9 Ugly Truth
    10 Make the World Go Away
    11 People Talkin’ [tour debut: oh my god]
    12 Fruits of My labor
    13 Passionate Kisses [with many kudos for Mary Chapin, also her ilk–Loveless and Harris]
    14 I Lost It
    15 Concrete and Barbed Wire
    16 Born to Be Loved
    17 Can’t Let Go
    18 Disgusted
    19 Honeybee
    20 Motherless Children
    21 Jackson [with Dylan Leblanc: the second mike and the silver guitar prove not superfluous]
    22 Joy {with some Steve Cropper and Wisconsin teacher talk beforehand]
    23 Get Right with God
    24 Blessed

    Folks, can commentary wait till the morrow? Sleep time…


    Great set list. Zzzzzzzzzz.


    @stoger wrote:

    Folks, can commentary wait till the morrow? Sleep time…

    Dr. Rock of the Erie-Times wrote his blog while stoger nodded off.

    Dr. Rock
    By Dave Richards Erie TImes-News staff blogger
    News about entertainment in and around Erie Read more about this blog.

    Posted: March 2nd, 2011
    Luminous Lucinda
    “I wanna get swallowed up in an ocean of love,” sang Lucinda Williams during “Ventura,” the third song of her nearly sold-out show at Mercyhurst College’s Mary D’Angelo Performing Arts Center on Tuesday night.
    Boy, did she get her wish.
    An adoring crowd hung on every strum, every drawl, every aching lilt in her rich Southern voice. All Williams needed to enthrall about 800 fans was her acoustic guitar and rich canon of songs that dates back more than 30 years.
    And his full report follows.


    This blogger must have gotten 8+ hours slumber the night before; it’s a good recap, though I believe he got Blind Willie Johnson wrong, Pearlie Brown I think it is. Last night’s show disproves a Lu touring cliche which I myself have been guilty of espousing: That she needs a fired-up dance club crowd standing up close to really let it loose. The groove was there from almost start to finish last night–with as sedate a crowd as I’ve ever seen. Yet people were into it, just quiet about it. Lucinda was absolutely superb, grooved.

    I myself went on quite a quest to land Blessed, as I still prefer to nab an in-person retail copy of such things day of their release. When in Erie. . . I first trudged to a little joint on the corner of 21st and Parade called Sundance Records, on the strength of [again old school] a yellow pages ad. It looked navigable on foot from my motel, but Erie-ites have mixed success at clearing their sidewalks of sludge and ice. Within a block or so, I knew I was on a fool’s mission, though the place existed and the proprietor was nice to me. “My shipment hasn’t arrived yet” was his response to HER name and the new title, as high school kids got off the bus and swarmed his store for its candy shelves and its general neighborhood gathering place ambiance. At least that was an authentic response on the employee’s part. Not so at south Erie’s Best Buy, where I thought to sojourn in the name of purchasing from a former Tom Overby employer. Two Megans succeeded in producing zero copies–though the 9.99 Best Buy “exclusive” tag was clearly on the shelves. When I asked if a computer figure of zero in store meant they had sold all the stock this one day, whether they never got any in, or whether multiple copies might be in back storage, Megan II was clueless. The “management team,” of the other gender, had the same look of slack-jawed inanition as they stood around, so I left in the name of the fye chain (an outfit which got a fiery letter from me to the Tennessee district manager just last year), but Barnes & Noble’s marquee saved the day; I scored the last of 3 “model” copies in store. The clerk confirmed two people had indeed purchased that day, but I never quite fathomed what “model” meant. So all you online shoppers and pre-shippers: well done, you may convert me to your methods. Still, a copy in hand for headphones on way to venue…

    Nice watering hole near campus/venue called The Cornerstone Bar & Grill: thanks security for directions. This place has a way to go in big-time concert prep, though the employees were nice. Clearly missing the opening act and arriving fashionably late baffled everyone, including the patrons of my [third] row. “The artist will not be meeting fans after” said a sign on the merch table, but I set about to circumvent that if I could. Four, count them four, empty seats graced the first row, after all my phone woes in getting a ticket day of opening sales way back when; still, it’s nice that people actually lining up day of this got best seats, though how about those 4 noshows?

    Best to all from the road…


    Well done, stoger. I hope you were wearing sensible shoes…


    I always look forward to your reports, stoger. Carry on, oh faithful road warrior.


    Awesome report Stoger. Are there no Blessed CDs sold at the merch table in question? Was the sign correct?


    Yes –the Blessed cd’s were at the merch table last night


    Thanks for the report Stoger. I have just ordered my copy of Blessed Deluxe from a local record shop. I live in Nevada City CA which is about an hour north of Sacramento. We used to have a boutique record shop in town, but it went under. The other option for us is K-Mart, but I highly doubt it is there! I too would rather buy from a shop, but for some things, it is difficult. I would think that for a lot of people in small towns, that finding certain music is hard to do unless you purchase online. I would like to hear stories of people’s quest to buy local!


    @stoger wrote:

    1 Are You Alright
    2 Side of the Road
    3 Ventura
    4 Greenville
    5 Kiss Like Your Kiss [preceded by “Thanks for coming out tonight and helping me celebrate the release of Blessed”]
    6 I Don’t Know How You’re Livin’
    7 Pineola
    8 Crescent City [with much talk of New orleans, the city “that care forgot”]
    9 Ugly Truth
    10 Make the World Go Away
    11 People Talkin’ [tour debut: oh my god]

    > 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
    12 Fruits of My labor
    13 Passionate Kisses [with many kudos for Mary Chapin, also her ilk–Loveless and Harris]
    14 I Lost It
    15 Concrete and Barbed Wire
    16 Born to Be Loved
    17 Can’t Let Go
    18 Disgusted
    19 Honeybee
    20 Motherless Children
    21 Jackson [with Dylan Leblanc: the second mike and the silver guitar prove not superfluous]
    22 Joy {with some Steve Cropper and Wisconsin teacher talk beforehand]
    23 Get Right with God
    24 Blessed

    Folks, can commentary wait till the morrow? Sleep time…


    Does anyone know what kind of guitar Lucinda was playing last night and on this tour? It sounded great.


    It is a Gibson J-45 -she’s been playing it for years. It actually had a little mishap on a tour bus a couple years ago and has a hole in the back so it’s getting time to retire this one.


    @TOverby wrote:

    It is a Gibson J-45 -she’s been playing it for years. It actually had a little mishap on a tour bus a couple years ago and has a hole in the back so it’s getting time to retire this one.

    Willie’s has a hole in the front… 😆


    11 People Talkin’
    12 Fruits of My labor

    wonderful. i usually play those 2 together. they work together, i think.

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