Blake Mills – Break Mirrors

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  • #30559

    what’s up everybody –
    wanted to get shameless for a sec and introduce to you a record i made last year. while i most enjoy being a guitarist, every now and again i’ll dress up like a songwriter and shoot a lil wink into the mirror. My record is aptly titled “Break Mirrors”.
    the record is eclectic, and definitely more song oriented than guitar based. vinyl 7”s were just dropped today, so to honor all the hard work others have put into getting this thing heard, here’s a fresh, hot link to the beast:
    7″ here:


    Will this be released on CD?


    yes it is available on CD through my website,


    Ok I bought one. Go out and celebrate. The picture on the cover is you at some younger age, I take it?


    I’m looking forward to seeing you play with Lu…I may get my chance in New Orleans. 😀

    I found this on your website…your cover of “Just Wanted To See You So Bad.” 8)

    West Words

    Good stuff, can’t wait to see you perform. 🙂 Who are your musical influences?


    @Lafayette wrote:

    I found this on your website…your cover of “Just Wanted To See You So Bad.” 8)

    yeeeea now i figure it’s just a matter of time before Lu sees that :oops:!!!


    @blake wrote:

    @Lafayette wrote:

    I found this on your website…your cover of “Just Wanted To See You So Bad.” 8)

    yeeeea now i figure it’s just a matter of time before Lu sees that :oops:!!!

    You’re dealing with semi-professional internet stalkers, here, don’t you know?

    I certainly shouldn’t be speaking for Lu, but I think many artists are flattered when they are covered.


    Also available on CASSETTE from Blake’s record label
    Record Collection Music.

    Here’s a pic.



    What, no eight-track option? I bought the real deal in disc from merchman Matt at last night’s HOB show, ten bucks in a straight line to the artist’s pocket. Mellower than I thought, occasional back-up drum and vocal support, but mainly Mills on all nine cuts. Artwork might not package well on cassette. Oh yeah, a few guitar licks are hit in the course of the proceedings. . . .


    Compliments from Blake’s My Space, a FREE EP “Live From Shanghai”

    I just found this and downloaded it (took 2 &1/2 minutes).
    Here is the set list
    1. Cheers (demo)
    2. Hiroshima (live from Berkely Street Studios)
    3. History of My Life (demo)
    4. Oh Yes (demo)
    5. The Woman Knows (demo-recorded on the Jenny Lewis tour bus in Hamburg, Germany Oct./08)

    All songs except for Oh Yes are on Blake’s CD Break Mirrors.
    If you search You tube you can find Blake with Jenny in Berlin and Hamburg tour 2008

    Great songs Blake. Thanks.


    West Words

    Ruh-roh! Word is getting out to the masses –

    And FYI, “Break Mirrors” is really good roadtrip music. 🙂

    Jesse Kornbluth.

    Editor of

    Blake Mills: Off the Radar? Or the First Great Revelation of 2012?

    Posted: 01/ 3/12 09:53 AM ET


    For once, you are hearing about a monster talent before the Kool Kids.

    That’s because Break Mirrors is close to a secret. Blake Mills recorded his debut CD in a friend’s studio in 2009, when he was 22. He released it — in the summer of 2010 — on a tiny label and sold it only at Mollusk, a surf shop in Venice, California. The kid on the cover? That’s a friend, not Blake. In other words: a very well-kept secret. His CD, as I write, is ranked 320,000 on Amazon; the MP3 is around 25,000.

    Blake Mills has played with a few bands and been an opening act for a few others. (Sample message board comment: “That kid burned Charlotte to the ground.”) Just before Christmas, he gave a Blake Mills kind of performance — at Mollusk.

    My friend Robert Smith — a writer and painter of considerable talent who spends his days and the occasional night as a music executive of considerable talent — pinged me afterwards: “His band was Dawes [a highly regarded Los Angeles group], Benmont Tench [legendary keyboardist, originally with Tom Petty], Jackson Browne [no introduction necessary], his talented girlfriend Danielle Haim and others. Two and a half hours for a handful of friends, family and fans.”

    Can you see him? Eventually. At some point. Maybe in a while. Until then: videos.

    In his videos — no surprise: they’re just as low-key — you will not see a rock star in the making. You will see something better: mature, impeccable lyrics, dazzling guitar playing, great range.

    Bottom line: a major talent, an actual artist, a musician without an upper limit.

    But the last thing I want to do here is put Blake Mills on a platform and ask you to worship with me. He’s not the new Bob Dylan. Not the next anybody. And that’s what is so exciting about him — without any hype, with no great charisma, without even much in the way of stage presence, he is the immediate future of intelligent music.

    Intelligence suggests seriousness. We’ll get to that. Less usually said is that intelligence includes humor — and on that score, Blake Mills is a delight. Witty. Fun, in an almost pop way. With a sharp eye for absurdity and a welcome interest in sharing it. Start with the title of the CD — Break Mirrors has no deep meaning, it’s what the order-takers at a take-out Chinese restaurant thought his name was. He can be deadly serious about his parents — “They weren’t in love, but they took care of me” — but in another, “It’ll All Work Out,” he’s droll about one of his mother’s romances: “When you called me from your car/ when you were on your way/ with a friend from San Francisco that you told me was gay/ guess he was a closet straight.”

    Try another, “Hey Lover,” So cheery and upbeat it could be a pop single.

    Or “Wintersong,” Ever so slightly influenced by Bon Iver.

    If there’s a masterpiece — a song that announces the arrival of a talent who’s more than this year’s model — it’s “The History of My Life.” A daring title for a kid. But this is a kid who can make the connection from 24 to…oh…55. The words matter, which is why they’re on the video; read and listen. And don’t miss the choir at 2:30.

    There are so many reasons to be interested in Blake Mills, and being first in your ‘hood may not be the least — it’s shallow but satisfying to be the one who spins some tunes and has friends asking, “Who’s that?” And then there are the greater rewards: the satisfaction of greatness, the way it touches something deep inside you, reminding you that greatness is possible, inspiring you to reach for your own. “Oh God, couldn’t I just change the history of my life somehow?” Start here.

    Bonus Videos
    The Voice Project supports the women of Northern Uganda in their efforts to bring healing and peace through song. The Project asks American musicians to sing music they admire; all revenue goes to the women of North Uganda. In his living room, Blake Mills performed a song by Lucinda Williams — he used to tour with her.

    This was recorded live at Mollusk. Such a happy, bright audience — doesn’t it make you wish you were 24?

    West Words

    Per Blake’s Facebook post –

    On Tuesday Danielle Haim, Taylor Goldsmith, and I are going to be playing the Dylan cover we did for Amnesty International’s ‘Chimes Of Freedom’ record on Conan. Antonio Banderas and Fred Armisen are the guests.


    Looking forward to it, thanks for posting, Sandy! Even more exciting (for me) – I have it programmed in the new DVR I received for Christmas. :mrgreen: You know, one of those gifts that goes twofold – as in, my better half uses it more than me. 😆 There will be no missing the talented Blake and his better half, even if I forget to watch!


    Blake is going to be on Conan on the 17th.

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